Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

Today’s Verse – Lamentations 3:25

The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. —Lamentations 3:25 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… Out of the ashes of Jerusalem’s destruction and the disaster that befell God’s people because of their repeated disobedience comes this reminder of truth. Those who wait patiently, hope fervently, and seek the LORD will find their soul’s deepest needs met. So, we can wait quietly, not complaining but anticipating our salvation coming from the LORD! My Prayer… Give me patience and faith, please, O God, to wait quietly on your deliverance when life is hard and everything seems to be against me. I believe that you are good to those who persevere, waiting patiently in hope for your mighty deliverance. Dear Father, please give me the strength I desperately need to wait quietly in faith, trusting that I will receive your salvation and your blessing as I live to honor you. In the name of your Son, Jesus, I confidently pray. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

Getting Past Your Worries

Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, Yesterday, I spoke to you about fear. Today I want to talk to you about worry and sins that lie behind so many of your worries: greed and insufficient faith! Listen carefully as I remind you of three key principles you will see in the verses below. I gave these principles to My disciples to help them defeat the power of worry in their lives. Please know that Luke wrote about these three principles to help you defeat worry, too! Principle 1: You’d better be on your guard against any type of greed, for a person’s life is not about having a lot of possessions. Greed is insidious and destructive — in fact, it is a form of idolatry (Colossians 3:5). Greed means the things you have are never enough. Greed opens the door for you to trample all over people to get things. Greed makes you think you deserve and own the things that you have, rather than seeing them as blessings from Us — Father, Son, and Spirit — to be used to bring the influence of Our kingdom into your fallen world. Principle 2: Don’t reduce your life to the pursuit of food and drink; don’t let your mind be filled with anxiety. People of the world who don’t know God pursue these things, but you have a Father caring for you, a Father Who knows all your needs. When I spoke to you yesterday about fear, I reminded you that you are precious to Us. Please remember and believe that truth. Why would the Father send Me to be sacrificed for you if you were not precious? Why would I pour out the Holy Spirit upon you, to live within you, if you are not precious to us? With so many less important things in your world that receive Our gracious provision, why would We ever abandon you when you are so precious to Us? Principle 3: Since you don’t need to worry — about security and safety, about food and clothing — then pursue God’s kingdom first and foremost, and these other things will come to you as well. My little flock, don’t be afraid. God is your Father, and your Father’s great joy is to give you His kingdom. Worry is often the byproduct of having your focus on the wrong things and not having sufficient faith in Us and Our promises. If your consuming passion is to follow Me and to bring the gracious benefits of My kingdom to your broken world, then you are not going to have time to focus on temporary stuff that doesn’t ultimately matter. Honor the Father with all of your heart. Love people as I have loved you. You must believe that when you focus on these two important things, all the other things in your life will fall into their proper place. Verses to Live Here are My words about worry. Remember My three principles; they are not simply suggestions to you, but they are given to help you find life. Person in the Crowd: Teacher, intervene and tell my brother to share the family inheritance with me. Jesus: Since when am I your judge or arbitrator? Then He used that opportunity to speak to the crowd. Jesus: You’d better be on your guard against any type of greed, for a person’s life is not about having a lot of possessions. (then, beginning another parable) A wealthy man owned some land that produced a huge harvest. He often thought to himself, “I have a problem here. I don’t have anywhere to store all my crops. What should I do? I know! I’ll tear down my small barns and build even bigger ones, and then I’ll have plenty of storage space for my grain and all my other goods. Then I’ll be able to say to myself, ‘I have it made! I can relax and take it easy for years! So I’ll just sit back, eat, drink, and have a good time!’” Then God interrupted the man’s conversation with himself. “Excuse Me, Mr. Brilliant, but your time has come. Tonight you will die. Now who will enjoy everything you’ve earned and saved?” This is how it will be for people who accumulate huge assets for themselves but have no assets in relation to God. (then, to His disciples) This is why I keep telling you not to worry about anything in life — about what you’ll eat, about how you’ll clothe your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than fancy clothes. Think about those crows flying over there: do they plant and harvest crops? Do they own silos or barns? Look at them fly. It looks like God is taking pretty good care of them, doesn’t it? Remember that you are more precious to God than birds! Which one of you can add a single hour to your life or 18 inches to your height by worrying really hard? If worry can’t change anything, why do you do it so much? Think about those beautiful wild lilies growing over there. They don’t work up a sweat toiling for needs or wants — they don’t worry about clothing. Yet the great King Solomon never had an outfit that was half as glorious as theirs! Look at the grass growing over there. One day it’s thriving in the fields. The next day it’s being used as fuel. If God takes such good care of such transient things, how much more you can depend on God to care for you, weak in faith as you are. Don’t reduce your life to the pursuit of food and drink; don’t let your mind be filled with anxiety. People of the world who don’t know God pursue these things, but you have a Father caring for you, a Father Who knows all your needs. Since you don’t need to worry — about security and safety, about food and clothing — then

Today’s Verse – Lamentations 3:22-23

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. —Lamentations 3:22-23 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… What sustained you through the night? What will get you through today? What will enable you to achieve, even thrive, in the days ahead? The LORD’s great love! His incredible resources for love, compassion, and faithfulness never really run dry! Each new day brings a fresh supply of them from his mercy and grace. God is faithful in making sure we have them each and every day. Praise be to God for making our world new and inviting us to walk with him and find his love, compassion, and faithfulness always near! My Prayer… Thank you, holy God and loving Father, for sustaining me through the night and promising me endless days at the end of my life’s journey. May you, my heavenly Father, find my love for and praise offered to you and always on my lips and in my heart. In Jesus’ name, I thank and praise you for being the one true, loving, compassionate, and faithful God. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

Don’t Let Fear Intimidate You!

Note from Jesus Dear Faithful Follower, People are afraid of many different kinds of things. That’s why one of the most frequent commands in the Scriptures is not to be afraid. It is also a command that I gave several times to My disciples. Fear is a real issue for people in your fallen world. The Father sent Me to deal with fear and to defeat the power behind your fears — to defeat the devil who uses sin and death to keep mortals enslaved to fear. The writer of Hebrews describes My role in defeating the devil and his power to use death to enslave you to fear: Since we, the children, are all creatures of flesh and blood, Jesus took on flesh and blood, so that by dying He could destroy the one who held power over death — the devil — and destroy the fear of death that has always held people captive. (Hebrews 2:14-15) You are journeying with Me to Jerusalem as you read from the Gospels in these devotionals. When My journey to Jerusalem is complete, I will die for your sins, I will be buried, and I will be raised from death to life to conquer hell, giving you glorious life beyond your death. The apostle Paul says it this way: I am absolutely miserable! Is there anyone who can free me from this body where sin and death reign so supremely? I am thankful to God for the freedom that comes through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. (Romans 7:24-25) Sin came into this world, and death’s sting followed. Then sin took aim at the law and gained power over those who follow the law. Thank God, then, for our Lord Jesus, the Anointed, the Liberating King, Who brought us victory over the grave. (1 Corinthians 15:56-57) The Father is the only One Who should truly be feared, but only if you are not His child. If you are My disciple, you are the Father’s child. Then you don’t need to fear Him. You are more precious to Us — Father, Son and Spirit — than you can imagine. The Father sent Me to save you at great cost. I went to the cross to redeem you and destroy the devil’s hold on you through fear. The Holy Spirit lives inside you to lead you, comfort you, empower you, and transform you. Don’t fear what might happen; remember what I accomplished for you. Remind yourself how much the Father loves you and delights in you. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His presence to you to calm your heart and strengthen your faith. Then when people ignore, mistreat, ridicule, threaten, or even hurt you, you don’t have to be afraid. Remember the promise I make to you as I discuss all of these issues in the verses below: If you identify unashamedly with Me before others, I, the Son of Man, will affirm you before God and all the heavenly messengers. Verses to Live What do you fear? Will you let Me help you with that fear? Will you let the Holy Spirit empower you and lead you out of your fear? Will you let the Father remind you how precious you are to him? Listen to My words of promise that Luke gives you to help you overcome your fear in the face of hardship! The crowds at this time were packed in so tightly that thousands of people were stepping on each other. Jesus spoke to His disciples, knowing that the crowds could overhear. Jesus: Guard yourselves from the yeast that puffs up the Pharisees — hypocrisy, false appearance, trying to look better than you really are. Nothing is covered up that won’t be discovered; nothing is hidden that won’t be exposed. Whatever a person says in the dark will be published in the light of day, and whatever a person whispers in private rooms will be broadcast from the housetops. Listen, My friends, if people are trying to kill you, why be afraid? After you’re dead, what more can they do? Here’s Whose opinion you should be concerned about: the One Who can take your life and then throw you into hell! He’s the only One you should fear! But don’t misunderstand: you don’t really need to be afraid of God, because God cares for every little sparrow. How much is a sparrow worth — don’t five of them sell for a few cents? Since you are so much more precious to God than a thousand flocks of sparrows, and since God knows you in every detail — down to the number of hairs on your head at this moment — you can be secure and unafraid of any person, and you have nothing to fear from God either. That’s why I keep telling you not to be intimidated. If you identify unashamedly with Me before others, I, the Son of Man, will affirm you before God and all the heavenly messengers. But if you deny Me before others, you will be denied before God and all the heavenly messengers. People can speak a word against Me, the Son of Man, and the sin is forgivable. But they can go too far, slandering the testimony of the Holy Spirit by rejecting His message about Me, and they won’t be forgiven for that. So you can anticipate that you will be put on trial before the synagogues and religious officials. Don’t worry how you’ll respond, and don’t worry what you should say. The Holy Spirit will give you the words to say at the moment when you need them. (Luke 12:1-12) Response in Prayer O Father, the Almighty and my Abba, there are times when I find it so easy to be afraid. I am not usually a “Woe is me!” kind of person, but there are people I love who have things I cannot fix or change and I fear for their future. I am uncertain about my own

Today’s Verse – Psalm 104:33-34

I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD. —Psalm 104:33-34 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… Do you sing in the shower? What words are on your lips? What is the soundtrack for your heart as you sleep? Singing is such a wonderful gift! First, it is a gift from God to help us express our joy, excitement, sorrow, and victory in him and to him. Second, it is a gift from us to God to help us communicate our respect, appreciation, love, thanksgiving, and confidence in God. So let’s sing, praising God for what he has done, proclaiming what he will do, and sharing what he is currently doing in our lives! And, let’s ask the Spirit to give us songs in the night (Job 35:10; Psalm 77:6) that celebrate our life in Christ and comfort us when life is harsh and we are discouraged. My Prayer… O God, my Father in heaven, even your name is holy, yet you welcome me with love. As I worship you, please insert your will into my heart as I seek to more closely reflect your holy character. I trust you, dear LORD, for the food I need daily. I ask you, Holy Father, to forgive me as I release the bitterness and anger I have held against those who have wounded me. Empower me, O God, to resist the temptations and deceptions of the Evil One. Holy Spirit, please fill my heart with love, joy, and peace as I sing praises, and comfort me with songs in the night. In Jesus’ name, I confidently pray. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

Truth with a Bit of Shock

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, There are so many good things I could share with you about the verses below from Luke’s gospel. Here are just a few things that I hope you will spend some time prayerfully considering today. In the first encounter, Luke helps you understand the motives of the scholar who comes to question Me. Luke tells you that the scholar was there not to learn from Me, but that he “tried to trap” Me! So while he answered My question correctly, he did not answer “rightly.” Correct data does not mean you have a right heart. My emphasis was on living the two great love commandments, not just knowing the right answers to them. Right answers without a right heart and without right living lead to a foolish waste of one’s life — something I emphasized at the end of My Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:21-27)! Luke also tells you that the scholar was “hoping to make himself appear smarter” than Me. So notice what I ask at the end of the parable of The Good Samaritan: “Which of these three proved himself a neighbor to the man who had been mugged by the robbers?” I shifted the issue from the right interpretation of Scripture into a question about right living and serving those in need. In the second encounter, Martha struggles with societal expectations and what is really most important. Jewish society told Martha that her highest obligation was hospitality to the guests in her home. Martha lived up to that expectation beautifully except for one problem: she wanted to impose that obligation on Mary. Mary was sitting at My feet training to know, live, and teach My truth. Mary knew that there was no higher call than to sit at My feet as a disciple learning from Me. Mary chose the one greater thing, and I wouldn’t let Martha’s sense of obligation steal that away from her. Now that’s quite a bit to absorb for one note, but there are two other points you must not miss: Samaritans were never supposed to be heroes in any Jewish story. However, I made the Samaritan a hero to help the scholar see that right religious answers, a proper religious pedigree, and racial identification carry no weight in My kingdom. Character and compassion are what truly matter. In Martha and Mary’s culture, women were not supposed to sit at the feet of a rabbi as Mary did. To sit at the feet of a great rabbi meant that you were his student in training (Acts 22:3 ESV). So Mary was the hero of this special time because she had “chosen that one thing” that truly mattered: to live as My disciple while preparing to teach others to do the same. Both of these points would have come as a shock to those who heard them. But as you are learning together in our journey each day, My truth often comes with a bit of a shock to help you see what truly matters and what does not! Verses to Live My encounter with the scholar and My affirmation of Mary demonstrate what the apostle Paul would later write: For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you. (Galatians 3:26-29 NLT) Luke gives the following account of the events immediately after the return of the 70 disciples from their mission and My time of rejoicing with them. Notice who and what I commend in the two encounters you are about to read: Just then a scholar of the Hebrew Scriptures tried to trap Jesus. Scholar: Teacher, what must I do to experience the eternal life? Jesus (answering with a question): What is written in the Hebrew Scriptures? How do you interpret their answer to your question? Scholar: You shall love — “love the Eternal One your God with everything you have: all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind” — and “love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus: Perfect. Your answer is correct. Follow these commands and you will live. The scholar was frustrated by this response because he was hoping to make himself appear smarter than Jesus. Scholar: Ah, but who is my neighbor? Jesus: This fellow was traveling down from Jerusalem to Jericho when some robbers mugged him. They took his clothes, beat him to a pulp, and left him naked and bleeding and in critical condition. By chance, a priest was going down that same road, and when he saw the wounded man, he crossed over to the other side and passed by. Then a Levite who was on his way to assist in the temple also came and saw the victim lying there, and he too kept his distance. Then a despised Samaritan journeyed by. When he saw the fellow, he felt compassion for him. The Samaritan went over to him, stopped the bleeding, applied some first aid, and put the poor fellow on his donkey. He brought the man to an inn and cared for him through the night. The next day, the Samaritan took out some money — two days’ wages to be exact — and paid the innkeeper, saying, “Please take care of this fellow, and if this isn’t enough, I’ll repay you next time I pass through.” Which of these three proved himself a neighbor to the man who had been mugged by the robbers? Scholar: The one who showed mercy to him. Jesus: Well then, go and behave like that Samaritan. Jesus continued from there toward Jerusalem and came to another village. Martha, a

Today’s Verse – Isaiah 26:9

My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. —Isaiah 26:9 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… When a young couple in love is apart, they long to be with each other so much they ache. When parents are separated from a child, they miss that child intensely. When a spouse can no longer be with a long-time marriage partner, that person’s soul can ache to be reunited with the one they have loved and lost. God created us to be in the most profound fellowship with him and find our source and significance in our relationship with him. This deep relationship was initially called “walking in the garden in the cool of the day,” something that sin took away from us and caused us to hide from God (Genesis 3:8). Do you recognize your spirit aching to be with God? Many believers call this ache the God-shaped hole in all of us. It is a powerful metaphor for the yearning and longing for God we have built into our hearts, a longing that even sin and the evil one cannot extinguish. So, how do we fill our God-shaped hole? First, let’s recognize our God-hunger can only be satisfied by the LORD himself, not another person, creature, or creation. Then, we should confess our longing and yearning for God as Isaiah did in today’s verse. That opens the door for our hearts to satisfy our yearning and longing by spending time in our Abba Father’s presence as we communicate our desire, affection, and need to be with our Abba in heaven. Yes, our souls yearn for God during the night; in the morning, our spirits long to be alive with God as we begin each day! My Prayer… Holy and righteous Father, I do ache to experience your presence. I know the piece of my soul I sometimes feel is missing can only be found in you. Please, dear Father, be very real and present in my life today. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

What Brings Deep Joy

Note from Jesus My Dear Little One, The world is a big place. I’ve asked you to step into this big place and make a big difference. I know there will be times when your work seems hopeless and your impact small. So, from the scripture below, I want you to realize several things from what I said to help My original disciples understand. First, pray for more workers. The Father is waiting for you to ask for His help in bringing more good workers into the harvest fields. Second, not everyone will welcome your efforts. When you find people who do, focus on them. Build relationships with them. Third, when you and your message are rejected, don’t take it personally. People are not rejecting you but Me and the Father Who sent Me. Don’t dwell on the rejection and don’t let it defeat you; move on looking for the next person or family longing to find My grace. Along the way, as you do My kingdom-bringing work, you will experience the joy of My presence and power. Satan will be dethroned from human hearts and people’s lives. This triumph should bring you joy! This victory does bring Me joy — deep joy and elation! So yes, I’m sending you into the world that is vast and challenging with a message that often is not welcomed. But as you go, as you do My will, and as you expose people to the Father’s grace, the kingdom comes. As you experience bringing glimpses of My reign in My kingdom, you experience what even the greatest of the great among the prophets and kings of old never got to glimpse. Yes, this is all cause to rejoice. Yes, this brings Me deep joy. But here is a fantastic reason to rejoice: your name is written in heaven. The Father claims you as His own! Verses to Live The following events and words were written about a specific mission of sending My disciples. However, I want you to listen and look underneath My words to these disciples and find the principles to sustain you and lead you to rejoice in your own work for the Father and for bringing the kingdom! The Lord then recruited and deployed 70 more disciples. He sent them ahead, in teams of two, to visit all the towns and settlements between them and Jerusalem. This is what He ordered. Jesus: There’s a great harvest waiting in the fields, but there aren’t many good workers to harvest it. Pray that the Harvest Master will send out good workers to the fields. It’s time for you 70 to go. I’m sending you out armed with vulnerability, like lambs walking into a pack of wolves. Don’t bring a wallet. Don’t carry a backpack. I don’t even want you to wear sandals. Walk along barefoot, quietly, without stopping for small talk. When you enter a house seeking lodging, say, “Peace on this house!” If a child of peace — one who welcomes God’s message of peace — is there, your peace will rest on him. If not, don’t worry; nothing is wasted. Stay where you’re welcomed. Become part of the family, eating and drinking whatever they give you. You’re My workers, and you deserve to be cared for. Again, don’t go from house to house, but settle down in a town and eat whatever they serve you. Heal the sick and say to the townspeople, “The kingdom of God has come near to you.” Of course, not every town will welcome you. If you’re rejected, walk through the streets and say, “We’re leaving this town. We’ll wipe off the dust that clings to our feet in protest against you. But even so, know this: the kingdom of God has come near.” I tell you the truth, on judgment day, Sodom will have an easier time of it than the town that rejects My messengers. It’s going to be bad for you, Chorazin! It’s going to be bad for you, Bethsaida! If the mighty works done in your streets had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, they would have been moved to turn to God and cry out in sackcloth and ashes. On judgment day, Tyre and Sidon will have an easier time of it than you. It’s going to be bad for you, too, Capernaum! Will you be celebrated to heaven? No, you will go down to the place of the dead. Listen, disciples: if people give you a hearing, they’re giving Me a hearing. If they reject you, they’re rejecting Me. And if they reject Me, they’re rejecting the One Who sent Me. So — go now! When the 70 completed their mission and returned to report on their experiences, they were elated. Seventy: It’s amazing, Lord! When we use Your name, the demons do what we say! Jesus: I know. I saw Satan falling from above like a lightning bolt. I’ve given you true authority. You can smash vipers and scorpions under your feet. You can walk all over the power of the enemy. You can’t be harmed. But listen — that’s not the point. Don’t be elated that evil spirits leave when you say to leave. Rejoice that your names are written in heaven. Then Jesus Himself became elated. The Holy Spirit was on Him, and He began to pray with joy. Jesus: Thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. Thank You for hiding Your mysteries from the wise and intellectual, instead revealing them to little children. Your ways are truly gracious. My Father has given Me everything. No one knows the full identity of the Son except the Father, and nobody knows the full identity of the Father except the Son, and the Son fully reveals the Father to whomever He wishes. (then almost in a whisper to the disciples) How blessed are your eyes to see what you see! Many prophets and kings dreamed of seeing what you see, but they never

Today’s Verse – Ephesians 4:24

…and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. —Ephesians 4:24 Thoughts on Today’s Verse… Remember, our verse today comes from Paul’s challenge to put off our old way of life (Ephesians 4:22-24). Yesterday, we offered ourselves to God to be made new in our ways of thinking and serving. One of the most significant decisions we face at the beginning of each day is what we will wear. Well, no matter what we choose for our physical clothing, let’s make sure we choose to put on the new person God re-made us to be, clothed with Christ as our new self (Romans 13:14; Galatians 3:27), someone committed to live for God “in true righteousness and holiness.” Only the “garments of salvation” and the “robe of God’s righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10) will fit us eternally! My Prayer… Dear Father, may people see the character and likeness of Jesus in me today. LORD Jesus, in your name, I ask you, please, to guide my decisions and help me know how you would have me act in today’s situations. Precious and powerful Holy Spirit, please fill me and continue your work in transforming me as I seek to clothe myself with Christ, cherishing the garment of your salvation as Jesus clothes me in the robe of his righteousness. Amen. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.


Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, In the verses below, I want you to notice a few things about the ongoing contentious dealings I had with the religious leaders. They couldn’t make Me back down or compromise the truth that I was speaking to them. They finally did what folks who are losing an argument sometimes do: they started calling Me names — using ugly, racial and religious slurs. If they couldn’t defeat My truth, then they were going to try to discredit Me and beat Me up with vile words intended to brand and shame Me. I want you to notice especially two statements that I make. Both of these are astounding claims that I would later back up with the cross and the resurrection! First, I make you an incredible promise in the middle of all the contentious words: I tell you the truth, anyone who hears My voice and keeps My word will never experience death. Yes, I know that your body is going to die, but the real you will not die. The real you will be joined to Me (Colossians 3:1-4) and I will give you a new and glorious body when I return for you in My glory (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:42-44). Because you belong to Me, death cannot have you, claim you, or hold you! Second, I claim to be God — the one true and living God, Yahweh, the great I AM Who revealed Himself to Moses (Exodus 3:13-15): I tell you the truth; I AM before Abraham was born. They did not misunderstand Me. They either had to believe in Me or count Me as a blasphemer. The devil had so blinded them to all the good things that I had done that they could not see that the Father had sent Me. So, dear disciple, don’t miss either truth. Because I AM God and lived among you as one of you. I became like you so that you can come and live with Me in the presence of the Father and all those who have honored Him with their lives. What John said about Me at the beginning of his gospel is true (John 1:1-18).[See Note] If you can’t remember it, then go back and read it once again before you read the discussion below. I think you will find it makes the same two points I just shared with you! [Note] John 1:1-18 is called “The Prologue” and is famous for its beauty as well as its theological depth. Jesus is called “The Logos” which is often translated “The Word” or “The Message” of God. In these eighteen verses John teaches that Jesus is God’s ultimate “Word” or “Message” to us. (Hebrews 1:1-3, Philippians 2:6-11, and Colossians 1:15-23 make similar claims about Jesus). “The Word” was… With God in the beginning with God and thus He was pre-existent to all created things. By nature and character God. Creator of everything that has been made. The source of all life. Light for the world and for all people. The Light that has shined in the darkness and couldn’t be extinguished. Not recognized by the world when he came, but for those who received Him, He became the source of new birth and eternal life. God come in human flesh to reveal God and make Him known. The One Who came to bring grace and truth; the Someone far superior to any and all law. [RETURN] Verses to Live In these verses, you are dropping in on a contentious discussion between the religious leaders and Me. They are determined to label Me as someone evil. I will not let them, but instead make the two incredible claims: those who believe in Me will never die and I not only do the Father’s will, but I AM God Who walks among them. Jews: We were right when we called You a demon-possessed Samaritan. Jesus: I’m not taken by demons. You dishonor Me, but I give all glory and honor to the Father. But I am not pursuing My own fame. There is only One Who pursues and renders justice. I tell you the truth, anyone who hears My voice and keeps My word will never experience death. Jews: We are even more confident now that You are demon-possessed. Just go down the list: Abraham died, the prophets all died. Yet You say, “If you keep My word, you will never taste death.” Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died; remember? Prophets — are any of them still alive? No. Who do You think You are? Jesus: If I were trying to make Myself somebody important, it would be a waste of time. That kind of fame is worth nothing. It is the Father Who is behind Me, urging Me on, giving Me praise. You say, “He is our God,” but you are not in relationship with Him. I know Him intimately; even if I said anything other than the truth, I would be a liar, like you. I know Him, and I do as He says. Your father Abraham anticipated the time when I would come, and he celebrated My coming. Jews: You aren’t even 50 years old, yet You have seen and talked with Abraham? Jesus: I tell you the truth; I AM before Abraham was born. The people picked up stones to hurl at Him, but Jesus slipped out of the temple. Their murderous rage would have to wait. (John 8:48-59) Response in Prayer God Almighty, the great I AM, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, I thank You for becoming human flesh, defeating sin and death, and giving me new life through my faith in Jesus and His triumph over Satan, sin, and death through the cross and the resurrection. I praise You and thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the

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