20 Nov 2014
We generally eat at the level of our vision. Is God happy with what we are eating? Is our vision His vision? If it isn’t, what can we do to upscale? Dan9:1-19
19 Nov 2014
We must get out of our corners to enjoy opportunities God brings our way. We shouldn’t cancel our chances by responding against God’s will Dan5:1-17
18 Nov 2014
That which I feed on has an effect on me; it can build or destroy me. My lifestyle, friends, what I read & watch shape my perception & hence my life Col1:9-14
17 Nov 2014
The easier I adapt in new settings, the more I grow. The stubborn & inflexible loose opportunities to morph into new settings & have impact for God 1Tim1:12-16
14 Nov 2014
Despite being an in-grafted branch, we gentile believers must try & thrive in this environment that’s not indigenous to us. Flexibility helps us transform Rm11
13 Nov 2014
But our lives should help point others to you. They should be able to know why we are the way we are, question themselves & tell others about God in us Jn4:29
12 Nov 2014
The goal of my life isn’t to make everyone operate at my level! We should all seek God on how to operate. We are in this world but not of the world Jn4:27-34
11 Nov 2014
When God is at the core of our lives we will operate at different levels to do His will. Jesus needed natural nourishment then taught on spiritual food Jn4:1-38
10 Nov 2014
Many of us “do church” better than we “do life”. God should be the core of our lives, not just an aspect of it. He should be seen in us always Mt7:15-29
7 Nov 2014
Some of us spend half a life doing what life brought our way & we’re not fulfilled coz it’s not our divine purpose. Allow God to direct you & enter rest Rm12