20 Apr 2016
How much do we fear/revere the Lord? How does this fear/reverence affect our lives? Does it lead us to Him or away from Him? Jb 1:1, 1:8, Ps 19:9, 111:10
19 Apr 2016
The important thing is to ensure that you are in God’s will. If you are then there is no reason to be afraid, no matter what happens Ps23:4, 27:1
18 Apr 2016
We should ask the Lord to guide us in His will without fearing what lies ahead of us. Let’s trust in Him & be confident in His love for us. Don’t fear Gen46:1-4
15 Apr 2016
What does fear hinder you from doing? Does it come in between you & your Christian obligations & consequently other areas of your life? What can you do? Jn9:22
14 Apr 2016
Doubt & religiosity can hinder spiritual growth even when the evidence speaks for itself. Our God isn’t limited by rules. He is supernatural Jn9:13-34
13 Apr 2016
There’s a certain level of hunger for the things of God that’ll usher in a greater manifestation of His presence than we’re I used to. Let’s humble ourselves Ac3:19
13 Apr 2016
There are expectations God has of those who confess Him as Lord & Saviour. Those who yearn for a closer walk with Him must decide to live as He says 2Tim2:14-19
13 Apr 2016
Let’s be faithful to the call of God upon our lives. We therefore cannot be mediocre. Let’s do what He asks us to do with the zeal He expects of us 2Tim1:8-14
8 Apr 2016
Governance plays a key role in our lives at different levels. How do we conduct ourselves at national level, even in our homes? We can learn from God Dt17:18-20
7 Apr 2016
May we do God’s will continuously as we work, play, plan, minister, etc. May we escape His wrath lest He deals with us like He did with Israel in Is9:8-10:4