Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

06 Apr 2021

Let us exalt the name together, may His praises always be on our lips. Let us bless and honour His name always, for He is worthy of praise. I am sure we have seen His deliverance severally when we have called out to Him in desperation. May it be so this time too. Psalm 34:1-6.

01 Apr 2021

And sometimes you may not know how to pray. Use scripture to help you to pray. I have been praying for a few people who have been going through very difficult times. I have done it for so long that my prayer became monotonous. But when I used scripture to pray for them, it was different and my zeal was renewed. Psalm 31.

31 Mar 2021

AS we spend time in prayer, let us also read the word of God. May we use scripture as we pray. This helps us to stay focused and enables us to praise and worship God as we pray. It also helps us balance our prayer life. There are so many amazing scriptures and passages that inspire us when we pray. This also helps us to pray according to God’s will for our lives. Psalm 91.

30 Mar 2021

As we purpose to spend time in prayer, may we always remember to praise Him for who He is and thank Him for what He has done. Prayer should not only be about petitioning God about our woes, let us also enjoy being refreshed in His presence as we adore the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. Psalm 139:1-18.

29 Mar 2021

The prayers we raise up to God with a sincere and contrite heart reach Him. He hears them all. There may be a variety of reasons as to why He does not answer them in accordance with our desires, but He hears them. Daniel 10:12.

26 Mar 2021

A true servant of God trusts that the master knows what’s best for him. It is therefore critical to focus on His will for us to avoid discouragement, especially when challenges abound and even in good times. Matthew 26:39.

25 Mar 2021

There are circumstances that only the Lord can change. His presence will make the difference. May we not get tired of calling on Him to come and change them if it is His will. Acts 2:14-19.

24 Mar 2021

Even as we purpose to call on the name of the Lord, may He hear us. May His ear be inclined to our pleas and petitions. May it be known of us, that we serve a God who hears us when we pray. Psalm 4.

23 Mar 2021

We are in constant need of the Lord, at least I am; whether it is for His presence, matwrial provision, health, wisdom, grace, deliverance, salvation, etc. It is comforting to know that He is just a prayer away. Be encouraged. Psalm 70:1-5.

22 Mar 2021

Where you are today is not your destination. I’m sure the Lord still wants to work in and through you to accomplish His purposes. Endeavour to find out what that is for you and those in your sphere of influence Genesis 50:22-26.

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