28 Jul 2016
And that prophecy came to pass. That “tiny” nation’s impact is felt the world over. The starting point was spreading the gospel with the Holy Ghost power Ac1:8
28 Jul 2016
As we go through life, may we experience the power of God at work in our midst. May the consciousness of who God is not fade away. His Spirit reigns Nmb11:21-29
26 Jul 2016
When Israel was destroyed, Isaiah prophecied that the Lord would raise her up & make her so fruitful, that the whole world would know Him coz of her Is27:6
25 Jul 2016
Being filled with the knowledge of the will of God is one thing. Becoming fruitful as a result of what we know by God’s grace is another. Be fruitful Col1:9-14
22 Jul 2016
Let’s consider remaining in God’s love by obeying His commands. His command is that we love each other. This will result in complete joy, fruitfulness Jn15:9-17
21 Jul 2016
Let us believe what the word of God says in Jn15:5-8, that if we remain in Him & His words remain in us, He will grant us anything we ask for, to His glory
20 Jul 2016
Being attached to the true vine means we will be pruned at some point. It will be for our own good to help us be more productive. His grace suffices Jn15:1-4
19 Jul 2016
Is your life characterised by much joy, love & positive impact on others? If not, why aren’t you bearing fruit? Are you attached to the true vine? Jn15:1-4
18 Jul 2016
The average person wants evidence that shows the existence of God. The disciples did too despite being with Jesus. Do you need convincing? Jn14:5-11
15 Jul 2016
So what’s your greatest motivation for salvation & a closer walk with God: the benefits, eternity, obeying Him, Kingdom establishment? Is it enough? Rev7:9-17