Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

Reason to Celebrate

Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, In the face of life’s irritations, what is your source of joy? In the middle of life’s biggest heartaches and wounds, what is your reason for hope? In the moments of life’s greatest blessings, what multiplies and deepens your joy in anticipation of a joy even greater than you can describe? Peter reminds you in the verses below that your faith in My resurrection gives you “a joy that is glorious and beyond words,” a reason to “celebrate” and rejoice now as you anticipate a richer life, and an even greater joy that I have waiting for you since “you are receiving the salvation” of your soul! This salvation has begun, but even greater experiences and realities of this salvation lie on the horizon. So in the most joyous moments of your life, remember that even greater joy is ahead. In your painful and most trying days, remember that a far better future lies ahead. In the everyday routine — no matter how filled with monotony or great blessings or deep sorrow — celebrate that you are caught up in the marvelous and astounding future promised in My resurrection from the dead. Life and joy are yours, both now and forevermore! Verses to Live As you read these verses one more time, focus on the future joy that is promised. Notice especially the words “celebrate,” “glorious,” “greatly rejoice,” and “beyond words.” These words are used to describe the “joy” that is yours because of your faith in My resurrection that assures your salvation both now and throughout eternity! Blessed is God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! Because He has raised Jesus the Anointed from death, through His great mercy we have been reborn into a living hope — reborn for an eternal inheritance, held in reserve in heaven, that will never fade or fail. Through faith, God’s power is standing watch, protecting you for a salvation that you will see completely at the end of things. You should greatly rejoice in what is waiting for you, even if now for a little while you have to suffer various trials. Suffering tests your faith which is more valuable than gold (remember that gold, although it is perishable, is tested by fire) so that if it is found genuine, you can receive praise, honor, and glory when Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, is revealed at last. Although you haven’t seen Jesus, you still love Him. Although you don’t yet see Him, you do believe in Him and celebrate with a joy that is glorious and beyond words. You are receiving the salvation of your souls as the result of your faith. (1 Peter 1:3-9) Response in Prayer Loving Father, open my eyes to the joy available to me because of the future ahead of me and the salvation You have given to me in Jesus, in Whose name I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Note from Jesus Dear Child of the Father, Yes, you are a child of God! Doesn’t that sound incredible? The Father in heaven, the Eternal, the Almighty, the Creator is your Father. I AM your older Brother. I shared your world of flesh and blood, so I could intercede for you (Hebrews 2:14-18) and so I could share My inheritance with you (Romans 8:17)! Read what Paul wrote to the Roman Christians: If the Spirit of God is leading you, then take comfort in knowing you are His [God’s] children. You see, you have not received a spirit that returns you to slavery, so you have nothing to fear. The Spirit you have received adopts you and welcomes you into God’s own family. That’s why we call out to Him, “Abba! Father!” as we would address a loving daddy. Through that prayer, God’s Spirit confirms in our spirits that we are His children. If we are God’s children, that means we are His heirs along with the Anointed, set to inherit everything that is His. If we share His sufferings, we know that we will ultimately share in His glory. Now I’m sure of this: the sufferings we endure now are not even worth comparing to the glory that is coming and will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:14-18) Similar things are said in other passages in your New Testament (Ephesians 1:13-14; Colossians 1:10-12; Colossians 3:24; Hebrews 9:15). Take the time to read these additional passages. These scriptures champion the authenticity of your inheritance. They remind you that you are a co-heir with Me of all the Father’s blessings. Many people hope for a rich uncle or aunt or friend to leave them a lot of money when that loved one dies. Here’s an incredible truth for you: your inheritance — riches that won’t decay, can’t be stolen, and will never be lost — will be yours when you die and you receive your eternal inheritance! Salvation is more than just being saved from hell and punishment. Salvation is being saved for a purposeful life now and an eternal glory that is waiting for you with the Father! So rejoice and “celebrate with a joy that is glorious and beyond words”! Your inheritance, when you come to share glory with Me, will far exceed any earthly inheritance. Such is the nature of the salvation awaiting you that “you will see completely at the end of things”! Verses to Live While you have read the following words of celebration and praise the last several days, do so again. This time, however, focus your joy on being an heir of God’s grace and glory. This eternal inheritance is yours, as the words in bold below announce. Salvation is so much richer and deeper than you can imagine. You are a child of the King of Glory! Blessed is God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! Because He has raised Jesus the Anointed from death, through His great mercy we have been reborn into a living hope — reborn for an eternal inheritance, held in reserve in heaven, that will never fade or fail. Through faith, God’s power is standing watch, protecting you for a salvation that you will see completely at the end of things. You should greatly rejoice in what is waiting for you, even if now for a little while you have to suffer various trials. Suffering tests your faith which is more valuable than gold (remember that gold, although it is perishable, is tested by fire) so that if it is found genuine, you can receive praise, honor, and glory when Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, is revealed at last. Although you haven’t seen Jesus, you still love Him. Although you don’t yet see Him, you do believe in Him and celebrate with a joy that is glorious and beyond words. You are receiving the salvation of your souls as the result of your faith. (1 Peter 1:3-9) Response in Prayer O Father, thank You for adopting me into Your family by grace. Thank You, Jesus, for paying the high price of that adoption. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for being the deposit that guarantees the inheritance that I will receive. Father, to know that I am Your child, a participant in Your grace, and an heir of the riches of Your mercy and grace is the reason for great joy. So forgive me for not always being thankful. Forgive me for wallowing in my problems and not looking through them to the glory that awaits. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, I thank You with a joyful appreciation that is beyond words! Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Great Joy in Believing

Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, I know faith is not easy, especially now living nearly two thousand years after My death, burial, and resurrection. So I want us to spend today and the next two days together delighting in your faith. Our tour guide is My impetuous and dramatic apostle, Peter. We will be reading from the opening words of his small letter (1 Peter) to believers in Asia Minor. Like you, those people had never seen Me. They had to take the testimony of others who had. They were facing imminent persecution like many of My followers face right now in a lot of places in the world. Peter wanted to affirm their faith and also to emphasize several great blessings that accompanied their faith. I want you to delight in these things that he said and be blessed. Each day, the special focus sections will be in bold so you won’t miss them! Before sharing the verses from 1 Peter, I want to remind you of the promise I made to Thomas — a promise I shared with you in yesterday’s verses: Eight days later, they [the disciples] gathered again behind locked doors; and Jesus reappeared. This time Thomas was with them. Jesus: May each one of you be at peace. He drew close to Thomas. Jesus: Reach out and touch Me. See the punctures in My hands; reach out your hand, and put it to My side; leave behind your faithlessness, and believe. Thomas (filled with emotion): You are the one True God and Lord of my life. Jesus: Thomas, you have faith because you have seen Me. Blessed are all those who never see Me and yet they still believe. (John 20:26-29) Notice those words in bold! I have a special blessing for you — you who believe without having ever seen Me. Your faith is precious! It stands guard over your heart and protects you to receive a salvation and share in a glory that you won’t fully enjoy until you discover it “completely at the end of things.” It is more valuable than gold. Your faith gives you something that can’t be stolen. That faith has given you something that isn’t perishable — it won’t wear out or decay. That faith is connecting you to true and eternal salvation. So today, I want you to take a moment and be thankful for the gift of your faith! Your faith was planted in your heart and nurtured by someone for whom you should give thanks. Your faith connects you to Me, and I am more powerful than death and all the forces of hell. Your faith is protected by the power of God if you are willing to nurture it and rejoice in it. Your faith is placed in Me and what We — Father, Son, and Spirit — have accomplished in My resurrection from the dead and in the power that is continuously being released into your life as you keep your faith focused on Me. Your faith is the door of grace opening to you so that you can receive all that salvation is meant to offer you — now and forevermore. Thank you for believing! I left heaven to win your heart, to give you a reason to believe, and to give you a hope that can endure until we see each other face-to-face and your faith becomes sight and we rejoice together… forever! Verses to Live Peter was present when I was talking with Thomas in the verses quoted above from John’s gospel. The second paragraph below echoes the things that I said to Thomas about you and others who have faith without having seen Me. Notice the things that Peter associates with your faith: “a living hope,” “eternal inheritance,” “never fade or fail,” “salvation,” “praise, honor, and glory,” and “joy that is glorious and beyond words.” Blessed is God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! Because He has raised Jesus the Anointed from death, through His great mercy we have been reborn into a living hope — reborn for an eternal inheritance, held in reserve in heaven, that will never fade or fail. Through faith, God’s power is standing watch, protecting you for a salvation that you will see completely at the end of things. You should greatly rejoice in what is waiting for you, even if now for a little while you have to suffer various trials. Suffering tests your faith which is more valuable than gold (remember that gold, although it is perishable, is tested by fire) so that if it is found genuine, you can receive praise, honor, and glory when Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, is revealed at last. Although you haven’t seen Jesus, you still love Him. Although you don’t yet see Him, you do believe in Him and celebrate with a joy that is glorious and beyond words. You are receiving the salvation of your souls as the result of your faith. (1 Peter 1:3-9) Please remember Peter’s words. Especially remember them when you are facing difficulties because of your faith. Please remember Peter’s words when you are wondering whether it is worthwhile to continue along the path of faith. Peter’s words were spoken with the integrity of proven and challenged faith. Peter’s words were tested by fire. He had endured hardship, ridicule, threat, and persecution and yet refused to renounce his faith in Me after My resurrection. When facing possible death if he and his fellow apostles continued to proclaim My resurrection, Peter and the apostles said: If we have to choose between obedience to God and obedience to any human authority, then we must obey God. The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from death. You [the religious leaders] killed Jesus by hanging Him on a tree, but God has lifted Him high, to God’s own right hand, as the Prince, as the Liberator. God intends to bring Israel to a radical rethinking of our lives

The Blessing of Believing

Note from Jesus Dear Seeker of Truth, Believing in My resurrection is a real challenge. That’s understandable. Having a friend who dies and then suddenly appears, offers for you to touch him, shows you his scars, eats bread with you, drinks wine with you, has a bit of fish with you, and then shares your company doesn’t happen in your experience. But the most important purpose and meaning for your life hinge on your faith in My resurrection. Paul makes this clear when he says: Now if we have told you about the Anointed One [Me, Christ] (how He has risen from the dead and appeared to us fully alive), then how can you stand there and say there is no such thing as resurrection from death? Friends, if there is no resurrection of the dead, then even the Anointed hasn’t been raised; if that is so, then all our preaching has been for nothing and your faith in the message is worthless. And what’s worse, all of us who have been preaching the gospel are now guilty of misrepresenting God because we have been spreading the news that He raised the Anointed One from the dead (which must be a lie if what you are saying about the dead not being raised is the truth). (1 Corinthians 15:12-15) Being My disciple hinges on your faith in My resurrection! Sooner or later, if you haven’t already done so, you must take the huge step of faith and entrust your future to this reality that is outside your experience. Helping you to believe in My resurrection is the reason why My interaction with Thomas is so important a week after My resurrection. (See the verses below for this story.) Thomas was not a bad guy. He was not trying to be difficult or problematic. He just wanted to know for sure. He just wanted to know for himself. He would not believe until he saw Me face-to-face and touched my scars. The confession and commitment of Thomas after seeing Me and being able to touch Me, are powerful: You are the one True God and Lord of my life. Thomas’ confession and commitment are what I want from you concerning Me. Your problem is that I am not there for you to physically touch. That’s why I promised you the special blessing that I did: Thomas, you have faith because you have seen Me. Blessed are all those who never see Me and yet they still believe. The apostle Peter knew your challenge to believe since you haven’t seen Me. He taught and wrote to people who had never seen Me yet believed. He wrote to these disciples about the blessing of believing and the joy such faith brings: Although you haven’t seen Jesus, you still love Him. Although you don’t yet see Him, you do believe in Him and celebrate with a joy that is glorious and beyond words. You are receiving the salvation of your souls as the result of your faith. (1 Peter 1:8-9). I want you to remember these blessings. I want you to remember these blessings every time you struggle with doubt. I want you to remember these blessings every time someone ridicules you for believing in Me and My resurrection. These blessings are yours because you believe! The Holy Spirit will help you strengthen your faith and have confidence that you can receive these blessings. Here are a few of the many reasons to believe in My resurrection: The eyewitnesses who wrote in the New Testament about My resurrection. People like My own family, and especially My brother James, who did not believe that I was the Messiah and Son of God until seeing Me alive after My resurrection from the dead. The change in the apostles from men who were scared and hiding to world-changing men of courage, many of whom were martyred for their faith in Me. The experiences you have had of My presence in your life as you have served Me: – the times just the right word came from someone else, – the empowerment I’ve given you when you were on mission, – the rich sense of My presence when you’ve served the needy, and – the palpable sense of My presence as you’ve worshiped. The testimony and resilience of My people over the centuries through oppression, martyrdom, and ostracism. These are but a few reasons. Verses to Live Don’t get so hung up on the reasons to believe that you miss the two truths I want you to hear in the verses below: I know it is hard for many of you to believe — you’re like Thomas and many others like him. Keep seeking Me and you will find Me. There is a great blessing for you who find your way through doubt and come to faith in Me — for you who have never physically seen Me and yet still believe. Please receive that blessing now as you read about Thomas, his struggle for faith, his incredible confession and commitment, and My blessing for you who believe in Me, yet have never seen Me! All of the eleven were present with the exception of Thomas [that first Sunday evening after Jesus was raised from the dead]. He heard the accounts of each brother’s interaction with the Lord. The Other Disciples: We have seen the Lord! Thomas: Until I see His hands, feel the wounds of the nails, and put my hand to His side, I won’t believe what you are saying. Eight days later, they gathered again behind locked doors; and Jesus reappeared. This time Thomas was with them. Jesus: May each one of you be at peace. He drew close to Thomas. Jesus: Reach out and touch Me. See the punctures in My hands; reach out your hand, and put it to My side; leave behind your faithlessness, and believe. Thomas (filled with emotion): You are the one True God and Lord of my life.

Resurrection Power

Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, The apostle Paul prayed a meaningful and moving prayer for the Christians in Asia Minor. Here is part of his prayer: I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He [Jesus] has given those He called — His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 1:18-20 NLT) The power of My resurrection is also at work in you through the Holy Spirit Whom I “poured out” on you “in abundance” (Titus 3:3-7). While you still face the limits of your mortal physical body, you will one day have an immortal, indestructible body like the one I had after My resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:49-57; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:2). This resurrection power is already at work in you in many ways. So over the next six weeks, I want to share with you some of the implications of the resurrection power that is at work in you through the Holy Spirit. Verses to Live Today, I want to share with you another passage that goes along with Paul’s prayer from chapter 1 of Ephesians. Paul found himself in very difficult circumstances again and again. Once when he was in Asia Minor — the place the people lived for whom Paul prayed in the verses above, he faced a terrible, life-threatening situation that should have ended in his death. As he stated in the first part of today’s Scripture, he recognized his dire situation. However, he experienced resurrection power first hand as We — Father, Son, and Spirit — miraculously delivered him from death. It wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last time that We did this for Paul. However, the words he used to describe his deliverance are powerful, and I know that they can be a great encouragement to you if you let them. Notice particularly the part in bold below. It’s worth memorizing, especially if you are facing a trying ordeal of your own. My brothers and sisters, we have to tell you that when we were in Asia the troubles we faced were nearly more than we could handle. The burdens we bore nearly crushed us. Our strength dwindled to nothing. For a while, we weren’t sure we would make it through the whole ordeal. We thought we would have to serve out our death sentences right then and there. As a result, we realized that we could no longer rely on ourselves and that we must trust solely in God, Who possesses the power to raise the dead. Miraculously God Himself delivered us from the cold hands of death. We again place our hope in Him alone, and we know He will deliver us. (2 Corinthians 1:8-10) Response in Prayer Almighty God — my loving Father, Immanuel, and Comforter — thank You for bringing life to what was dead, hope to those who are hopeless, and help to all who need You. I thank You for the apostle Paul’s experiences and his words that give me powerful ways to see the implications of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Thank You for this grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Your Advocate Forever

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, You saw My apostles fail Me during My arrest, trials, and crucifixion. One betrayed Me, another denied he knew Me, and the rest abandoned Me (Matthew 26:56). Only a handful of women were faithful to Me. Even with their presence, I felt so alone at times on the cross. One reason I endured all of the shame and pain was so that you could know that I will NEVER betray, deny, or abandon you. Since I faced all of those horrors and that rejection to redeem you, surely you know how much I long to bless you! I want you to be sure of two things that My resurrection means for you: You will always have someone on your side Who will never leave or abandon you. I am your eternal advocate and friend. As your advocate, I sit at the Father’s side to defend your cause and plead for you to be blessed. No matter how others view you, accuse you, or reject you, please remember this: I AM forever at the Father’s side for you. Even when you are down on yourself and cannot believe that I could still love, accept, or defend you, remember these words from My disciple John: There is a sure way for us to know that we belong to the truth. Even though our inner thoughts may condemn us with storms of guilt and constant reminders of our failures, we can know in our hearts that in His presence God Himself is greater than any accusation. He knows all things. (1 John 3:19-20) Don’t despair! I will always be there in the Father’s presence to be your advocate and friend. I will be there to help you through every storm of life, the most horrifying fear, the greatest challenge, and the deepest doubt. I AM alive forevermore, and I live to make intercession for you (Hebrews 7:24-25). Verses to Live Because I was raised from the dead and I AM alive in the presence of the Father, My grace for you is multiplied. Notice especially the words in bold below. I don’t just bless you with forgiveness and grace in the cross, but I continue to speak for you before the Father and ensure that this grace is your gift each and every day! So what should we say about all of this? If God is on our side, then tell me: whom should we fear? If He did not spare His own Son, but handed Him over on our account, then don’t you think that He will graciously give us all things with Him? Can anyone be so bold as to level a charge against God’s chosen? Especially since God’s “not guilty” verdict is already declared. Who has the authority to condemn? Jesus the Anointed Who died, but more importantly, conquered death when He was raised to sit at the right hand of God where He pleads on our behalf. (Romans 8:31-34) So we can see that Jesus has become the guarantee of a new and better covenant. Further, the prior priesthood of the sons of Levi has included many priests because death cut short their service, but Jesus holds His priesthood permanently because He lives His resurrected life forever. From such a vantage, He is able to save those who approach God through Him for all time because He will forever live to be their advocate in the presence of God. (Hebrews 7:22-25) Response in Prayer Father in heaven, thank You for Jesus’ resurrection. His resurrection ensures so many good and gracious things for me. I know that Jesus not only purchased my pardon with His sacrificial death but that He also lives as my advocate in your presence. Thank You for Your plan too marvelous for words. In a world of fickle friends and people who can let us down, I am so thankful to know that Jesus is always there for me because of Your great love for me. Thank You! In Jesus’ name and because of Jesus’ many gracious gifts, I thank You. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

A Brief Look Back

Note from Jesus Dear Child of God, What drew you to follow Me? What called your heart to open up to Me? What convinced you that We — Father, Son, and Spirit — deeply love you and want you as part of Our family? During the last week before My crucifixion, Philip and Andrew brought some Greeks (non-Jews) to Me. They had come to worship at the Passover festival and wanted to see Me. The coming of non-Jews seeking to meet Me and learn about Me was a huge confirmation in My heart that the time had come for Me to go to the cross. You see, My death on the cross was for all people. It was one of the Father’s ways of drawing the hearts of all people to Him so they could know His love for them (John 12:32-33). For Me, going to the cross was the ultimate way to glorify the Father. In going to the cross, the Father exercised His power to reach out to Jews and non-Jews — including you today, whatever your racial identity. My cross called to the hearts of all those seeking for something more to life than what they had found — those seeking to know the one true God. As an instrument of execution, the cross was brutal, gross, morbid, and ghastly. While crucifixion was an excruciating death, the primary intention was to execute a person in as humiliating a way as possible. Crucifixion was intended to be a deterrent aimed at all those aligned with or sympathetic to the person crucified. For Me, as a Jew, crucifixion also carried another significant consequence: the person hung on a cross — sometimes called a pole or tree — was considered cursed by God (Deuteronomy 21:22-23). The apostle Paul would pick up on this theme and speak great truth about the cross when he said the following: The Anointed One [Christ], the Liberating King, has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. It was stated in the Scriptures, “Everyone who hangs on a tree is cursed by God.” (Galatians 3:13) My resurrection reversed the whole meaning of My execution on the cross. All of the shame, humiliation, pain, mockery, and rejection that I endured during My trial and crucifixion was turned into blessing — forgiveness, redemption, ransom, and salvation. I endured the worst aspects of humanity and hell to redeem you from them. And My salvation isn’t just for any one race or nation or people, but for all who find themselves drawn to My sacrifice, My love, and My grace. My body was planted like a seed in the ground. It lay there dead to life. Then the power of grace renewed My life, and I rose a victor over sin, death, and hell. Now, on your side of the resurrection, millions upon millions have accepted My offer of salvation, forgiveness, and grace. What I appeared to have lost in humiliation is now given back many times over. Such is the power of the resurrection and of My love, the love of your Savior. On top of all the blessings that stream from the mercy and grace of the cross and the empty tomb, remember this: this resurrection power is available to you to help you as you live for Me (Ephesians 1:17-20). My resurrection from death’s hold changes everything for you… even in the middle of the week, on a normal Thursday, that seems so far away from resurrection Sunday. I was lifted up from the earth so that you could be lifted up to share with Me in resurrected glory (Colossians 3:1-3). So blessings to you this Thursday as you live for Me by resurrection power from the Holy Spirit! Verses to Live So here is a brief look back as I was headed to the cross. After you read this, I hope you will remember the short little parable of the grain of wheat included in the following verses. Because of the resurrection power at work in you, when you offer yourself to Me and the work of the kingdom, your sacrifices and efforts are multiplied by grace to touch more hearts. That is the power of My cross and the empty tomb… even on a seemingly unimportant Thursday — a day to plant seeds and share in the future harvest of grace! Pharisees (to one another): Our efforts to squelch Him [Jesus] have not worked, but now is not the time for action. Look, the world is following after Him. Among the crowds traveling to Jerusalem were Greeks seeking to follow God and worship at the great feast. Some of them came to Philip with an important request. Greek Pilgrims (to Philip): Sir, we are hoping to meet Jesus. Philip, a disciple from the Galilean village of Bethsaida, told Andrew that these Greeks wanted to see Jesus. Together Andrew and Philip approached Jesus to inform Him about the request. Jesus (to Philip and Andrew): The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth: unless a grain of wheat is planted in the ground and dies, it remains a solitary seed. But when it is planted, it produces in death a great harvest. The one who loves this life will lose it, and the one who despises it in this world will have life forevermore. Anyone who serves Me must follow My path; anyone who serves Me will want to be where I am, and he will be honored by the Father. My spirit is low and unsettled. How can I ask the Father to save Me from this hour? This hour is the purpose for which I have come into the world. But what I can say is this: “Father, glorify Your name!” Suddenly a voice echoed from the heavens. The Father: I have glorified My name. And again I will bring glory in this hour that will resound throughout

The Crux of It All!

Note from Jesus Dear Child of God, After the apostle Paul spent years opposing My followers and My message, I revealed Myself to him on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19), and he was changed forever. He took the good news message of My death, burial, and resurrection all over the Roman empire. Thousands upon thousands of people were transformed as a result of Paul’s conversion and influence, and his influence continues through his writings in the Bible. Paul could plumb the depths of theology. He could connect My coming to the promises of God in the Old Testament. This great teacher could also make things very simple and clear. Paul summarized “what was most important” about the gospel into three clear truths (1 Corinthians 15:3-4 NLT): Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried… [H]e was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said. Paul also tied this saving faith to baptism, which he connected to these three truths (Romans 6:3-4 NLT): [W]hen we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death. [W]e died and were buried with Christ by baptism. [J]ust as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives. At the heart of your new life in Me is what I did on the cross, in the tomb, and in My resurrection from the dead. My victory opened the way for you to share in My saving grace and also eventually in My glory: For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, Who raised Christ from the dead. … Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 2:12 NLT; Colossians 3:1-3 NLT) What happened with My death, burial, and resurrection is the essential core of salvation. Do you believe these truths? Have you shared in these saving events with Me through your baptism? I want your life to be fresh and new. I want your faith to be full of hope! Therefore, if anyone is united with the Anointed One, that person is a new creation. The old life is gone — and see — a new life has begun. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Verses to Live Notice all the ways Paul emphasizes that this saving faith is essential, what is most important, and what are the essential truths necessary for you to believe if you are going to be saved! Let me remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I preached to you when we first met. It’s the essential message that you have taken to heart, the central story you now base your life on; and through this gospel, you are liberated — unless, of course, your faith has come to nothing. For I passed down to you the crux of it all which I had also received from others, that the Anointed One, the Liberating King, died for our sins and was buried and raised from the dead on the third day. All this happened to fulfill the Scriptures; it was the perfect climax to God’s covenant story. Afterward He appeared alive to Cephas (you may know him as Simon Peter), then to the rest of the twelve. If that were not amazing enough, on one occasion, He appeared to more than 500 believers at one time. Many of those brothers and sisters are still around to tell the story, though some have fallen asleep in Jesus. Soon He appeared to James, His brother and the leader of the Jerusalem church, and then to all the rest of the emissaries He Himself commissioned. Last of all, He appeared to me… (1 Corinthians 15:1-8) Response in Prayer Father, thank You for the future glory promised me as one who has trusted Jesus and shared with Him in His death, burial, and resurrection. In His name, I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Receive the Breath of Heaven

Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, and a couple of disciples on the road to Emmaus weren’t the only ones to meet Me on that first day of My resurrection. Whether I met them at the tomb, along the road, or over a meal, they saw that the inexplicable and seemingly impossible was true. There were more surprises as I showed Myself alive to those closest to Me. Many were startled and even terrified when I showed up among them as they were locked inside the upper room. My proof of life was very simple. I asked the people to look at My scars. I also asked them to give Me a bite of their broiled fish. Fear gradually gave way to joy. This joy was so rich and full that they could still scarcely believe. It was simply too good to be true. Except it was true! My resurrection was incredible for them. I wanted them — and I want you — to know that this good news of My life, crucifixion, and resurrection is not news to hoard or hide. This news is not for a few faithful followers tucked away and withdrawn from the doubters. This joy was not to be fearfully locked up and hidden from the everyday world of real people. I want the good news of My life, death, and resurrection to be shared with everyone. So I drew My disciples close to Me and spoke words to them that I also want you to hear: I give you the gift of peace. In the same way the Father sent Me, I am now sending you. The mission of testifying to My resurrection wouldn’t be easy — not for My first disciples and not for you. So I drew My disciples close to Me and let My “breath” fall on them. I told them, “Welcome the Holy Spirit of the living God.” (The same word in the languages I spoke was used to mean both “breath” and “spirit.”) I reminded them about the Spirit Whom I had promised to send to them when I returned to the Father. In this moment of tender and joyful closeness, I wanted My disciples to know that I would be present with them and within them through the Holy Spirit, the Breath of heaven. My presence in them through the Holy Spirit would empower them to fulfill their mission of testifying to My resurrection. Over the next few weeks, I will share with you some of those things I had originally spoken to My disciples on the night I was betrayed. I talked to them about the coming of the Spirit, their great Helper that I would send to be with them and to live within in them. Today, I want to remind you of two truths about the Holy Spirit, the Breath of heaven. First, the Holy Spirit is not just about power and presence; the Spirit is also the holy and cleansing fire of heaven that I send to cleanse you (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Titus 3:3-7) and to give you the power to forgive others. Second, the Holy Spirit will be in you as an endless blessing of grace. You cannot exhaust the supply of My presence, grace, and power within you. Remember My earlier promise about the Holy Spirit: On the last day, the biggest day of the festival, Jesus stood again and spoke aloud. Jesus: If any of you is thirsty, come to Me and drink. If you believe in Me, the Hebrew Scriptures say that rivers of living water will flow from within you. Jesus was referring to the realities of life in the Spirit made available to everyone who believes in Him. But the Spirit had not yet arrived because Jesus had not been glorified. (John 7:37-39) Now that I had been glorified, they were about to experience the powerful work of the Spirit. As you read the verses below, please know that My presence and power are also available to you through the Holy Spirit today. So come close to Me. Lean in and let Me share the Breath of heaven with you so that you can answer My call: In the same way the Father sent Me, I am now sending you. Go and please share My grace by the power of the Spirit! Verses to Live Today we have sections of scripture from two of the Gospels. The first section, from Luke’s Gospel, begins with the last few verses from yesterday. It continues to recount My joining the disciples in Jerusalem and interacting with them. The second section from John’s Gospel also gives an account of My interaction with some disciples. Things are recorded in both sections to demonstrate that I was really alive, raised from the dead. I was really present with them in My resurrected body, interacting with them and telling them about the coming of the Holy Spirit to help them fulfill their mission to tell others about Me. So they [the two disciples Jesus met on the road to Emmaus] get up immediately and rush back to Jerusalem — all seven miles — where they find the eleven gathered together — the eleven plus a number of others. [The followers had gathered together behind locked doors in fear that some of the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem were still searching for them.] Before Cleopas and his companion can tell their story, the others have their own story to tell. Other Disciples: The Lord has risen indeed! It’s true! He appeared to Simon! Then the two men report their own experience — their conversation along the road, their moment of realization and recognition as He broke the bread. At that very instant, as they’re still telling the story, Jesus is there, standing among them! Jesus: May you have peace! They’re startled and terrified; they think they’re seeing a ghost. Jesus: Why are you upset? Why are your hearts churning with questions? Look —

Beyond Bread

Note from Jesus Dear Precious Disciple, Today, I hope you realize that everything is different because of what we celebrated together yesterday. Resurrection Sunday changed everything for all of time! On Sunday afternoon after My resurrection, I caught up with a couple of disappointed and confused disciples walking back home to Emmaus. The disciples didn’t recognize Me when they spoke these words that were poignant reminders of crushed hopes, yet they were still waiting to see what the rumors of My resurrection would actually mean: We had been hoping that He [Jesus] was the One — you know, the One Who would liberate all Israel and bring God’s promises. Anyway, on top of all this, just this morning — the third day after the execution — some women in our group really shocked us. They went to the tomb early this morning, but they didn’t see His body anywhere. Then they came back and told us they did see something — a vision of heavenly messengers — and these messengers said that Jesus was alive. Some people in our group went to the tomb to check it out, and just as the women had said, it was empty. But they didn’t see Jesus. So I stepped into their disappointment, confusion, and weariness. I gave them the sacred blessing of My presence and My grace through the ordinariness of a simple meal, a prayer of blessing, and an explanation about My work on earth. I broke bread with them — something that I had repeatedly done throughout My ministry. Luke was very good to show you how often I shared a meal with precious people. Some of these people were opposed to Me, some were seeking something more than they had found in their staid religious practices, some were passionate disciples who loved Me, and some were just hanging around with me. Regardless of the reason, each of them was precious to Me. For Me, beginning My passion with a meal and celebrating My resurrection with a meal were natural. My meal with two disappointed disciples was very simple and ordinary, except… they recognized Me in the breaking of the bread. So as you continue this week, I want to remind you of one very simple, and I hope very exciting, promise that I made: For when two or three gather together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20) And this promise is fully true when you share a simple meal, call on My name, talk about Me, think about the Scriptures, and share in the love you have for each other. In your busy and harried lives, you often try to segment life into sacred and secular, holy and ordinary. As your resurrected Lord, I hope you will receive My presence with you at meals as an incredible gift with the simple and gracious joy that I give to you. Anytime and anywhere that you gather with fellow believers and eat food, share in fellowship, and call on My name, you have carved out an especially sacred space in ordinary life. After all, isn’t that part of what My life was about? Wasn’t I the Holy One of heaven Who came to earth to be your human host Who makes all meals in My name into an especially sacred moment of shared grace! So join Me on the road or at the family dinner table or the communion table. Each of these is an especially sacred place of grace when you gather in My name to remember, reflect, and renew our friendship. More than just giving thanks for your meals, invite Me into the moment and let’s share together in an ordinary, yet especially sacred, space of grace! Verses to Live This story that Luke provides is very precious to Me. Enjoy your reading. Begin anticipating when we will sit at the table of grace together with your friends and family of faith. Blessings to you as you read! Picture this: That same day [resurrection Sunday], two other disciples (not of the eleven) are traveling the seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus. As they walk along, they talk back and forth about all that has transpired during recent days. While they’re talking, discussing, and conversing, Jesus catches up to them and begins walking with them, but for some reason they don’t recognize Him. Jesus: You two seem deeply engrossed in conversation. What are you talking about as you walk along this road? They stop walking and just stand there, looking sad. One of them — Cleopas is his name — speaks up. Cleopas: You must be the only visitor in Jerusalem Who hasn’t heard about what’s been going on over the last few days. Jesus: What are you talking about? Two Disciples: It’s all about the man named Jesus of Nazareth. He was a mighty prophet Who did amazing miracles and preached powerful messages in the sight of God and everyone around. Our chief priests and authorities handed Him over to be executed — crucified, in fact. We had been hoping that He was the One — you know, the One Who would liberate all Israel and bring God’s promises. Anyway, on top of all this, just this morning — the third day after the execution — some women in our group really shocked us. They went to the tomb early this morning, but they didn’t see His body anywhere. Then they came back and told us they did see something — a vision of heavenly messengers — and these messengers said that Jesus was alive. Some people in our group went to the tomb to check it out, and just as the women had said, it was empty. But they didn’t see Jesus. Jesus: Come on, men! Why are you being so foolish? Why are your hearts so sluggish when it comes to believing what the prophets have been saying all along? Didn’t it have to be this way? Didn’t the Anointed

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