Bobbo's Spiritual Challenge

26 Jul 2024

Verse 11 of Isaiah 3 is a warning to the wicked. Verses 12-26 also mention the unjust, cruel and proud. May we depend on the …

25 Jul 2024

There is uproar all around. The times look uncertain. Worry engulfs our hearts and we are concerned about our future. The news around us does …

24 Jul 2024

There are many lessons to learn from the past. But let us not get stuck there. May we depend on God’s grace to move forward …

23 Jul 2024

When our hopes are not fulfilled, it is easy to be discouraged. On the other hand, when they are fulfilled, the impact on our lives …

22 Jul 2024

When we cannot see any solution or a way out of a crisis, let us not forget that Joseph was thrown into a cistern, sold …

18 Jul 2024

Now back to the heroes of faith. Hebrews 11:20-35a lists some extraordinary things they experienced and accomplished. They knew who they were in God and …

18 Jul 2024

So how do we disentangle ourselves from the world? How do we refuse domination by things? By understanding who we are. By having a kingdom …

17 Jul 2024

So you finally get what you have longed for! Would you give it up? Would you pass Abraham’s test? 🤔 I’m asking myself the same …

16 Jul 2024

Even as we pursue earthly goals, let us not forget eternal goals. The heroes of faith knew the importance of such goals and lived in …

15 Jul 2024

What are you looking for in this life? Have you achieved it? The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 died before they got what they …

12 Jul 2024

Because we do not see God physically, there might be a tendency to want to sort out our issues ourselves. The thing any believer needs …

11 Jul 2024

Let us trust God to sort us out. Many times we want to sort ourselves out, but we end up messing up. Yet, if we …

10 Jul 2024

So, Naaman had this life altering experience and decided to be a follower of Jehovah. May God’s work in us make us renew our commitment …

09 Jul 2024

May we believe the word of God, as simple as it may sound. I know we may tend to easily believe a complex message and …

08 Jul 2024

In the midst of all that is going on, may we find encouragement. May we do so by remembering what the Lord has done. Take …

05 Jul 2024

The understanding of whom we believe in and who we are in Him is key. May this revelation keep unfolding in our lives and may …

04 Jul 2024

May the weight of the name we carry as Christians become clearer to us and may this guide our actions, thoughts and attitudes more than …

03 Jul 2024

An understanding of whom we believe in makes a big difference. This understanding gives access to knowledge, favour, power, etc. It is therefore critical for …

02 Jul 2024

Acts 2:38-39 makes it very clear what one should do. Thay repentance is critical and shows a willingness to submit to God’s will. It is …

01 Jul 2024

What pleases the Lord? A people who are conscious of who they are and what His expectations of them are. That becomes easier when we …