30 Jun 2015
Forgiveness causes the offender to be glad & to have peace. The offended is also relieved when he/she forgives. This act reduces stress & adds life Ps32:1-5
29 Jun 2015
Forgiveness removes bitterness & anger thus creating opportunity for God’s mercy, grace, love & power to flow. We become free to be used of God. Acts8:18-23
26 Jun 2015
I may forgive someone easily for slandering, injuring or hurting me. Am I able to forgive one who owes me money easily? Who is my source of wealth? Mt18:21-35
25 Jun 2015
We may struggle to forgive those who’ve wronged us because of their offence, yet we expect God to forgive us. Should He treat us as we treat others? Lk11:4
24 Jun 2015
The Lord shows us love & forgives us when we go wrong. He is patient and accommodating despite our wicked nature, even when we blaspheme terribly Neh9:17-18
23 Jun 2015
How did Jesus feel after Peter’s rejection, the humiliation from the soldiers & the physical pain He endured? Yet He forgave & gladly died for them too Lk20:60f
22 Jun 2015
Love is a virtue linked to a conscious decision based on commitment to values eg patience, kindness, humility & respect. Experience strengthens it 1Cor13:4-13
22 Jun 2015
We must learn to accept forgiveness & believe we’ve been forgiven. We should move past the guilt of sin & allow God to set us free from its yoke Gen50:15-21
18 Jun 2015
All the amazing acts we perform must be founded on the basis of love for them to have the impact God desires or else it will all be for nothing 1Cor13:1-3
18 Jun 2015
If I’m impatient, unkind, envious, boastful, proud, rude, selfish, short tempered, unforgiving, evil, faithless, uncaring, unhopeful, I’m not loving 1Cor13:4-7