Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

28 Jul 2015

Washing of feet also signifies enabling others become what God wants them to be. It helps remove that which stops us from entering rest. Help others Jn13:1-17

27 Jul 2015

Jesus, conscious that He was the Son of God, washed his disciples’ feet. He wanted them to serve on another & others to signify humility & goodwill Jn13:1-5

24 Jul 2015

We muss’nt then rest in our obstinacy & refuse to change coz we have a merciful God. We must keep trying. He rewards those who diligently seek Him Ps51:1-12

23 Jul 2015

The stubborn & rebellious in the old testament were stoned. May the Lord show us mercy for being obstinate. May He not give up on us Dt21:18-21, Lk15:11-32

22 Jul 2015

God loved His children so much that even those who killed unintentionally got a place to stay. He loves us despite our weaknesses. Let’s repent Dt19, Nbr35:6-34

21 Jul 2015

Let’s be careful as we share spiritual truth with others lest we fall into the category of false prophets who attract God’s wrath.Test every prophecy Dt18:20-22

20 Jul 2015

God sent His word to His children for guidance. Do we accept it? If we do so we are wise & ought to conform to it. If we don’t there are reprisals Deut18:14-19

17 Jul 2015

May our submission to Jehovah despite our faults cause Him to dwell with us & to enable us to do His will. May we & our offspring be greatly blest Eph3:14-21

16 Jul 2015

For us to be as effective as Father wants us to be at what He has called us to do, we have to die to self & surrender to Him. Flesh stands in our way Gen22:1-18

15 Jul 2015

Fellowship with God & exercising dominion using our gifts on His behalf are the main tasks God gave man, male & female alike. What’s occupying you most Gen1:27f

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