Tested True

Note from Jesus

Dear Beloved,

Temptation. You face it. It is hard. The devil makes sure that the temptation is presented at just the right time, appealing to just the right vulnerabilities of the moment, and packaged in a way that is appealing.

Temptation. I faced it, too. Notice that I was tempted to use My power to be self-serving — to ease My hunger. I was tempted to take a shortcut around the plan of God — to bow down to the evil one, and all the kingdoms of the world would be mine without the price of the cross. I was tempted to be spectacular — I could show the world in a grand display that I was the Messiah because the Father protected Me.

You will be tempted. Temptation can come from your own desires (James 1:13-15). Temptation can be specially planned and orchestrated by the devil and his evil scheming (Ephesians 6:11). And yes, as I was tempted, the devil will tempt you to be self-serving, to take shortcuts around the requirements of God, and to be spectacular so you can call attention to yourself.

Your first line of defense against temptations is knowing the Father’s will revealed in Scripture. Just as I answered each of the devil’s temptations with principles from Scripture, you need to know Scripture to know how We want you to live and act so you can recall Our will for you when you face temptations. However, knowing Scripture is not sufficient to fend off your temptations. You need to know the Father and His deep and abiding love for you. When I faced these temptations, I not only knew the Scriptures, but I also knew the Father and His great love for Me.

In your trials and temptations, remember this: I faced temptations and trials, too. I know what they are like. I can help you through them. I love you. I will walk with you through temptation to strengthen, encourage, and support you. And if you fall, I will help you back up and put you back on the path of God.

Verses to Live

There is a truth I want you to hear about My temptations. This truth can bless you in your own struggles and temptations if you accept it.

For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God. So let us step boldly to the throne of grace, where we can find mercy and grace to help when we need it most.

(Hebrews 4:15-16)

Here is the way Luke tells the story of My first major confrontations with the devil after my baptism. Notice that the Spirit led Me during this whole process and I emerged from this time of temptation ready to begin My ministry!

When Jesus returned from the Jordan River, He was full of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit led Him away from the cities and towns and out into the desert.

For 40 days, the Spirit led Him from place to place in the desert, and while there, the devil tempted Jesus. Jesus was fasting, eating nothing during this time, and at the end, He was terribly hungry. At that point, the devil came to Him.


Since You’re the Son of God, You don’t need to be hungry. Just tell this stone to transform itself into bread.


It is written in the Hebrew Scriptures, “People need more than bread to live.”

Then the devil gave Jesus a vision. It was as if He traveled around the world in an instant and saw all the kingdoms of the world at once.


All these kingdoms, all their glory, I’ll give to You. They’re mine to give because this whole world has been handed over to me. If You just worship me, then everything You see will all be Yours. All Yours!


Get out of My face, Satan! The Hebrew Scriptures say, “Worship and serve the Eternal One your God — only Him — and nobody else.”

Then the devil led Jesus to Jerusalem, and he transported Jesus to stand upon the pinnacle of the temple.


Since You’re the Son of God, just jump. Just throw Yourself into the air. You keep quoting the Hebrew Scriptures. They themselves say, He will put His heavenly messengers in charge of You, to keep You safe in every way. And, they will hold You up in their hands so that You do not smash Your foot against a stone.


Yes, but the Hebrew Scriptures also say, “You will not presume on God; you will not test the Lord, the one True God.”

The devil had no more temptations to offer that day, so he left Jesus, preparing to return at some other opportune time.

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Holy Spirit, and soon people across the region had heard news of Him.

(Luke 4:1-14)

Response in Prayer

Lord Jesus, thank You for sharing the pain of being human, including facing temptations. I am comforted knowing that You have experienced the challenges of temptation. I am encouraged knowing that You defeated the tempter. I am blessed to have You at the right hand of the Father interceding for me now. Thank You for being the Savior Who was one of us! Amen.

‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware.

© 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.