14 Feb 2020
To successfully overcome temptation, there needs to be a certain disposition, that succumbing to it is sinning against God. One has to be determined to stand firm like Joseph in Genesis 39:1-23, especially verse 9.
13 Feb 2020
Undoubtedly, knowledge of scripture will prevent us from falling into temptations. This takes discipline and commitment. Christ used it to rebuff the devil and his attempts to entice Him. Satan used real needs as a basis for temptation. He sought to exploit potential weaknesses like hunger, impatience, pride, etc. Possible doubts made the temptations real, e.g. would God really provide or protect Jesus? Satan sought to use these things to create an inappropriate desire. Jesus showed us the importance of knowing and applying Scripture to combat temptation. Matthew 4:1-11.
12 Feb 2020
A few tips on how to overcome temptation are found in Proverbs 13:1-6. Seek godly counsel, avoid speaking hurriedly without giving much thought to what you say, be diligent and busy, avoid falsehood and try and be righteous.
10 Feb 2020
While living on earth, we shall not be immune to temptation and other vices. May the Lord help us never to forget that we have adequate grace to make the right decision in such circumstances. Acts 5:1-11.
07 Feb 2020
Lastly, what was the purpose of Christ’s coming? He came to bring salvation in order to restore man back to God. This was done in preparation for the next chapter in God’s plan for the world, His return. Hence the emphasis on spreading the gospel. Jesus crossed national, racial, economic and even religious barriers to spread the Good News, so that all may come to the knowledge of His saving grace. So what can you do to facilitate this? Or are you already doing something about it, and if you are, how can this be enhanced? The challenge here is to reach out beyond where we are to share the gospel.
06 Feb 2020
The central theme of the book of Mark is Jesus. The book records more of His miracles than His teachings. It therefore seeks to portray His true identity through a demonstration of His power. Are you a witness of this power? Mark 1:40-9:29.
05 Feb 2020
John Mark heralded Jesus as the Messiah, a very prominent figure. But in the key scripture for me in the book of Mark, Jesus confounds us further by declaring himself a servant! He came to serve. May we have the humility to emulate this great servant leader. Mark 10:35-45.
04 Feb 2020
The second half of the book of Mark depicts the revelation of Jesus to the general population and his encounter with the religious leaders. We see Him challenging the religious order by confronting the Pharisees and other teachers of the law. He also drives out the Jews doing business in the temple. Consequently, the religious leaders plot His death and seem to be victorious, only for the Heavenly Father to orchestrate His resurrection, thus overcoming those plans. Mark 14-16.
03 Feb 2020
John Mark wrote the book of Mark to encourage the Christians in Rome while on a missionary journey there with Paul between AD 55 and 65. His main aim was to reveal who Jesus was. The book is a collection of the many things Jesus did to impact the lives of the Jews. The first half of the book seeks to reveal the identity of Jesus and ends with Him asking Peter who the people think He is and who Peter thinks He is. Mark 8:27-30. Who is Jesus to you?