Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries


Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, In the verses below, I want you to notice a few things about the ongoing contentious dealings I had with the religious leaders. They couldn’t make Me back down or compromise the truth that I was speaking to them. They finally did what folks who are losing an argument sometimes do: they started calling Me names — using ugly, racial and religious slurs. If they couldn’t defeat My truth, then they were going to try to discredit Me and beat Me up with vile words intended to brand and shame Me. I want you to notice especially two statements that I make. Both of these are astounding claims that I would later back up with the cross and the resurrection! First, I make you an incredible promise in the middle of all the contentious words: I tell you the truth, anyone who hears My voice and keeps My word will never experience death. Yes, I know that your body is going to die, but the real you will not die. The real you will be joined to Me (Colossians 3:1-4) and I will give you a new and glorious body when I return for you in My glory (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:42-44). Because you belong to Me, death cannot have you, claim you, or hold you! Second, I claim to be God — the one true and living God, Yahweh, the great I AM Who revealed Himself to Moses (Exodus 3:13-15): I tell you the truth; I AM before Abraham was born. They did not misunderstand Me. They either had to believe in Me or count Me as a blasphemer. The devil had so blinded them to all the good things that I had done that they could not see that the Father had sent Me. So, dear disciple, don’t miss either truth. Because I AM God and lived among you as one of you. I became like you so that you can come and live with Me in the presence of the Father and all those who have honored Him with their lives. What John said about Me at the beginning of his gospel is true (John 1:1-18).[See Note] If you can’t remember it, then go back and read it once again before you read the discussion below. I think you will find it makes the same two points I just shared with you! [Note] John 1:1-18 is called “The Prologue” and is famous for its beauty as well as its theological depth. Jesus is called “The Logos” which is often translated “The Word” or “The Message” of God. In these eighteen verses John teaches that Jesus is God’s ultimate “Word” or “Message” to us. (Hebrews 1:1-3, Philippians 2:6-11, and Colossians 1:15-23 make similar claims about Jesus). “The Word” was… With God in the beginning with God and thus He was pre-existent to all created things. By nature and character God. Creator of everything that has been made. The source of all life. Light for the world and for all people. The Light that has shined in the darkness and couldn’t be extinguished. Not recognized by the world when he came, but for those who received Him, He became the source of new birth and eternal life. God come in human flesh to reveal God and make Him known. The One Who came to bring grace and truth; the Someone far superior to any and all law. [RETURN] Verses to Live In these verses, you are dropping in on a contentious discussion between the religious leaders and Me. They are determined to label Me as someone evil. I will not let them, but instead make the two incredible claims: those who believe in Me will never die and I not only do the Father’s will, but I AM God Who walks among them. Jews: We were right when we called You a demon-possessed Samaritan. Jesus: I’m not taken by demons. You dishonor Me, but I give all glory and honor to the Father. But I am not pursuing My own fame. There is only One Who pursues and renders justice. I tell you the truth, anyone who hears My voice and keeps My word will never experience death. Jews: We are even more confident now that You are demon-possessed. Just go down the list: Abraham died, the prophets all died. Yet You say, “If you keep My word, you will never taste death.” Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died; remember? Prophets — are any of them still alive? No. Who do You think You are? Jesus: If I were trying to make Myself somebody important, it would be a waste of time. That kind of fame is worth nothing. It is the Father Who is behind Me, urging Me on, giving Me praise. You say, “He is our God,” but you are not in relationship with Him. I know Him intimately; even if I said anything other than the truth, I would be a liar, like you. I know Him, and I do as He says. Your father Abraham anticipated the time when I would come, and he celebrated My coming. Jews: You aren’t even 50 years old, yet You have seen and talked with Abraham? Jesus: I tell you the truth; I AM before Abraham was born. The people picked up stones to hurl at Him, but Jesus slipped out of the temple. Their murderous rage would have to wait. (John 8:48-59) Response in Prayer God Almighty, the great I AM, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, I thank You for becoming human flesh, defeating sin and death, and giving me new life through my faith in Jesus and His triumph over Satan, sin, and death through the cross and the resurrection. I praise You and thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the

Nuggets of Truth

Note from Jesus Dear Friend, The verses below come from a very contentious time when the religious leaders were trying to trick Me into a religious trap so they could kill Me (John 7:1). There are nuggets of truth that are placed all through this discussion to bless you and give you life. Nugget One: If you really want to know the truth about Me, spend time with what I teach and put it into practice. As you do, you will realize the truth of what I say and you will find the freedom to live life as the Father intended for you to live it! Nugget Two: Sin enslaves you. When you sin, you surrender the power of your life to the evil one who wants to enslave you to the power of sin and death. Nugget Three: I came to set you free from the power of sin and death. As you journey with Me in the coming days and join Me on My way to Jerusalem — to My sacrificial death on the cross and My triumphant resurrection from the dead — you will discover that I came to earth because the Father and I love you and want to give you life. Nugget Four: The devil is a deceiver. In fact, he is a liar and a killer. He has been up to his deceptive and vile attacks since the beginning of his influence on humanity. So don’t trust him. Resist his temptations. Refuse his lies because they lead to death! Nugget Five: If you seek the Father’s will, if you watch what I do to redeem you, you can know that I speak the truth and that the devil speaks lies. You can recognize that the devil wants to do you harm and that I came to give you freedom and life. Verses to Live The following is a tough discussion with tough words. I want you to notice that I do not back down from the truth. I love everyone, even those who hate Me. However, I will not surrender the truth to those who hate Me or to their lies about Me. I know the following declaration is not politically correct in your day, just as it was not in My day, but here is the truth: Only I can truly and fully liberate you from the power of sin to enslave you. That is the mission the Father sent Me to fulfill, and I finished My earthly mission for you at great cost to Myself! Jesus (to the new Jewish believers): If you hear My voice and abide in My word, you are truly My disciples; you will know the truth, and that truth will give you freedom. Jewish Believers: We are Abraham’s children, and we have never been enslaved to anyone. How can You say to us, “You will be set free”? Jesus: I tell you the truth: everyone who commits sin surrenders his freedom to sin. He is a slave to sin’s power. Even a household slave does not live in the home like a member of the family, but a son belongs there forever. So think of it this way: if the Son comes to make you free, you will really be free. I know you are descendants of Abraham, but here you are plotting to murder Me because you do not welcome My voice into your lives. As I speak, I am painting you a picture of what I have seen with My Father; here you are repeating the things you have seen from your father. Jews: Abraham is our father. Jesus: If you are truly Abraham’s children, then act like Abraham! From what I see you are trying to kill Me, a man Who has told you the truth that comes from the Father. This is not something Abraham would do, but you are doing what you have learned from your father. Jews: We were not born from adulterous parents; we have one Father: God. Jesus: I come from the one True God, and I’m not here on My own. He sent Me on a mission. If God were your Father, you would know that and would love Me. You don’t even understand what I’m saying. Do you? Why not? It is because You cannot stand to hear My voice. You are just like your true father, the devil; and you spend your time pursuing the things your father loves. He started out as a killer, and he cannot tolerate truth because he is void of anything true. At the core of his character, he is a liar; everything he speaks originates in these lies because he is the father of lies. So when I speak truth, you don’t believe Me. If I speak the truth, why don’t you believe Me? If you belong to God’s family, then why can’t you hear God speak? The answer is clear; you are not in God’s family. I speak truth, and you don’t believe Me. Can any of you convict Me of sin? (John 8:31-47) Response in Prayer Lord Jesus, I believe that You came from the Father and accomplished His will, going to the cross for me. I believe, Lord Jesus, that You rose from the dead to liberate me from the power of sin and death. So I choose to follow You, to trust You, and to resist the lies of the devil. Only You, Lord Jesus, have the words of eternal life! To You, I offer my deepest thanks and praise. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Note from Jesus Dear Searcher, There is only one message that you must hear today. This message is the one truth on which your eternal destiny pivots. So rather than give you many words in My note to you today, I want to challenge you with this one, unalterable truth: Unless you believe I am Who I have said I am, your sins will lead to your death. My beloved disciple John wrote his story of Me, the Gospel of John, to help you truly believe and find life in Me (John 20:30-31). While I welcome you here each day on our journey through the New Testament, I encourage you to take some time this week to read John’s whole story of Me. Read it at one sitting to get the whole story and come to fresh faith in Me. Do this to find the life that cannot be taken from you even when death comes to claim you. Verses to Live Notice especially what I say in the underlined paragraph near the end of the Scripture below. Notice what I say about Who I am and what My relationship is with the Father. Over the next several weeks, you will journey with Me to My crucifixion. All will appear to be lost. I will appear to be abandoned. Even when I AM lifted up on the cross, all will not be lost, and I will not be abandoned. I will be giving My life to ransom your life from sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). I will be doing what the Father has willed to redeem you at His exorbitant cost. I want to win your heart fully and help you know convincingly how deeply We love you. The power of sin to hold you and have you is real, but the power of My cross breaks the power of sin if you choose to believe! Jesus (to the crowds): I am leaving this place, and you will look for Me and die in your sin. For where I am going, you are unable to come. Jews: Is He suicidal? He keeps saying, “Where I am going, you are unable to come.” Jesus: You originate from the earth below, and I have come from the heavens above. You are from this world, and I am not. That’s why I told you that you will die here as a result of your sins. Unless you believe I am Who I have said I am, your sins will lead to your death. Jews: Who exactly are You? Jesus: From the beginning of My mission, I have been telling you Who I am. I have so much to say about you, so many judgments to render; but if you hear one thing, hear that the One Who sent Me is true, and all the things I have heard from Him I speak into the world. The people had not understood that Jesus was teaching about the Father. Jesus: Whenever the day comes and you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He. It will be clear then that I am not acting alone, but that I am speaking the things I have learned directly from the Father. The One Who sent Me is with Me; He has not abandoned Me because I always do what pleases Him. As Jesus was speaking, many in the crowd believed in Him. (John 8:21-30) Response in Prayer O Father, thank You for Jesus — for His great love, for His costly obedience to Your will, for His redeeming sacrifice. I believe in Your love, dear Father. I believe in Jesus as Your Son and the greatest demonstration of Your love. I trust Jesus as my Savior, and I offer my heart to Jesus as my Lord. In His name, I confess and pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Caught in the Act

Note from Jesus Dear Precious Disciple, So what did I write in the dirt with My finger? I know many of you have wondered this about the episode in the verses below. However, don’t let your question lead you to miss the message of this intersection of a woman’s sin, the religious leaders’ misguided zeal to trap Me, and My explicit grace that reaches out to an exploited and embarrassed woman with no place to hide her sin and shame. Life is hard. People grow desperate. Simply to survive, some resort to things they once thought reprehensible and impossible. I do not condone the sin, but I understand the terrible power that life, culture, religion, and poverty can exert to trap people in the cruel grip of evil’s hand. If you examine my own list of ancestors, you will find “the prostitute Rahab”, who was in the lineage of King David (Matthew 1:5-6). Her faith in the Father’s ability to protect her and her family is legendary and earned her a place in My “Faith Hall of Fame” (Hebrews 11:4-38). Rahab trusted that as the Father empowered the people of Israel to be victorious over the mighty walled city of Jericho, he would also care for a desperate woman trying to protect and to provide for her family (Hebrews 11:31). The unnamed woman in the story below was “caught in the act” of her sin and shame. She was caught, however, not to prevent evil or to promote righteousness, but to bait Me into a religious trap. The Spirit emphasized this point — “caught in the act” — twice to show the scandal, not only the scandal of the woman but also the scandal of the self-righteous “scribes and Pharisees”. Where is the man involved in this woman’s sin? Where is the righteous indignation of the “scribes and Pharisees” for his sin? How did they know where and how and when to catch this woman in their trap and yet not include him? Why would they choose to humiliate her instead of redeeming her or preventing the sin in the first place? Why place her on the raging fire of their hatred intended for Me, subjecting her to indignity at the cost of her humanity? Deep in their souls, they knew that their vile hearts had gotten the better of their desire to be holy and righteous — that their acts were more obscene than hers. My writing in the sand and My words of warning reached the hearts of the most mature, most decent and good, among the mob. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud… The bone-crushing weight of large stones carried by the accusers fell to the dirt. The shuffling of sandaled feet slowly drifted from notice as the woman’s accusers turned away, leaving Me alone with this scared and humiliated woman. There, in that sacred moment, I was caught by John’s words… “caught in the act” of explicit grace — grace to save this child of God from a mob propelled by hate and grace to save her to live the fresh daily grace of life not in bondage to sin. She would no longer be known as the woman “caught in the act” of sin, but the woman “caught in the act” of My redeeming and explicit grace. You will journey with Me the next several weeks as I move toward My cross and resurrection. You, like this woman, are saved by My intervention into your life with grace: You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! (Romans 5:6-10 NIV — bold added for emphasis.) As one saved by My grace, what “I ask is that you go and from now on avoid the sins that plague you”! I want you to realize that I didn’t just save you from sin, but that I also saved you for sharing My grace with others through your good works (Ephesians 2:8-10). Verses to Live As you read John’s account of this emotionally-charged moment, think of the shame you carry for the sin that you’ve hidden and that you hope daily will stay concealed. Now read this story and realize that you are in the same situation as this woman at the end of the story — that you are “caught in the act” of My explicit grace. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. He awoke early in the morning to return to the temple. When He arrived, the people surrounded Him, so He sat down and began to teach them. While He was teaching, the scribes and Pharisees brought in a woman who was caught in the act of adultery; and they stood her before Jesus. Pharisees: Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. Moses says in the law that we are to kill such women by stoning. What do You say about it? This was all set up as a test for Jesus; His answers would give them grounds to accuse Him of crimes against Moses’ law. Jesus bent over and wrote something in the dirt with His finger. They persisted in badgering Jesus, so He stood up straight. Jesus: Let the first stone be thrown by the one among you who has not sinned. Once again Jesus bent down to the ground and resumed writing with His finger. The Pharisees who heard Him stood still for a few moments and then began to

Light Shining in the Darkness

Note from Jesus Dear Seeker, When seen in the darkness of a moonless sky away from the light pollution from your cities, the billions upon billions of stars merge into a deep and comforting glow at the near reaches of your universe. The brightest of stars shines even more brilliantly. The darkest of nights reveals just how brightly the stars of the heavens shine. The darkness does not snuff out their light but only makes it more visible! In a similar but far more important way, I AM the spiritual light in a world of darkness: I am the Light that shines through the cosmos; if you walk with Me, you will thrive in the nourishing light that gives life and will not know darkness. My beloved disciple John emphasizes throughout his gospel that I AM this Light. My light shines through the darkness of the entire cosmos. My light shines into the deepest darkness of your world. My light shines out of My life’s darkest moments to give you light in your darkest of moments. As I journey through the darkness of rejection, betrayal, abandonment, trials, and crucifixion, My light will still shine. My light will shine on and shine into the darkness and never will be truly extinguished, not even in My death. Remember this truth as I submit to the Father’s will and let Satan have his way with Me on the cross. Even as darkness appears to have overcome Me and scattered and shattered those who love Me, My light shines and gives hope to those trapped in the deepest darkness: Before time itself was measured, the Voice [the Son] was speaking. The Voice was and is God. This celestial Word remained ever present with the Creator; His speech shaped the entire cosmos. Immersed in the practice of creating, all things that exist were birthed in Him. His breath filled all things with a living, breathing light — a light that thrives in the depths of darkness, blazes through murky bottoms. It cannot and will not be quenched. (John 1:1-5) I AM this Light! I AM this Voice. I AM this Word. You can believe Me. My message can be trusted, and My light can bring you life! Verses to Live In your darkest moments, how do you find the will to go on? In your darkness, where do you find light? Please hear My words. Trust Me. Come to Me and let Me give you light! On another occasion, Jesus spoke to the crowds again. Jesus: I am the Light that shines through the cosmos; if you walk with Me, you will thrive in the nourishing light that gives life and will not know darkness. Pharisees: Jesus, what You are claiming about Yourself cannot possibly be true. The only person bearing witness is You. Jesus: Even if I am making bold claims about Myself — Who I am, what I have come to do — I am speaking the truth. You see, I know where I came from and where I will go when I am done here. You know neither where I come from nor where I will go. You spend your time judging by the wrong criteria, by human standards; but I am not here to judge anyone. If I were to judge, then My judgment would be based on truth; but I would not judge anyone alone. I act in harmony with the One Who sent Me. Your law states that if the testimonies of two witnesses agree, their testimony is true. Well, I testify about Myself, and so does the Father Who sent Me here. Pharisees: Where is the Father Who testifies on Your behalf? Jesus: You don’t know the Father or Me. If you knew Me, then you would also know the Father. Jesus said all of these things in the treasury while He was teaching in the temple; followers and opponents alike gathered to hear Him, but none of His enemies tried to seize Him because His time had not yet come. (John 8:12-20) Response in Prayer O Father of mercy and God of all grace, how can I appropriately thank You for Your indescribable gift in Jesus, Who gives me Your life and brings me Your light? I choose to walk with Jesus and His light. I choose to step out of the darkness and into His light. I choose to follow His words and live my life for You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Hard Realities

Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, As your Christmas season comes to an end, you are left to clean up the messes — the leftovers in the fridge, the house after the company leaves, and the emotional leftovers of time with extended family — and regroup to begin the New Year. But your challenges as you roll into the New Year were nothing like My mother and Joseph faced as they took on the job of raising Me as their child! Joseph and My mother stayed in Bethlehem for an extended time after I was born. They moved into a house and settled into a new routine like most new families do. However, I was no ordinary child. Oh sure, I did all the things a baby normally does, but My mother and Joseph knew from the angels’ announcements about Me that raising Me would come with extra responsibilities. After the magi left, Joseph was warned in a dream to take My mother and Me to safety in Egypt. Joseph needed to protect My mother and Me from Herod’s wrath as he wanted to kill Me. So Joseph continued to pay a high price to have My mother as his wife and to take Me as his child. He first bore the stigma of My mother’s pregnancy before they were married. Then he left his home and place of livelihood in Nazareth and had to take care of Me as a baby in Bethlehem. Now, to protect My life, he escaped to Egypt — a distant and dangerous place he did not know — and started his life over again. When anyone chooses to bring Me into his or her life, changes will happen. When you follow Me and invite Me into your life, the blessings also come with commitment (Luke 9:23-25). If you are going to honor Me as your Lord and Savior, you are going to commit to doing what I say and going where I lead. Scripture speaks truth into your life, and you must obey it. Just as surely as Joseph had to change his life, I will ask you to change yours. At times, those changes will feel hard and unfair — just as Joseph had to give up so much to serve as My earthly father. But I promise you two things: I will never leave you or abandon you (Hebrews 13:5-6; Romans 8:32-39). Your life will make a difference to those around you — you will be My light in the darkness around you and My salt to flavor a tasteless world (Matthew 5:13-16). Verses to Live As you close out this year, I want you to remember Joseph and all that he gave up to welcome Me into his life. Then I want you to think of the billions of people who have been blessed by his decision. Now as you look into the coming New Year, I want you to hear My call and follow Me; commit to being like Joseph knowing that the rewards will be more than worth any price you have to pay! After the wise men left, a messenger of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Messenger of the Lord (to Joseph): Get up, take the child and His mother, and head to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you it is safe to leave. For Herod understands that Jesus threatens him and all he stands for. He is planning to search for the child and kill Him. But you will be safe in Egypt. So Joseph got up in the middle of the night; he bundled up Mary and Jesus, and they left for Egypt. (Matthew 2:13-14) Response in Prayer O Almighty God, my Father in heaven, thank You for the example of Joseph. I know that there is not much written about him, but my heart is challenged by his faithfulness and his willingness to risk everything — reputation, occupation, home, friends, family, and future — to welcome Jesus into his life. I want to have faith like that, dear Father, and I commit to welcome Jesus and follow Jesus. But I ask that You strengthen my resolve through the Holy Spirit, to Whom I yield so that I can become a useful servant to my Lord Jesus and to Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Extravagant Gifts

Note from Jesus Dear Friend, Can you remember your Christmas gifts from last year? … five years ago? … ten years ago? You probably don’t remember most of your gifts over the years, unless you thought they were extravagant gifts or were gifts with some special connection to the giver. There were three gifts — gold, frankincense, and myrrh — that were given to Me at My birth by the magi. These gifts have been remembered throughout the centuries. They were extravagant gifts — because of their value, because of the great effort required for the magi to bring them, and because they were presented with heartfelt worship. Toward the end of My earthly ministry, I was given another extravagant gift to prepare Me for My suffering — a woman came into the house of Simon the Leper, in Bethany, and anointed My head with an expensive and precious ointment containing pure nard. She was criticized for the waste of her extravagance. But her gift was not wasted! Her gift is still precious to Me. The gifts of the magi and the woman are responses to God’s most extravagant gift — sending Me to redeem them! Verses to Live The magi’s extravagant gifts were given at My birth: The wise men left Herod’s chambers and went on their way. The star they had first seen in the East reappeared — a miracle that, of course, overjoyed and enraptured the wise men. The star led them to the house where Jesus lay; and as soon as the wise men arrived, they saw Him with His mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. They unpacked their satchels and gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:9-11) The woman’s extravagant gift was given at the end of My ministry, preparing Me for My burial: The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were two days away. The Jewish leaders — the chief priests and the scribes — gathered to discuss how they might secretly arrest Jesus and kill Him. Jewish Leaders: We can’t do it during the festivals. It might create an uproar. While Jesus was eating dinner in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, a woman came into the house carrying an alabaster flask filled with a precious, sweet-smelling ointment made from spikenard. She came to Jesus, broke the jar, and gently poured out the perfume onto His head. Some of those around the table were troubled by this and grumbled to each other. Dinner Guests: Why did she waste this precious ointment? We could have sold this ointment for almost a year’s wages, and the money could have gone to the poor! Their private concerns turned to public criticism against her. Jesus: Leave her alone. Why are you attacking her? She has done a good thing. The poor will always be with you, and you can show kindness to them whenever you want. But I won’t always be with you. She has done what she could for Me — she has come to anoint My body and prepare it for burial. Believe Me when I tell you that this act of hers will be told in her honor as long as there are people who tell the good news. (Mark 14:1-9) All true giving should be in response to God’s gracious gifts — especially His greatest gift — given to you! Praise God for this incredible, unbelievable, indescribable gift. (2 Corinthians 9:15) Response in Prayer Thank You God for Your extravagant gift of Jesus. May my life reflect Your generosity in the way I treat others and share the gifts You have shared with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Faithful Servants Pave the Way

Note from Jesus Dear Servant of the Lord, If you take the time to look at the grand story of grace in the Bible, you will notice servants of the Lord playing important roles all along the way. A few of these servants were big characters with big personalities playing big parts in the grand drama of the Bible. However, the vast majority of God’s servants were bit players and role players, many of them unnamed. But each one was crucial to the story! I want to remind you of a few of them. In fact, you might want to do some research on them if you don’t recognize their names. Folks like Seth and Isaac, who do not have a lot written about them, but were hugely important in God’s unfolding promises. There was Jael, a brave and clever wife who killed Israel’s greatest threat. You meet three mighty men of David who brought him water from the well by the gate at Bethlehem at one of the lowest points in his life. There was Mordecai for Esther. Then there was Jehosheba who saved Joash and preserved the line of David and preserved God’s promise of the Messiah. Along the way you meet an unnamed boy who provided his fish and bread that I used to feed a crowd. There was Andrew, the apostle who was in his brother Peter’s shadow, but who always seemed to be the one to get people to Me. There were folks like Dorcas, Lydia, and Phoebe, who served others and blessed My early churches. There were special folks like Onesiphorus, who blessed the apostle Paul. There were, of course, many others. I mention these just to make this one point: Behind any great movement of God, there are unnamed, yet essential, servants paving the way. We — Father, Son, and Spirit — know each person that goes with each name. We will not forget their work for the kingdom of God or the sacrifices they made. So before you read about a few of the special servants from the story of My birth, I want to remind you of something very important. There is nothing that you do to serve others in My name that will be forgotten. In My kingdom, the greatest has always been — and always will be — a servant. Verses to Live Two precious people are introduced to the joy of a child after years of faithful service. Their names are Zacharias and Elizabeth. To understand the life of Jesus, I must first give you some background history, events that occurred when Herod ruled Judea for the Roman Empire. Zacharias was serving as a priest in the temple in Jerusalem those days as his fathers had before him. He was a member of the priestly division of Abijah (a grandson of Aaron who innovated temple practices), and his wife, Elizabeth, was of the priestly lineage of Aaron, Moses’ brother. They were good and just people in God’s sight, walking with integrity in the Lord’s ways and laws. Yet they had this sadness. Due to Elizabeth’s infertility, they were childless, and at this time, they were both quite old — well past normal childbearing years. (Luke 1:5-7) My mother, Mary, was a precious young virgin who was challenged with the seemingly impossible and committed herself to be God’s servant regardless of the cost. Six months later in Nazareth, a city in the rural province of Galilee, the heavenly messenger Gabriel made another appearance. This time the messenger was sent by God to meet with a virgin named Mary, who was engaged to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David himself. The messenger entered her home. Messenger: Greetings! You are favored, and the Lord is with you! Among all women on the earth, you have been blessed. (Luke 1:26-28) Mary (deciding in her heart): Here I am, the Lord’s humble servant. As you have said, let it be done to me. (Luke 1:38) Two older servants of the Lord, Simeon and Anna, proclaimed the meaning of My birth as they met Me in the Temple. While fulfilling these sacred obligations [the dedication of Jesus and a sacrifice] at the temple, they [Joseph and Mary] encountered a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was a just and pious man, anticipating the liberation of Israel from her troubles. He was a man in touch with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Anointed One. The Spirit had led him to the temple that day, and there he saw the child Jesus in the arms of His parents, who were fulfilling their sacred obligations. Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God. Simeon: Now, Lord and King, You can let me, Your humble servant, die in peace. You promised me that I would see with my own eyes what I’m seeing now: Your freedom, raised up in the presence of all peoples. (Luke 2:25-31) At that very moment, an elderly woman named Anna stepped forward. Anna was a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She had been married for seven years before her husband died and a widow to her current age of 84 years. She was deeply devoted to the Lord, constantly in the temple, fasting and praying. When she approached Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, she began speaking out thanks to God, and she continued spreading the word about Jesus to all those who shared her hope for the rescue of Jerusalem. (Luke 2:36-38 ) These are just a few of the precious and faithful servants who paved the way for My coming to you! Response in Prayer O Father, I sometimes feel that no one notices the kind things I try to do for them — this feels especially true with those closest to me and whom I love most dearly. I know that I am selfish to feel

Vulnerable God

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, The story of My first two years speaks of vulnerability. I was born to a young woman far from home and without friends and family with her, other than her future husband. My daddy was not My biological father and was not married to My mother when I was born. There was no housing available for Joseph and My mother in Bethlehem, so I was born in a place where animals were kept and fed. No doctor ushered me into the world. Initially, only shepherds celebrated My birth — there were no family members to support Joseph and My mother. Even after Joseph had secured a house where we could stay, Herod found out from the magi that I, Israel’s King, had been born in the little town of Bethlehem. Herod’s fury turned to a rage of slaughtering young boys to try to kill Me, so the angel had to warn Joseph to take My mother and Me to safety in far-away Egypt. Heaven wept as Herod’s rage toward Me destroyed little boys in and near Bethlehem — a dark reminder every time My story is told that this was Herod’s and hell’s intention for Me. Yes, when the Father sent Me to earth, I became as vulnerable to mortality as you are. Why? Because you had to know that there was nothing We — Father, Son, and Spirit — wouldn’t do to rescue you from hell’s grip. God entered human flesh, fully human and fully God; your theologians call it incarnation. Some may say it is crazy for the immortal to become mortal flesh. I prefer to call it crazy love to prevent hell’s intention. John, my beloved disciple, wrote this, but then he had heard Me say it. I hope you will never forget it: For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life. Here’s the point. God didn’t send His Son into the world to judge it; instead, He is here to rescue a world headed toward certain destruction. (John 3:16-17) Verses to Live Humble vulnerability — that’s the story of My of birth! Mary’s fiancée Joseph, from Nazareth in Galilee, had to participate in the census in the same way everyone else did. Because he was a descendant of King David, his ancestral city was Bethlehem, David’s birthplace. Mary, who was now late in her pregnancy that the messenger Gabriel had predicted, accompanied Joseph. While in Bethlehem, she went into labor and gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped the baby in a blanket and laid Him in a feeding trough because the inn had no room for them. (Luke 2:4-7) Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, in the province of Judea, at the time when King Herod reigned. Not long after Jesus was born, magi, wise men or seers from the East, made their way from the East to Jerusalem. These wise men made inquiries. Wise Men: Where is this newborn, Who is the King of the Jews? When we were far away in the East we saw His star, and we have followed its glisten and gleam all this way to worship Him. (Matthew 2:1-2) The wise men left Herod’s chambers and went on their way. The star they had first seen in the East reappeared — a miracle that, of course, overjoyed and enraptured the wise men. The star led them to the house where Jesus lay; and as soon as the wise men arrived, they saw Him with His mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. They unpacked their satchels and gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And then, just as Joseph did a few months before, the wise men had a dream warning them not to go back to Herod. The wise men heeded the dream. Ignoring Herod’s instructions [to return to him to tell him where the baby Jesus was], they returned to their homes in the East by a different route. After the wise men left, a messenger of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Messenger of the Lord (to Joseph): Get up, take the child and His mother, and head to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you it is safe to leave. For Herod understands that Jesus threatens him and all he stands for. He is planning to search for the child and kill Him. But you will be safe in Egypt. So Joseph got up in the middle of the night; he bundled up Mary and Jesus, and they left for Egypt. After a few months had passed, Herod realized he’d been tricked. The wise men were not coming back. Herod, of course, was furious. He simply ordered that all boys who lived in or near Bethlehem and were two years of age and younger be killed. He knew the baby King was this age because of what the wise men told him. This sad event had long been foretold by the prophet Jeremiah: A voice will be heard in Ramah, weeping and wailing and mourning out loud all day and night. The voice is Rachel’s, weeping for her children, her children who have been killed; she weeps, and she will not be comforted. (Matthew 2:9-18) Response in Prayer Holy God, Father and Son and Spirit, thank You for Your plan, Your vulnerability, Your incarnation. Most of all, thank You for Your love for us — for me. While there are times I struggle with knowing why things happen in my life and the lives of those I love, remembering Your “crazy love” that led You to become flesh and blood helps me believe that Your work in my life will lead me to Your grace and blessing. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A

The Light Now Shines!

Note from Jesus Dear Believer, Somewhere along the way, My light shown into your heart and changed you. More than just the light from the bright star that guided the magi from the East to find Me, My light brings life for all humankind who choose to find it. I promised this in My earthly ministry: I am the light that shines through the cosmos; if you walk with Me, you will thrive in the nourishing light that gives life and will not know darkness. (John 8:12) The apostle Paul put it this way: God Who spoke light into existence, saying, “Let light shine from the darkness,” is the very One Who sets our hearts ablaze to shed light on the knowledge of God’s glory revealed in the face of Jesus, the Anointed One. (2 Corinthians 4:6) So I want your heart to be “ablaze” because you have found Me, the “light of life,” and have chosen to walk with Me in that light. My light shines in the darkness, and nothing can extinguish it (John 1:4-9). So as you wonder and marvel at the light of My Father’s glory with the angels filling the sky for the shepherds watching their flocks (Luke 2:8-9) and as you imagine the long journey of the magi to Bethlehem following the star (Matthew 2:1-2), never forget that My light still shines for you to find your way to come home to Me. Verses to Live Matthew wrote about My bringing light from the very beginnings of My ministry. Then the devil left Jesus [following His temptations]. And heavenly messengers came and ministered to Him. It was not long until powerful people put John [the Baptist] in prison. When Jesus learned this, He went back to Galilee. He moved from Nazareth to Capernaum, a town by the sea in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali. He did this to fulfill one of the prophecies of Isaiah: In the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, the road to the sea along the Jordan in Galilee, the land of the outsiders — In these places, the people who had been living in darkness saw a great light. The light of life will overtake those who dwelt in the shadowy darkness of death. From that time on, preaching was part of Jesus’ work. (Matthew 4:11-17) I was not shy in declaring that I AM the true light that brings life to the world! I told my disciples: While it is daytime, we must do the works of the One Who sent Me. But when the sun sets and night falls, this work is impossible. Whenever I am in the world, I am the Light of the world. (John 9:4-5) One of the most beautiful ways this has been expressed was in a little letter the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy. God has already saved us and called us to this holy calling — not because of any good works we may have done, but because of His own intention and because eons and eons ago (before time itself existed), He gave us this grace in Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King. And now, the time has come! That grace was revealed when our Savior, Jesus the Anointed, appeared; and through His resurrection He has wiped out death and brought to light life and immortality by way of this good news. (2 Timothy 1:9-10) Your job is to let this light shine through you into the world so that others can find their way to the Father. And you, beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or a chair, and the light illumines the entire house. You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me, and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it. (Matthew 5:14-16) Response in Prayer Father, may the light of Your grace in Jesus shine through my heart and into the lives of those around me. May my life be like the star the magi saw and followed to Jesus, in Whose name I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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