27 Oct 2016
Don’t sleep & miss out on opportunities God brings your way. Don’t be distracted by anything. Ask God to help you maintain focus on the essentials 2Tim3:1-9
26 Oct 2016
Don’t spend too much time figuring out how the Lord will work things out when He presents you with an opportunity. He’ll make a way where there is none Ex14:16
25 Oct 2016
As we serve God & mankind with a pure heart, He will touch our lives & those of the people we are serving in different ways. It’s all about Him Ac15:1-14
24 Oct 2016
We all receive opportunities to impact other people’s lives positively for God’s glory. We even have help to do it. Let’s not squander them Jn14:15-26
Test Project

This is a test project to be used by those piloting the site and assessing its capability, viability as a platform to Reach out to people to support our projects Contribute funds; and Pray for us! [wpi_designer_button text=’Donate’ link=’https://www.silentstones.org/donations/test-project’ style_id=’1316′ target=’self’] [wpi_designer_button text=’Pesapal’ link=’https://silentstones.org/pesapal-test/’ style_id=’1316′ target=’self’]
21 Oct 2016
Our lives are so diverse. We go thro different experiences. Let’s trust God, love our neighbours & help others when we can. Life is short 1Sam30:9-20
19 Oct 2016
Abiding in God’s presence no matter what we are going through is key to overcoming life’s challenges. Always desire to be where He is. Enter His rest Ps46
18 Oct 2016
Faith in Christ assures us victory over condemnation, death & everything that would stop us from being His manifestation & helps us overcome the world 1Jn5:1-5
17 Oct 2016
May the Lord reveal His will to us & help us understand & execute it accordingly. May we trust Him to work thro us to touch the world for His glory Dn 5
Bible College Scholarships

Since 2013, Silent stones has supported Part-sponsored Seven (7) Pastors at Crossroads Bible Institute at Vipingo, North Coast. This was in response to our growing realization of one of the strategies that works. In order to be effective on the ground, it is important to select motivated pastors who already capturing souls for Jesus Christ in the rural areas. the reason is that, being well known in their communities and understanding the local traditions and challenges, they are able to better connect with the local populace. These pastors frequently do not have the capacity to operate a full fledged church with resources. As we develop the churches, we support the Pastor education to build their capacity and understand administrative systems as well as being better rooted in God’s Word. With effective college training and resources, these pastors are able to spread the gospel more effectively than when short-term or imported missioners come to the area and are able to easily identify similar areas close-by where a church can be planted. We have therefore previously sponsored pastor training at Crossroads Bible Institute at Vipingo, North Coast but now seek to widen the base of Bible colleges so as to create a bigger impact in the whole of rural Kenya. [wpi_designer_button text=’Donate’ link=’https://www.silentstones.org/donations/bible-college-scholarships/’ style_id=’1316′ target=’self’]