Hope for Life
Living Your Dream
Are you living the dream God placed inside you? You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my …
Kicked to the Curb? Good!
Holy ground — without brokenness, there would be no healing or hope or grace. So, thank you, Abba, for reserving a place for us, just …
Sharing in the Joy!
O God, please, will you let me see a little harvest… Please! Jesus is not in Israel — not Judah or Judea or even Galilee …
Prayer and Mission
So if they didn’t and couldn’t, how dare we?If you want to discover your congregation’s God-given purpose, there can be no starting point other than …
Let’s Go Somewhere Else
Why would Jesus leave someone behind? When they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else …” …
Flying High with Freedom!
We have been set free, so let’s not give up our freedom? Freedom has always been purchased at a high cost. For years, I listened …
Your Life in God’s Mission
Can you visualize your workplace as your mission?For the sake of argument, let me assume that you have a career path. It may have been …
What is CORE: Finishing
I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus’ disciples. Sometimes, I make things more …
It’s All About People!
Through the years and all the changes, one thing remains true about the heart of God.First Words: The life of Jesus revolved around people. He …