Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

3 Dec 2015

What’s your disposition this morning? Are you the focus of your life or it God? Are your challenges the dominant theme or is it God’s will for you? Nbrs23:19-23

1 Dec 2015

We are growing older day by day & gaining experience. Are we still reliant on God? Do we still hear & obey Him? Do we depend upon His promises? Gen24:1-9

27 Nov 2015

I’d like us to focus on two things: appreciating God for who He is and desiring Him more. Listen to & meditate on Imela (N. Bassey) & Give Me You (Shana Wilson). Psalm 18

25 Nov 2015

God had promised Abraham the land he bought to bury Sarah. The respect the local community showed him speaks volumes of his xter. Are you admired like him Gen23

24 Nov 2015

Show me any great country that hasn’t been influenced by Jews. Some of the most brilliant people in academia, business, etc are Jews. Put God first Gen22:15-18

23 Nov 2015

In Lev20:1-5, God orders the killing of those who practise human sacrifice, yet He asks Abraham to kill Isaac. Why? Is there stuff we value more than God? Gen22

20 Nov 2015

Do you keep your word? Are you honest generous & respectful? Do you resolve conflict amicably? Do you consult God regularly & live as He guides you? Gen21:22-33

19 Nov 2015

God honoured Abraham yet again by blessing the son he had gotten out of disobedience. Abraham loved the boy despite him being born out of wedlock Gen21:8-13

18 Nov 2015

God honours His children. He looks into their affairs & is concerned about their welfare. How is your walk with Him? Can you attest to this goodness Gen21

17 Nov 2015

Does God love you so much that He fights for you even when you’ve done wrong? Do all things work together for your good coz of your relationship with Him? Gen20

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