15 Jan 2015
It is the breaking of a new day & nothing can stop it from coming forth. May 2015 be a new day for us in accordance with God’s decree over us Is32:14-20
14 Jan 2015
I must know this God I serve better in 2015! I must trust in Him more. This is based on my knowledge of Him. I must study, listen, obey, trust & share Jer17:5-8
13 Jan 2015
We by no means deserve the mercy, love, increase, health that we enjoy. Were it not for God’s mercy, where would we be? Let’s adopt a grateful attitude Ps92
12 Jan 2015
Arise & shine for your light has come. And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Rejoice in God for 2015, for the opportunities that lie ahead Is60:1-22
15 Dec 2014
As we usher in christmas, let’s reflect on God’s goodness throughout the year & seek Him concerning 2015. There’s a lot to thank Him for. We resume in Jan.
12 Dec 2014
Daniel was a symbol to all of God’s righteousness & faithfulness. He reminded them of the standards God expected of them. He was the light & salt Dn2:46-9
11 Dec 2014
As you emerge better from the process God has taken us through, avoid falling back to the old habits He was trying to rid you of. Daniel served 4 kings(+60yrs)!
10 Dec 2014
How do you emerge from a process God has taken you through; bitter or better? Pride/ego makes it hard to forgive & move on. Be humble & learn from it Dn1:1-21
9 Dec 2014
God knows how much we can bear. If we are in His will, He won’t allow us to take on more than we can handle. Let’s listen to Him to avoid stress 2Chr34:1-33
8 Dec 2014
Those who yield to God go thro a process to refine them for His use. This diffrers in intensity depending on one’s depth with God & his purpose 2Chr33:1-20