Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

24 Oct 2014

As God woos us to be the salt & light for Him, let’s respond by surrendering to His will, relating with Him & raising others to reflect His glory! Eph3:14-21

23 Oct 2014

The devil tries to disrupt the revelation of this mystery due to its profoundness. When we grasp it God’s glory follows us! Ep3:10-11, 6:12, 1Cor2:7, 1Pet1:12

22 Oct 2014

That believers have direct access to God & the benefits thereof in equal measure as the Jews is part of the great inheritance. Are you qualified? Ep3:1-13

21 Oct 2014

For me to get the inheritance i must also have the understanding. Then i’ll attract people who see God in me & become a platform He works through Eph2:13, 18-22

20 Oct 2014

The ultimate inheritance is to be Christ’s reps on earth, in the areas (gates) He created us to dominate, only when we accept His salvation & grow Ep2:1-10

17 Oct 2014

As we pray, worship, fellowship, study & reach out God will bring like minded people our way so that there is unity in Christ. This He cherishes so much Ep2, 3

16 Oct 2014

He who is teachable & continuously pursues righetousness will become great. This will help one to always walk in God’s will & enjoy good success Josh10:1-15

15 Oct 2014

The more we surrender to God the more He prevails in us & the more He is seen in & around us. We become Israel. How evident is it that you are Israel? Ex4:22-31

14 Oct 2014

The relentless pursuit of God will enable us to take on His attributes & be more like Him. Then we will prevail (Israel means God prevails). Phil2:5, Mt11:29-30

13 Oct 2014

We should persist in prayer, worship, fellowship, study & outreach so as to discover God’s will & to grow in our faith. Let’s keep engaged & focused Ex32:22-32

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