Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

2 Sep 2014

Our old practices must change. Under the old covenant gifts & sacrifices cleansed the guilty from sin. Under the new one Christ was the sapcrifice Heb9:11-10:18

1 Sep 2014

Allowing God to reign in us also means we pull down the old images in our minds & let God paint new pictures. The new will be totally different Heb12:23-29

29 Aug 2014

We allow God free reign when we purpose to die to self & to the world. He then raises us up to be instruments for His use & makes us effective 1Cor15:31, 35-44

28 Aug 2014

The importance of allowing God to have free reign in our lives is that He’s able to do divine works thro’ us. We can’t do the same in our strength 1Cor15:45-58

27 Aug 2014

Let us make every effort to hear God concerning every situation we encounter. We must also abide by what He says. He is merciful & loves us Heb12:14-13:10

26 Aug 2014

As Isaac was a child of promise, so are those who accept Christ as Lord & Saviour. These are also partakers of the new covenant! 1Cor15:48, Rm8:29, Gal4:28

25 Aug 2014

The onus is on me to understand God’s patterns & to be as He wants me to. The work had already been done. Knowing, believeing & being! 1Cor15:45-58, Gal4:21-31

22 Aug 2014

God spoke to Abraham & Sarah before blessing them to prepare them. He spoke concerning us. Let’s position ourselves aright Gen3:17-19 18:9-15 21:1-7 Rm8:18-22

21 Aug 2014

Abraham, God’s chosen one, served his guests. Jesus insisted on the importance of service. I’m God’s conduit to minister to people Lk22:24-30, Gen18:3-8

20 Aug 2014

Material possessions gained or lost shouldn’t control my emotions. My emotions should be tied to eternity not things. Revelation makes me immune Lk12:22-34

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