Note from Jesus
Dear Friend,
What will you do when you see death closing in on you?
Will you fight it?
Will you resent it?
Will you fear it?
Will you resign yourself to its inevitability?
Or, if you are faced with the same circumstances that I am about to face in Jerusalem — rejection, ridicule, abuse, humiliation, and death — will you mourn for those who reject you, grieve for those who want to do you harm, and ask forgiveness for those who will take your life?
When I was suffering on the cross in Jerusalem, I petitioned: “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing” (Luke 23:34).
I came for this purpose: to give My life as a ransom for sinners, including those in Jerusalem who rejected Me, who plotted My crucifixion, and who incited the crowd to cry out against Me.
Jerusalem, the holy city of My great ancestor, King David, will reject Me even though I AM the city’s only hope for deliverance. My people will plot against Me, their only source of salvation. As you read the verses below, notice how I speak from My heart, feeling sadness, anguish, and pain as I think of the heartbreaking situation in Jerusalem and all that will happen to Me as I go there.
Even before I came to the earth, I longed over the centuries for My people of Jerusalem to give themselves (heart, soul, mind, and strength) to Us — Father, Son, and Spirit. I yearned to gather up Jerusalem’s many people under My protection and care, but most of the people of this great city would have none of it. In fact, on this day that you read about below, I know that I AM going to Jerusalem for a head-on collision with the rulers of the people and for My rejection and crucifixion. Yet I do not mourn for Me, but I mourn for My people of My City who reject Me.
Remember this, dear friend: My heart breaks when you choose to ignore, reject, or turn away from Me. I came and died to win your heart and bring you grace. Please don’t treat My love and sacrifice for you lightly!
Verses to Live
Herod and the Pharisees were not friends. They didn’t get along. However, they found common ground on one thing. They both wanted to be rid of Me. In the verses below, the Pharisees’ warning to Me about Herod’s plot was not to benefit Me, but rather to let Me know these rival parties were closing in on Me — that the time of My arrest was approaching. However, the Pharisees’ warning, Herod’s plot to murder Me, and the Pharisees plans to get rid of Me would not deter Me from My ministry to the people or stop My love for the city of Jerusalem. I know that I go there to bless and redeem even though death awaits Me.
Right then some Pharisees came and warned Him [Jesus].
You’d better get out of here because Herod is plotting Your murder.
You can give that sly fox this message: “Watch as I cast out demons and perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I’ll reach My destination. But for today and tomorrow and the next day, I have to continue My journey, for no prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem.”
O Jerusalem! O Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and you stone the messengers who are sent to you. How often I wanted to gather in your children as a hen gathers in her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing to come to Me. Look now, your house is abandoned and empty. You won’t see Me until you welcome Me with the words of the psalms, “Anyone who comes in the name of the Eternal One will be blessed!”
(Luke 13:31-35)
Response in Prayer
O God in heaven, my heart is struck with the love of Jesus for these people and for the city of Jerusalem that will reject Him. Part of me is angry at the murderous plans that Herod and the Pharisees and the other religious leaders carry out to kill Jesus. At the same time, I’m convicted that I have often forgotten the cost of my salvation. Temptation has distracted me from the love of the Lord Jesus for me and the sacrifice He made to redeem me. Forgive me for the times I’ve chosen sin rather than Jesus. Also, dear Father, I ask for more grace so that I can passionately love the people around me who reject Jesus and reject me because of my love for Him. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware.
© 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.