Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

16 Sep 2016

We also must realise that the steadfast love of the Lord abounds for His children no matter the circumstances. Remember to call out to Him always Lam3:19-23

15 Sep 2016

In 1Sam25:1-38 a lady applied wisdom & averted murder from happening. May the Lord give us insight & courage to do what will save lives, resources for His glory

14 Sep 2016

Revelation & insight can help turn a situation around. May the Lord grant you these in abundance to help you navigate every challenge that you encounter Is6:1-8

13 Sep 2016

If God rescued Noah, Lot and other advocates of godliness & righteousness during very difficult times, He will rescue you too. The challenge will end 2Pt2:4-10

9 Sep 2016

Even when we face challenges, other people have endured the same. They’ll not overwhelm us & the Lord will show us what to do. Don’t be too emotional 1Cor10:13

8 Sep 2016

Many people would rejoice due to being able to overcome problems they face in daily life, yet that isn’t the most critical thing according to Christ Lk10:17-20

7 Sep 2016

Depending on God rather than on our own strength is key especially when we are facing challenges. May we learn to distinguish His voice & to obey Him Is43:1-2

6 Sep 2016

The rewards of investing in spiritual growth are seen in times of turmoil. Challenges are part of life but they won’t shake those growing spiritually Jer17:5-8

5 Sep 2016

We should build our faith by investing time & resources well. Surround yourself with helpful material, quality friends, pray & meditate on scripture 1Cor3:10-15

2 Sep 2016

Consulting waganga exposes people to demons & this may lead to dangerous things-Ps 106:37. Demons oppress people. Let’s depend on Jehovah always Mt 4:24, 8:16

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