13 Feb 2015
We might also encounter people who God uses to draw gifts out of us that we never knew we had or didn’t know how to utilise. Gifts show our value 2Tim1:6-14
12 Feb 2015
As we grow & enter different seasons we discover different gifts that were in us but we hadn’t realized it. God’ll help us utilise them for His glory Rom12:6-8
11 Feb 2015
Some gifts are inherent; we are born with them. These are hard to spot & can easily be overlooked. This leads to non-utilisation of these gifts Jn4:7-10
10 Feb 2015
A gift is given freely & at no cost to the recipient. The giver considers it useful & valuable & could be offended if it is taken for granted Jn3:16-21
9 Feb 2015
A gift is an expression of love. The thought of the giver is then more precious than the gift. It says a lot about the giver. What has God given you? Jn10:10-18
6 Feb 2015
There is so much more in me than I’ve experienced. I must learn to trust God more to help me produce all He wants me to. I must look beyond my flesh Phil3:1-21
5 Feb 2015
God gives sleep to His beloved. Overslept seriously. My eyes popped open at 6:09! Blessed day!
4 Feb 2015
May the Lord operate our hearts to remove contaminants & blockages that limit us. May He reveal what He has put in us that we don’t know so we can soar Ph2:1-11
3 Feb 2015
How much has Paul’s life influenced Christianity? It shows how much we can do for God if our hearts are pure. Paul loved God & people & endured much Phil1:12-28
2 Feb 2015
God may or may not present us with opportunities that are in line with our gifts & talents. He provides help & grace if our hearts are set aright Ps51:6-12