Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

24 Sep 2015

Joseph’s dreams, being sold to the Medianites instead of being killed, experiences in Portiphar’s house & in jail prepared him for service in Egypt. And you?

23 Sep 2015

Are we like the sinful woman who knew she wasn’t perfect but worshipped the Lord the only way she knew-extravagantly; an expression of her gratitude? Lk7:36-50

23 Sep 2015

Despite the difficult circumstances we are going through, take time to thank God & acknowledge Him for being a good God. Enter His presence with thanks Ps100

23 Sep 2015

As you walk with God He’ll prepare you for a task. Jacob’s encounter prepared him to reconcile with Esau & become Israel, founder of God’s nation Gen32:22-32

18 Sep 2015

Are we like the children who want the Lord to operate like a puppet under their control? Do we tell Him what to say & do or allow Him to have His way Lk7:31-32

17 Sep 2015

Are we fully committed to the divine purpose of Christ’s call to spread the gospel? Are we like the pharisees, religious, yet rejecting God’s plan? Lk7:18-35

16 Sep 2015

The disciples were privileged to get revelation, to see what many didn’t see. May we too be hungry & contrite of heart to benefit the same way Lk10:21-24

15 Sep 2015

One reason for Christ’s coming was to overcome the enemy & empower christians to have impact for His glory. He wanted our names written in heaven too Lk10:17-21

14 Sep 2015

If you know your JD what report are you bringing back to God? Are you effective in what He has called you to do? Why (not)? How can improve? Lk10:1-24

11 Sep 2015

The disciples had their JD & just needed faith & commitment. What’s your job description that God has given you? Are you executing it well? Lk9:1-6

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