16 Nov 2015
God is so loving and merciful; He indulged Abraham & Lot even granting them their desires. He listened & relented. We too can enjoy such favour Gen18:16-19:29
13 Nov 2015
Does the Lord appear to us? Do we recognise Him? What should we do? How did Abraham know that it was the Lord who appeared to him as three visitors? Gen18:1-15
12 Nov 2015
God is always looking for partners to work with on this side of eternity. Look at Abraham & consider what qualities would please God Gen17, Eph4:17-5:19
11 Nov 2015
When do we stop playing God & allow Him to have His way? How do we surrender all to Him & let Him guide our every move? Ask Him & trust that he’ll help Gen16
10 Nov 2015
Abraham had difficulty believing God concerning getting a son to carry on his legacy. But he believed. His loyalty to God is admirable. Gen15:5-6, Rom4:1-8
9 Nov 2015
Abraham’s willingness to obey God set him apart from other christians. He revered God so much. May we purpose to hold God in such high esteem Gen14:21-24
6 Nov 2015
What do we do when people we’ve differed with get into trouble? Do we take advantage of the situation? How does God deal with us when we’re in trouble? Gen14
5 Nov 2015
While on your mission you’ll face different challenges, some from outside & some from within your family. May the Lord grant you wisdom on what to do Gen13:1-12
4 Nov 2015
When we falter during the journey God has sent him on, God is loving & gracious & delivers us. Let’s not loose faith during challenges Gen12:10-20
3 Nov 2015
When God chooses you to carry out a specific task, trust Him to help you & do it without reservation. Don’t craft your own agenda Gen11:27-32, 12:1-