30 Jan 2015
Looks, talents, connections, stature don’t qualify us for opportunities that God brings our way! It’s the condition of our hearts. Fix our hearts Lord! 1Sam16:7
29 Jan 2015
Do we have the heart to cope with what Father wants to do in, with & thro’ us? May He give us the capacity to handle His plans & check our hearts Mt12:33-35
28 Jan 2015
Our progress in 2015 will greatly be determined by the condition of our hearts. Are we angry, bitter, doubtful or hopeful? What’s dominant in there? Mt 12:33-37
27 Jan 2015
Then there is the noise from within us that can also distract us as we run this race of life. God has given us the power & grace to overcome it 1Cor9:25-27
26 Jan 2015
There is noise from other athletes, the media , fans, etc that can potentially distract him & affect his race. Refuse all attempts to distract you 1Cor9:24
23 Jan 2015
The sprinter & the marathoner are built differently for their races. They have different capacities. Their victories & failures affect others too Eph4:11-16
22 Jan 2015
The 100 metre runner has a different training regime & different goals from the marathoner. Focus on your assignment to attain your goals in 2015 Col3:1-17
21 Jan 2015
When God puts us in a new arena, He has an agenda for us. Let’s keep to His agenda in order to fulfill His purpose & avoid following our own agenda 1Sam15:12-35
20 Jan 2015
How do we remain relevant to God & consequently to man so that we have continual impact for Him? By obeying God & not being too rigid for His use 1Sam15:12-35
19 Jan 2015
Each new arena God ushers us into has its own culture, rules & dangers. Let’s enter in as students not teachers. Many blunders may reduce our impact 1Sam10 & 15