26 Sep 2014
All things are permissible, but are all things profitable? We please God & have peace as we walk in our ordination, are blessed & grow in Him Is30:18-26 41:1-20
25 Sep 2014
Remember, God placed you on this earth for a reason. Act accdng to His plan for you, do His will & marvel at the things He’ll do in, with & thro you Acts9:19-31
24 Sep 2014
The majority isn’t always right. God’s side carries the day. Things may not look good, but it is His backing that makes all the difference. Seek Him! Nbr14:1-30
23 Sep 2014
I must use my mouth to bless & not to curse, to build & not destroy, to encourage & exhort, to cast visions. For there is power in the tongue Pr18:21, Eccl5:5-6
22 Sep 2014
Wa ajabu, wewe ni wa ajabu. Wa ajabu, wewe ni wa ajabu. Mungu wa miungu, mwenye enzi, tunakuabudu. You are a God of miracles & we adore You Eccl5:7-20
21 Sep 2014
The ravens God sent to feed Elijah didn’t eat his food! God was in control. Entrust your life to God He knows how to take care of His kids. Listen obey Ecc5:1-7
18 Sep 2014
Our salvation shouldn’t be based on the money in our accounts, businesses, etc. It is in our Saviour, our supernatural supplier. We can never be stranded Ps23
17 Sep 2014
Did Christ spend time calculating His worth? Let’s find the gates of influence God wants us to dominate & “sell” all else to keep them & have impact Mt13:45-6
16 Sep 2014
Can God trust that all He does thro us will attest to His glory? If he can then He’ll use us, we’ll remain humble, He’ll be pleased & He won’t destroy us Is42:8
15 Sep 2014
When we hunger after God we’ll hear him. David’s generation believed in sacrifices. God gave him a different insight & he obeyed coz he hungered Ps51:16-17