Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

16 Sep 2014

Can God trust that all He does thro us will attest to His glory? If he can then He’ll use us, we’ll remain humble, He’ll be pleased & He won’t destroy us Is42:8

15 Sep 2014

When we hunger after God we’ll hear him. David’s generation believed in sacrifices. God gave him a different insight & he obeyed coz he hungered Ps51:16-17

12 Sep 2014

Let’s not get carried away by the excitement of the revelation we receive & miss out on its establishment. We must press in hungering until it occurs Mt13:20-21

11 Sep 2014

Am I the hope for those around me, the instrument in God’s hands to impact my territory? Then I must have a hunger for God that’s beyond normalcy Is49:1-7

10 Sep 2014

God decided to bring forth a new Jerusalem & discard the old one coz the old had turned to religion. The pharisees missed Christ, yet He was with them Mt23:37-9

9 Sep 2014

How many times has God used people to speak over us & nothing happens? Let’s obey God & pay attention to Him. He has done all that’s needed for us Ex3- 4 Jn15:3

8 Sep 2014

The difference between Peter & Judas was the condition of their hearts. We do wrong. Are we repentant? God used Abraham, etc coz they were willing 2Chr16:9a

5 Sep 2014

Those who have accepted God only need re-direction or a reminder to stay/get back on course. Those who haven’t need to receive Him first Jn1:12, 13:10, 15:3

4 Sep 2014

As this transformation occurs in us, are we in turn enabing others to be what God wants them to be, giving them strength to walk in divine ordination? Jn13:1-17

3 Sep 2014

May God prove to you that He has set you apart as a special vessel for particular tasks He wants to perform thro you. May He tell you what they are Gen18:16-19

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