General Programs

In the past four (4) years, Silent stones has worked to support rural churches and Christian communities in Kenya and have developed an outline of “what works” and “what does not work”. “What works” includes: Avoiding corrupt practices and ensure effective use of monetary resource through procurement of services and equipment by: procuring equipment and distributing “in kind” donations of bibles, equipment and facilities and occasionally supporting Church building projects directly managing projects to help provide basic needs for the rural communities e.g. water, food and education; and direct settlement of sponsorship fees for pastors by payment to Bible colleges. Developing on the ground effectiveness by: supporting pastors already operating in the rural areas and with a passion for the rural areas reviewing individual church needs in line with realities to counter pastors being over-zealous with available resources helping minimize competition with other churches & pastors ensuring that pastors will effectively stay the distance; and help set-up income generating projects that enable the church to run outreach programs, missions and camps for the faithful and to reach more people with the Word of God. [wpi_designer_button text=’Donate’ link=’’ style_id=’1316′ target=’self’]
Bible Purchases & Distribution

Since 2013, Silent stones has distributed over 1,600 Bibles free of charge to Christians in rural locations, new faithful, children at vacation bible school and prisoners. The donations include donations to Trinity Baptist Church, Ukunda (South Coast), Matanoni Faith Baptist Church (Matano Mane), Vitengeni Baptist Church and Shimo la Tewa Prisons. Other activities included donations made to children attending vacation Bible School in Kilifi township and to new faithful in Crusades held in Kitale township. [wpi_designer_button text=’Donate’ link=’’ style_id=’1316′ target=’self’]