2 Jun 2015
Do you share the truths God reveals to you with others by instruction? Are you keen on improving the lives of others by giving them info that saves Mt10:5-16
29 May 2015
Our wonderful Saviour is so gracious to us. How do we relate with Him? Do we love & appreciate Him beyond obedience ? May He show us what to do Mt26:1-13
27 May 2015
This God who’s reaching out to us is the creator of the heavens & the earth. He is wooing us, mere mortals. We are important to Him. Stop running Eccl 12, Is 61
26 May 2015
There are many who didn’t wake up today but you did. There are many ailing in bed. You are well. There are many running for their lives. You are secure Lk8:39
25 May 2015
Can you speak of God’s love over you, His forgiveness, provision, protection & grace? Ask Him to shower us & to surround us with it. May we never lack it Ps105
22 May 2015
Let not alcohol, greed, ignorance, bad company, unforgiveness, etc stop you from entering into what God has prepared for you. He’ll dwell with you 2Chr7:11-22
21 May 2015
Are you well prepared for the season or place Father wants to usher you into? Can you fit into that environment easily? If not what must you do now? Mt25:1-13
20 May 2015
Solomon would probably not have become king if his mother & others hadn’t worked together & David hadn’t trusted them. Ask God for a good team 1Kgs1:11-48
19 May 2015
Our response should be to serve this great God in whatever capacity He allows us to in different seasons of life till He calls us home. Don’t tire 1Kgs2:1-12
18 May 2015
The Lord who created me & chose me for His use should be honoured. For such a great God to consider a mortal like me is humbling. I worship You oh Lord Ps104