Today’s Verse – Romans 5:3-4
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. —Romans 5:3-4 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… What are you living to produce with your life? Wealth, fame, status, significance, legacy? How about character? Isn’t having the character of God our real goal in life? Perseverance, character, and hope can help us forge a stronger faith as we live for Jesus under the pressure and heat directed at us from the evil one and his demonic forces of evil. Even in our suffering, hardships, and persecution, nothing can steal our desired goal from us — developing the character of God as we live for Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit are transformed to become JESUShaped (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). My Prayer… Dear Father, please empower us as we seek to live consistently with your holy character in our fallen world. Please give us hearts of courage and compassion so we can more clearly demonstrate your grace and power as you transform us into disciples of courage, honor, and compassion. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
Don’t Miss My Invitation
Note from Jesus My Dear Disciple, Listen to My words for you today. They come out of the crucible of My conflict with the religious leaders and their humiliation with trying to embarrass Me. My words have power. I was heading toward Jerusalem and the horrors that were waiting for Me there. Along the way, people were fascinated by what I said, and they celebrated the wonderful things, the miraculous things, that I was doing. I planted a promise in the people’s hearts to help them understand that the power they were experiencing with My physical presence was not going to go away after My mission in Jerusalem was accomplished, and I returned to the Father. That power was part of a new order of things in the world. It was part of My Father’s kingdom — the people, their actions, and their attitudes — where God’s will reigns over their hearts, and they find joy in the Father’s presence. The kingdom power available to them might look small at the beginning of things — no bigger than a tiny mustard seed or a little bit of yeast. But, all the great things that the people were experiencing right then with My presence, My miraculous deeds, and My powerful teaching were just a small glimpse of the greatness and gloriousness that were to come. Their power may seem small, but it will grow and permeate and bring great blessing to many. So don’t miss My great offer of the kingdom. When I return, I will bring together all peoples from all places in the world who have come to believe in Me. That, dear friend, is a celebration you definitely don’t want to miss! Verses to Live While the religious leaders had done all they could to wall off My teaching from others, the sheer power of the kingdom that was behind My words could not be contained. My blessing, My power, My kingdom would not be based on religious pedigree or social acceptance, but upon people surrendering their hearts to Me and giving their lives to be My disciples. The old order of power and position has been reversed, and those who follow Me will be exalted, not mocked, belittled, ridiculed, or persecuted. So don’t miss My invitation to follow Me! As the impact of His [Jesus’] words settled in, His critics were humiliated, but everyone else loved what Jesus said and celebrated everything He was doing. Jesus (explaining): Do you want to understand the kingdom of God? Do you want Me to tell you what it’s like? It’s like a single mustard seed that someone took and planted in his garden. That tiny seed grew and became a tree so large that the birds could fly in and make their nests in its branches. Do you want Me to tell you what the kingdom of God is like? It’s like some yeast which a woman hid within a huge quantity of flour; soon the whole batch of dough was rising. He was pressing toward Jerusalem, His journey taking Him through various towns and villages. In each one, He taught the people. Once a person asked this question: Inquiring Individual: Lord, will only a few people be rescued? Jesus: Strive to enter through the narrow door now, because many people — hear Me on this — will try to enter later on and will not be able to. Imagine you want to enter someone’s home, but you wait until after the homeowner has shut the door. Then you stand outside and bang on the door, and you say, “Sir, please open the door for us!” But he will answer, “I don’t know where you’re from.” Then you’ll say, “Just a minute. We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.” But he’ll say, “Sorry, I have no idea where you’re from. Leave me, all of you evildoers.” Then you’ll see something that will make you cry and grind your teeth together — you’ll see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves will be on the outside looking in. And then you’ll see people streaming in from east and west, from north and south, gathering around the table in the kingdom of God, but you’ll be on the outside looking in. That’s how it will be; some are last now who will be first then, and some are first now who will be last then. (Luke 13:17-30) Response in Prayer O Father, there are times when Your kingdom way of life does not seem to get much respect. As I open my heart to Jesus each day, I invite the Holy Spirit to strengthen my faith, my hope, and my desire to live your character and compassion in a world that feels so devoid of both. I believe, but please strengthen my belief. I hope, but stir my heart to a great anticipation of the day when my faith becomes sight. I trust in your mustard-seed promise and the power of your holy work like yeast, but please help me see glimpses of Your coming glory as I serve you in the grittiness of my everyday world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Today’s Verse – Romans 5:1-2
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. —Romans 5:1-2 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… Justified, peace, access, grace, hope, and glory are wonderful gifts! Each of these gifts is ours because of One — One reason, One person, and One LORD: Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Savior. Our faith in Jesus opens the door for us to rejoice in our assured hope of sharing in God’s glory. In troubling times, this hope is precious. In good times, this hope promises us even greater things. In every circumstance, this assured hope can empower us to live for Jesus to the glory of God! Video Commentary… ToGather Worship Guide | More ToGather Videos My Prayer… We praise you, LORD Jesus, for all you’ve done to bless us with your salvation. We praise you, dear LORD, for your promise to return and invite us to share in your full, unveiled glory. We pray that you speed that day to come soon. As we wait, Father, please purify and make us useful for your service, to the glory of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, our mediator, we pray. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
Look Closely at the Evidence!
Note from Jesus Dear Seeker, My words have always provoked strong reactions! I do not leave people any middle ground for their decision about Me. There is no “safe” place they can put Me in the middle as just a good man and a good teacher. In the encounter with the crowd that you read about in today’s verses, I AM claiming to be the Son of God. I AM saying that what I do and what I speak I have received directly from My Father in heaven. I AM claiming that every disciple that I have was given to Me by My Father. Every contemporary Jewish person who heard Me in the events recorded below knew that I was claiming to be God walking and teaching among them. They told Me: We demand Your life because You are a man, yet you claim to be God. This is blasphemy! As an experienced rabbi familiar with their way of arguing about the meaning of Scripture, I gave them two reasons why I could claim to be God among them. First, I used a good rabbinical defense strategy: I quoted a passage that shows that others had been called “sons of God.” These people were not punished for their claim, so I shouldn’t be punished for My claim. This argument is technically correct for their type of reasoning used in rabbinical discussion. However, most of those listening knew that I was claiming that I AM much more than one of many “sons of God.” They knew My claim was that I AM THE Son of the God! Second, I could call God My Father because what I claimed about Myself was validated by what I did! When you examine the great things that I did, the authoritative truths that I taught, and the way that I lived, you see that My actions validate My words. Notice what I said to My doubters and My critics: Examine My actions, and you will see that My work is the work of the Father. Regardless of whether you believe in Me — believe the miracles. Despite My opponents’ anger at these claims, they could not disprove them. They were left to try to kill Me, but they couldn’t do so at this time. The time wasn’t right. The Father wouldn’t let them. I wasn’t ready yet to lay My life down, so they couldn’t take it. Therefore, I continued with My ministry and many others believed in Me. Verses to Live OK. What are you going to do with Me? You can choose not to read My story, but My story won’t go away. People will keep making movies about Me, they will keep talking about Me, they will be fascinated by Me, and many will come to full faith in Me. So what are YOU going to do with Me? My claims are extravagant, even blasphemous if they are not true. But if they are true, then everything rides on your decision about Me! So look closely at the evidence — not just the evidence in the verses that follow, but at everything I said and did. Look at the movement I left behind. Examine the weak and fearful men and women who became bold and were willing to be martyred. What explains it? What was their belief in Me that led them to risk everything to be My disciples? When He [Jesus] spoke these words, some of the Jews began to argue. … It was winter and time for the Festival of Dedication. While in Jerusalem, Jesus was walking through the temple in an area known as Solomon’s porch, and Jews gathered around Him. Jews: How long are You going to keep us guessing? If You are God’s Anointed, the Liberating King, announce it clearly. Jesus: I have told you, and you do not believe. The works I am doing in My Father’s name tell the truth about Me. You do not listen; you lack faith because you are not My sheep. My sheep respond as they hear My voice; I know them intimately, and they follow Me. I give them a life that is unceasing, and death will not have the last word. Nothing or no one can steal them from My hand. My Father has given the flock to Me, and He is superior to all beings and things. No one is powerful enough to snatch the flock from My Father’s hand. The Father and I are one. The Jews gathered stones to execute Jesus right then and there. Jesus: I have performed many beautiful works before you in the name of the Father. Which of these can be judged as an offense that merits My execution? Jews: You are not condemned for performing miracles. We demand Your life because You are a man, yet you claim to be God. This is blasphemy! Jesus: You know what is written in the Scriptures. Doesn’t it read, “I said, you are gods”? If the Scriptures called your ancestors (mere mortals) gods to whom the word of God came — and the Scriptures cannot be set aside — what should you call One Who is unique, sanctified by and sent from the Father into the world? I have said, “I am God’s Son.” How can you call that blasphemy? By all means, do not believe in Me, if I am not doing the things of the Father. But examine My actions, and you will see that My work is the work of the Father. Regardless of whether you believe in Me — believe the miracles. Then you will know that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father. Once again, some of the Jews tried to capture Him, but He slipped away, eluding their grasp. Jesus crossed the Jordan River and returned to the place where John was… cleansing the people through baptism in the early days. He lingered in the area, and scores of people gathered around Him.
Today’s Verse – Proverbs 10:11
The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. —Proverbs 10:11 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… Do you want to know the difference between a righteous person and a wicked one? Simple! Jesus said to check the fruit of their life. One of the most visible forms of fruit in peoples’ lives is found in the way they talk, how they talk, and their empathy as they talk. Righteous people find ways to impart life through what they say. The wicked reveal themselves by what they say and how they say it. In a social-media-dominated world filled with vitriol, sarcasm, and bitterness, this is a prover we must heed! My Prayer… O LORD God, please hear my cry as I repeat the words of the Psalmist as my earnest prayer to you: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.* In the name of Jesus, I ask this. Amen. * From Psalm 19:14 ESV. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
The Good Shepherd
Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, Few passages of Scripture were more beloved in My time on earth than the twenty-third Psalm. Like in your day, many found great comfort knowing that the Great Shepherd was watching over them, caring for them, sustaining them, giving them rest, and bringing them safely home to Him: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:1-6 ESV) So when I claim to be the “good shepherd” in the verses below, my words are heard against the background of the twenty-third Psalm. At the same time, My words about being the “good shepherd” are speaking on several different levels of emphasis. Each level is important. Each conveys a powerful truth about Me — My identity, My power, and My sacrifice. First, by claiming to be the “good shepherd,” I AM claiming to be God, the Shepherd of the twenty-third Psalm! Clearly this was offensive to many faithful Jews for whom the Shepherd Psalm was precious and personal while God was high, exalted, and beyond compare — not some carpenter they thought was from Nazareth. That was why some accused Me of being a “raving maniac”! Second, notice the specific personal knowledge that I have of My sheep and they have of Me. I know them. I call them by name. They hear My voice and recognize Me. They follow Me. They don’t trust a stranger because they know My voice, and I lead by going out ahead of them and calling them by name. Third, there were bad shepherds among My people. I called them “hired hands” as well as “thieves and robbers”! They were bad shepherds like the ones described by the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 34:1-31). The religious leaders who were so opposed to Me knew I was talking about them as the bad shepherds. I knew that they were about to reject Me completely. Fourth, I laid down My life for the life of My sheep. In going to the cross willingly, I laid down My life to give life to My flock. No one could take My life from Me, but I laid it down because I love My sheep, and I want to honor the Father. But, when I laid My life down, I would also “take it up again” — I have the power to rise from the dead! A list, however, of the things I taught cannot compare with Who I AM and what it means for Me to be your Shepherd. As wonderful and precious as the words “The Lord is my shepherd…” may be to you, please recognize and feel the great love I have for you as your Shepherd. The twenty-third Psalm takes on so much deeper meaning when you truly understand that I AM your “good shepherd”: that I brought you everything promised in the twenty-third Psalm and everything promised in My words below. On top of everything else, I offered up My life to show you that My words are true, and My love and My shepherding are real. Verses to Live Take all the wonderful promises of the twenty-third Psalm and add all the incredible promises you find in My words below and know that these promises, that My comforting and guiding presence, are yours! Jesus: I tell you the truth: the man who crawls through the fence of the sheep pen, rather than walking through the gate, is a thief or a vandal. The shepherd walks openly through the entrance. The guard who is posted to protect the sheep opens the gate for the shepherd, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When all the sheep have been gathered, he walks on ahead of them; and they follow him because they know his voice. The sheep would not be willing to follow a stranger; they run because they do not know the voice of a stranger. Jesus explained a profound truth through this metaphor, but they did not understand His teaching. So He explained further. Jesus: I tell you the truth: I am the gate of the sheep. All who approached the sheep before Me came as thieves and robbers, and the sheep did not listen to their voices. I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be liberated, will go in and go out, and will find pastures. The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy; I came to give life with joy and abundance. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep in His care. The hired hand is not like the shepherd caring for His own sheep. When a wolf attacks, snatching and scattering the sheep, he runs for his life, leaving them defenseless. The hired hand runs because he works only for wages and does not care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me. As the Father knows Me, I know the Father; I will give My life for the sheep. There are many more sheep than you can see here, and I will bring them as well. They will hear My voice, and the flock will be united. One flock. One shepherd. The Father loves Me because I am willing to lay down My life — but
Today’s Verse – Psalm 100:5
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. —Psalm 100:5 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… We come to the final devotional thought based on Psalm 100:5. The focus is on God’s enduring love and faithfulness that continues through all generations. The genealogy of Matthew 1:1-16 lists the generations that God used to bring us Jesus, our LORD and Messiah. I usually speed-read through biblical genealogies. However, let’s invite the Holy Spirit to awaken us through this genealogy to celebrate God’s love and faithfulness, which brought us the Messiah through those generations. We can close our meditations on Psalm 100:1-5 with the joy of knowing that the LORD’s faithful love continued through all these generations and saved us through Jesus. What God has done so faithfully in the past, he will do even more in the days ahead as we await the glorious return of his Son and our Savior, the LORD Jesus Christ. The Father brought us the Son through his faithfulness, and we celebrate that enduring love by the power of the Holy Spirit’s inspired praise of Psalm 100:5: For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. My Prayer… Dear Father, in my world of change and unfaithfulness, everyone seems to want something from me or out of me, even though there are very few I can depend upon. Thank you for your love, which is more enduring than the mountains and more glorious than any beautiful sunrise. I praise you in the name of Jesus, your Son. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
Opening Blind Eyes #3
Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, On two previous days, I have had you look at John’s account of the man who was born blind and whom I healed. We’ve seen how people can willfully be blind to the people in need around them. Instead of viewing each person as someone in whom “the deeds of God may be put on display” (John 9:3), they treat those people as something less than people created in Our image — they treat them as a religious question, a label, a problem, or a biological product. Today, I want you to focus on the journey to faith of the man whom I healed of blindness — both his physical blindness and his spiritual blindness. His journey toward faith began as a person in need. I healed his physical blindness, and he began his journey toward his spiritual blindness being healed. You can follow this man’s journey to faith by watching what he said about me: “a man named Jesus.” (John 9:11) “this man is a prophet.” (John 9:17) “I only know one thing: I was blind, and now I see.” (John 9:25) “This man must come from God.” (John 9:33) “Lord, I do believe [that You are the Son of Man — Messiah and Lord — promised to us].” (John 9:38) I want you to look at this man’s journey of faith. Many of you have made a similar journey in what you believe about Me. Others whom you are trying to reach with My grace are somewhere on this journey. Use gentle persistence to lead them to a deeper understanding of My identity. Notice some things about this man’s coming to faith. While I wasn’t with him, he was still coming to a deeper understanding of My identity. And even at the end of the journey, he couldn’t explain everything about Me, but he had a determined faith in Me. Realize that even when you are not with those you are trying to lead to faith, the Spirit is working in their lives through what others do and say — even if it is hostile. Realize that while your friends may not be able to explain everything about Me, they can point to the clear changes in their lives as rock solid evidence of what they believe about Me. You have heard Me tell you that people have to decide whether I am a lunatic who is delusional about His identity or a liar who is trying to take advantage of people for his own good, or whether I AM the Lord. That is ultimately the decision that people have to make about Me. So help your friends stay on the journey of faith and be there to help them come to the full understanding of My identity. As you work in their lives to lead them to faith, know that you are not alone: I AM there with you and them — even when you are not present — helping them journey to full and saving faith. Verses to Live Notice how the Pharisees push this man to give up what he knows is true. The man never yields to them. He doesn’t back down. The Pharisees cannot defeat his logic nor can they discredit the truth of My miracle. So they end up doing what many do to you today. They ostracize him and demean him. Don’t be surprised when people do that to you. Just realize that when they have to resort to belittling you, they have lost the battle and are left to pettiness and living in their own willful blindness. Formerly Blind Man: This man [Jesus] must come from God; otherwise, this miracle would not be possible. Only God can do such things. Pharisees: You were born under a cloud of sin. How can you, of all people, lecture us? The religious leaders banished him from their presence. Jesus heard what had happened and sought out the man. Jesus: Do you believe in the Son of Man? Formerly Blind Man: I want to believe, Lord. Who is He? Jesus: You have seen His face with your new eyes, and you are talking to Him now. Formerly Blind Man: Lord, I do believe. The man bowed low to worship Jesus. Jesus: I have entered this world to announce a verdict that changes everything. Now those without sight may begin to see, and those who see may become blind. Some Pharisees (who overheard Jesus): Surely we are not blind, are we? Jesus: If you were blind, you would be without sin. But because you claim you can see, your sin is ever present. (John 9:33-41) Response in Prayer O Father, I thank You for my journey of faith. I ask that You help me as I try to walk with others on their journey toward faith in You. Please be at work in the following people’s lives that I want to see come to faith in Jesus as their Savior and Lord and as Your Son. (Think of people who need to know Jesus. Bring them before the Father and mention them by name.) Help each of these people to come to full and active faith in Jesus. I pray this in His name. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Today’s Verse – Psalm 100:4
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. —Psalm 100:4 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… As we continue reflecting on the call to worship in Psalm 100, we realize that today’s exhortation comes from the days when God’s physical Temple was in Jerusalem. For us, God’s New Covenant people, God’s Temple is Jesus’ church (1 Corinthians 3:16) as well as our physical bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19). Let’s joyfully celebrate God’s goodness as we thank him with others in our church family when we gather to worship as a church family. Let’s also glorify God with our bodies surrendered wholly to him (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:20) as we live intentionally, in holiness, to honor and worship God in every area of our lives (Hebrews 12:28-13:16)! Let’s give thanks and praise God’s name in public, in private, and in the community. Let’s each love and worship our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matthew 22:18-20). My Prayer… Father, we enter into the most holy place of your presence as we approach you through the presence and intercession of Jesus and the authorization and presence of the Holy Spirit. We are thrilled to know you listen to our hearts as we sing songs of praise. We are overjoyed that you welcome us into your presence as we come before you with thanksgiving and praise. We are delighted to be with you and tell you how much we appreciate all you have done for us. Thank you for meeting us in this place and time of prayer until we can come home and see you face-to-face with great joy. In Jesus’ name, we praise you and anticipate that glorious day. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
Opening Blind Eyes #2
Note from Jesus Dear Friend, I want you to notice the different ways people in this story viewed the “man born blind” that you find in your Bibles (John 9:1-41): My disciples looked at him as a religious question — was he born blind because of his sins or his parents’ sins? The people viewed him as a label — to them, he was just a blind beggar. The Pharisees saw the man as a problem — I had healed him on the Sabbath, something that broke their regulations, but they couldn’t use the man to get Me into trouble. The man’s parents treated him as little more than their biological product and not as a son — their fear of being put out of the synagogue prevented them from speaking up for their own son. Each of these was a way that the people around the man born blind viewed him. The people’s view of him was, in fact, their blindness — a willful blindness to the man’s needs. These are also ways you can view people, ways that will keep you blind to their needs and to your opportunity to help those people in My name. Which one of the following are you most likely to use to be willfully blind toward people in need? Is it… Viewing them as nothing more than a religious question? Assigning a label so you don’t have to personally deal with them? Treating them as a problem that needs to be solved or overcome? Viewing them as nothing more than biological products rather than people to be protected and loved? I call you to open your eyes to the people in need around you. I call you to treat each of these people as someone in whom “the deeds of God may be put on display” (John 9:3) and with whom God’s love can be shared. To do less is simply… Pharisaical! Verses to Live After fielding My disciples’ religious question about the man born blind, I healed him. This miracle made the Pharisees angry because I violated their regulations about the Sabbath. Instead of rejoicing that a blind man could now see, these religious leaders tried to bully him into condemning Me for healing him. They weren’t ready for what they were about to get from him — a simple theology of faith and truth that trumped their entrenched traditions and embarrassed them into banishing him and demeaning him. Townspeople to the man born blind: Where is this man Who healed you? Formerly Blind Man: I don’t know. The townspeople brought the formerly blind beggar to appear before the Pharisees the same day Jesus healed him, which happened to be on the Sabbath Day. The Pharisees began questioning him, looking for some explanation for how he could now see. Formerly Blind Man: He smeared mud on my eyes, and I washed; now I see. Some Pharisees: God can’t possibly be behind this man because He is breaking the rules of the Sabbath. Other Pharisees: How can such a lawbreaking scoundrel do something like this? The Pharisees were at odds with one another about Jesus and could not agree whether His power came from God or the devil. Pharisees (to the formerly blind man): What do you say about this man, about the fact He opened your eyes so you could see? Formerly Blind Man: I have no doubt — this man is a prophet. Some of the Jews suspected the whole situation was a charade, that this man was never blind. So they summoned the man’s parents to testify about his condition. Pharisees: Is this man your son? Do you testify that he has been blind from birth? How therefore does he now see? Parents: We can tell you this much: he is our son, and he was born blind. But his new sight is a complete mystery to us! We do not know the man Who opened his eyes. Why don’t you ask our son? He is old enough to speak for himself. The man’s parents were a bit evasive because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. It had been rumored that anyone who spoke of Jesus as the Anointed One would be expelled from the synagogue. So they deferred the thorny question to their son, and the Pharisees called on him a second time. Pharisees: Give God the credit. He’s the One Who healed you. All glory belongs to God. We are persuaded this man you speak of is a sinner who defies God. Formerly Blind Man: If this man is a sinner, I don’t know. I am not qualified to say. I only know one thing: I was blind, and now I see. Pharisees: What did He do to you? How did He give you sight? Formerly Blind Man: Listen, I’ve already answered all these questions, and you don’t like my answers. Do you really need me to say it all over again? Are you thinking about joining up with Him and becoming His followers? Pharisees (berating him): You’re one of His followers, but we follow Moses. We have confidence that God spoke to Moses, but this man you speak of is a mystery; we don’t even know where He comes from. Formerly Blind Man: Isn’t it ironic that you, our religious leaders, don’t even know where He comes from; yet He gave me sight! We know that God does not listen to sinners, but He does respond and work through those who worship Him and do His will. No one has ever heard of someone opening the eyes of any person blind from birth. This man must come from God; otherwise, this miracle would not be possible. Only God can do such things. Pharisees: You were born under a cloud of sin. How can you, of all people, lecture us? The religious leaders banished him from their presence. (John 9:12-34) Response in Prayer O Father, please forgive me. Forgive me for blindly looking past people