Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

19 Aug 2014

My experiences & my understanding of who God is & who I am in Him largely determine my level of willingness to serve. What’ll it take to convince you? Lk7:41-43

18 Aug 2014

We should honour & serve one another as God directs us. If we hear Him we’ll not take advantage of each other. We’ll meet each others needs Lk7:36-43 Jn13:13-17

15 Aug 2014

Are we making room for God in peoples’ lives by serving & impacting them? Mainly through godly character will people be made to see the need for God Gen18:1-8

14 Aug 2014

As the Lord blesses & increases us, we must strive to still depend on Him & not on ourselves. Despite our position & resources can we still yield to Him? Gen22

13 Aug 2014

Who taught the tide to come in & go out, the sun to smile & to hide, the flowers to blossom, fall & wilt, the seasons to change? Isn’t God awesome? Gen1

12 Aug 2014

When the Lord remains with you He wants to use you to accomplish His purposes beyond your wildest imagination! Surrender yourself totally to Him Gen18:22, Ps105

11 Aug 2014

God has singled out those He wants to visit & is ministering to them so that they in turn minister to their generation & their legacy to future ones Gen18:1-22

8 Aug 2014

Why do Muslims, Asians, etc make a concerted effort to help the needy? They understand the importance & know the benefit of doing so Lk14:1-24, Ps41:1-3, Jb29

7 Aug 2014

What do we focus on more: being recognised by our titles or for the work we do? Or impacting those we encounter for God’s glory? What’s beneficial? Lk11:37-53

6 Aug 2014

Wrong attitudes & mindset affect our understanding, hence affecting our beliefs. May God help us to have transformed minds & new understanding Lk11:34-36

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