Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

13 Aug 2015

To reflect God truly requires that we surrender to Him & also know His attributes. What type of God to people see when they observe us? He is just & loving Ps9

12 Aug 2015

It is up to us to decide whether to appreciate God’s presence around us or not. But we should also desire to reflect God & be a part of His expression Ps8:3-8

11 Aug 2015

Thanks Lord for allowing me to enjoy Your greatness that is manifest in the people, institutions & nature around me. May I never take it for granted Mt13:16-17

10 Aug 2015

God saw that we needed help to deal with the confusion we live in and to help us not to complicate our lives by getting into untruths that mislead Lk1:26-33

5 Aug 2015

God has repeatedly come to our aid in difficult circumstances & we have overcome by His help. Let’s keep depending on Him. Desist from straying 2Chr16:1-9

4 Aug 2015

Our God is inately good & holy. He wants us to reflect Him. It’s not easy but He provides grace & wise counsel to help us. He’s willing to guide us Pr1:8-19

3 Aug 2015

Before taking up a new responsibility or making a decision, we should take time to find out what we need to know about it then gather that info Nbrs13:17-25

31 Jul 2015

So please decide to accept God as Lord & Saviour & to keep loving & growing in Him. Then you’ll discover truths that will guide you through life’s journey Ps139

30 Jul 2015

Even after salvation, do we still refuse to do His will which would ultimately be for our benefit? He has such good plans & knows what’s best for us Rm8:28-29

29 Jul 2015

Peter thought it wasn’t right for Jesus to wash his feet. Was that tantamount to refusing salvation? Christ died for you. Do you accept or reject Him? Jn13:6-8

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