Passion for Praise


Note from JesusDear Beloved, In today’s reading, you will find Paul arriving in Ephesus. Ephesus was a remarkable and important city in Paul’s world. But …


Note from JesusDear Follower, I challenged My apostles before My ascension to make faith in Me a worldwide movement of grace and discipleship offered to …

Dealing with Idlers

Note from JesusDear Disciple, Some messages of truth are hard to hear. Nevertheless, a family has to have expectations of family members if it is …

Stand Firm

Note from JesusDear Believer, Paul was confident that he taught the truth I wanted the Thessalonians to know. He claimed the authority of an apostle, …

Prayer Power Unleashed

Note from JesusDear Precious Child of the Father, Today I want you to read the prayers of Paul for the new Christians in Thessalonica. Frequently …

My Coming Again

Note from JesusDear Fellow Heir of Glory, As God’s child and as My younger sibling in the Father’s family of grace, you are an heir …


Note from JesusDear Beloved, Your world is filled with many influences that vie for the control of your heart and the practice of your faith …

Living Your Dream

Are you living the dream God placed inside you? You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my …

Kicked to the Curb? Good!

Holy ground — without brokenness, there would be no healing or hope or grace. So, thank you, Abba, for reserving a place for us, just …

Sharing in the Joy!

O God, please, will you let me see a little harvest… Please! Jesus is not in Israel — not Judah or Judea or even Galilee …

We Are Family!

Note from JesusDear Brothers and Sisters, While there are many things you can learn from Paul’s message to the Thessalonians, today I want you to …

Assurance in Weakness

Note from JesusDear Friend, By his own admission, Paul came to Corinth with very little personal confidence. He wrote:I came to you in weakness — …

Great Sermon, But…

Note from JesusDear Friend, The text in the Verses to Live section comes from two different places. I want you to read them together to …

In the Center of My Will

Note from JesusDear Follower of the Way, The growth of My Kingdom will not necessarily be an easy undertaking. Spreading the good news of the …

Guidance for Seeking Hearts

Note from JesusDear Follower, I promised My followers that the Holy Spirit would guide them in their witness to the nations (Acts 1:8). Today, I …

Imprisoned to Redeem

Note from JesusDear Beloved, Grace can have a strong touch of redemptive irony! As you read in the verses below about Paul and Silas being …

Humbly Yield Control

Note from JesusDear Disciple, Yesterday I talked to you about letting the Spirit lead the dance of your life. Today, I want you to notice …

The Importance of Affirmation!

Note from JesusDear Child of the Father, While Paul was in Corinth, he waited anxiously to hear how the new believers in Thessalonica were doing …

Prayer and Mission

So if they didn’t and couldn’t, how dare we?If you want to discover your congregation’s God-given purpose, there can be no starting point other than …

Let’s Go Somewhere Else

Why would Jesus leave someone behind? When they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else …” …

Flying High with Freedom!

We have been set free, so let’s not give up our freedom? Freedom has always been purchased at a high cost. For years, I listened …

Your Life in God’s Mission

Can you visualize your workplace as your mission?For the sake of argument, let me assume that you have a career path. It may have been …

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus’ disciples. Sometimes, I make things more …

It’s All About People!

Through the years and all the changes, one thing remains true about the heart of God.First Words: The life of Jesus revolved around people. He …


Note from JesusDear Disciple, A new era began after My resurrection. On the day of Pentecost, I poured out the Holy Spirit first on My …