Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

10 Sep 2015

We are by no means perfect. By accepting Christ as Saviour & showing willingness to be His vessels, we set up the perfect conditions execution of His will Hos14

9 Sep 2015

A good measure of our walk with God is the quality of the fruit we produce. Are we producing good fruit that blesses or bad fruit that’s not edible Lk6:43-45

8 Sep 2015

When we focus less on ourselves & more on God & His divine purpose for each of us, we clearly see our mission & tap into His power to accomplish it 1Cor15:9-11

7 Sep 2015

Let’s not spend time thinking about how great we are. God has given us an opportunity to make Him known to those He wants to impact. It’s about Him 1Pet1:13-25

4 Sep 2015

The challenge with sustained disobedience is that God can allow us to have our way. If He does, the result is untold suffering & grief. Let’s yield Ps88

3 Sep 2015

Paul challenges the Philippians to handle their salvation reverently & in faith especially in his absence. How much more should we do it in our time Phil2:12-16

2 Sep 2015

I haven’t accomplished these things I’m writing about, neither did apostle Paul. Like him we should still strive to be more like Christ as we mature Phil312-16

1 Sep 2015

Then there must be the issue of practice. Our continuous determination to live a certain way shapes our lifestyle. We should do as God says & persist Ac2:38-47

31 Aug 2015

Salvation itself isn’t enough if we are to emulate Jesus. Jesus also knew that we needed more to help us lead lives that reflect Him Ac2:38-47, Jn14:15-27

28 Aug 2015

As parents let’s not give up talking to our children about this faith Christ taught. Ensure they receive Christ, grow in Him & escape deception 2Pt1:12-2:22

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