Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

An Outsider’s Story

Note from Jesus Dear Friend, You just have to love the apostle Levi! You may know him better as Matthew since that is the name of the first gospel in your New Testament — same guy, just known by both names. My choosing Matthew as one of My 12 apostles was a big surprise to many folks. He had a good, priestly, Jewish name — Levi. However, his profession was considered anything but Jewish. He was a tax collector, and tax collectors were hated by Jewish people in the first century. People assumed that tax collectors were unclean, sharing in an anti-pious lifestyle. Most Jewish tax collectors in Matthew’s time had sold out to the Romans and financially preyed upon their fellow Jews. They also ran around with people generally considered to be sinners. So when Matthew became My disciple, he also threw a big party for his “sinful” friends so they could meet Me (Matthew 9:9-13). Whew! That party created a lot of negative chatter. It also revealed plenty about Matthew’s heart, and also Mine! Notice two things today about Matthew. Both reflect the heart of the Father. First, Matthew cared about those who were left out. If you read My story from the Gospel of Matthew, you will notice that Matthew wants to show that all kinds of people came to know Me. There were magi from far away, people from all nations becoming disciples, a Roman centurion with great faith, a humble Syrian woman who had a seriously ill child and who gave a clever response to Me, and a lost sheep that needed to be found. Second, Matthew may have been considered an outsider, but he connected My story to the Father’s promises told centuries before I came. Over 15 times, Levi reminds you that My coming was foretold by the prophets. Bottom line: Matthew wants you to know that God — Father, Son, and Spirit — has always had the plan to bring everyone, including outsiders, true HOPE. That plan was spoken by the prophets centuries before I came. That plan was fulfilled in Me! My coming was not an afterthought. My association with sinners and tax collectors was not a mistake. My death was not a miscalculation. My resurrection was not a last minute fix. Levi wants you to know that no matter how far on the outside you may feel, I came for you. That’s God’s long-term plan — the very plan that I came to fulfill! Verses to Live Notice just two of the many references to Me from the ancient prophets of Israel that Levi (the apostle Matthew) shares in My story. These references to the prophets can help you see God’s long-term plan to include you. The Father has had the plan to reclaim you that goes back a long way before the miracle of My birth! Joseph woke up from his dream and did exactly what the messenger had told him to do: he married Mary and brought her into his home as his wife (though he did not consummate their marriage until after her son was born). And when the baby was born, Joseph named Him Jesus, Savior. Years and years ago, Isaiah, a prophet of Israel, foretold the story of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus: A virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and His name will be Immanuel (which is a Hebrew name that means “God with us”). (Isaiah 7:14 in Matthew 1:22-25) But you, Bethlehem of Ephrathah, of the clans of Judah, are no poor relation — From your people will come a Ruler Who will be the shepherd of My people, Israel, Whose origins date back to the distant past, to the ancient days. (Micah 5:2 quoted in Matthew 2:6) Response in Prayer Holy God and loving Shepherd, thank You for having the plan to include all of us who felt we were on the outside and without hope. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for choosing someone like Matthew to be one of Your 12 apostles and using him to write Your story in a way that includes us all. Thank You for including me in Your family of grace. Thank You, in Jesus’ name. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Your Invitation

Note from Jesus Dear Friend, I am inviting you to spend this next year getting to know Me more completely through a daily time together in the Scriptures. Each day, you will learn a little more about Me — what I did, what I taught, and Who I am — with the help of The four gospels known as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, tell part of My story as these books give just what I “began to do and teach.” That’s how Luke describes his record of My ministry in his introduction to the book of Acts (Acts 1:1 NLT). As Luke writes the book of Acts, he emphasizes that I continued My ministry through the Holy Spirit’s work in the lives of My followers. These disciples recognized My presence and power when they lived, prayed, gathered together, and did miracles in My name. Still today, I am working in the world and in My church through people like them and through people like you! We will devote approximately the next four and a half months to lessons primarily from the Gospels. Then during the week of Jewish Passover, you will join Me as I endure My passion, followed by My resurrection from the dead and My appearances to My disciples. During the remainder of the year, we will look at the of the story of My early work through the early church found in the rest of the New Testament: Acts, the letters written to various churches and individuals, and finally the Revelation that I gave to John. So more than just wanting you to know about Me, I really want you to know Me. That’s the goal of our year together. So let’s start that journey today! Verses to Live Here are a couple of truths I want you to know! Life is found in knowing me, so get to know Me! This is what I prayed in front of my followers the night I was betrayed: After saying all these things, Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son so he can give glory back to you. For you have given him authority over everyone. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him. And this is the way to have eternal life — to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.” (John 17:1-3 NLT) I am the fullest message of God to you, so come to Me to know God’s message for you! This is what one of My followers wrote to help My Jewish brothers and sisters. He wanted them to know Who I Am and how I fit into their story: Long ago, at different times and in various ways, God’s voice came to our ancestors through the Hebrew prophets. But in these last days, it has come to us through His Son, the One Who has been given dominion over all things and through Whom all worlds were made. This is the One Who — imprinted with God’s image, shimmering with His glory — sustains all that exists through the power of His word. He was seated at the right hand of God once He Himself had made the offering that purified us from all our sins. (Hebrews 1:1-3) Get to know Me and you’re going to find real life — life that can never be taken from you! Not only that, as you get to know Me, you learn what God most wants you to know: that I AM His fullest, most complete message to you. I know you will be blessed by this year we will have together! May the peace of God, our Father, be with you. Response in Prayer Thank You, dear Father, for sending Jesus so that I can know You and so that I can find life that is full and rich — the life that You created me as Your child to discover and live. Please bless me, dear Father, as I get to know Jesus better as we journey through this year together. I pray this in my Savior’s name, Jesus. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

I AM Coming Soon

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved Disciple, Today, we finish our journey through the New Testament that we began a year ago. If you have been with us throughout the year, you have relived My earthly ministry when I was in human flesh. You have read My words. You have examined My ministry. You have read about the birth of My church and the power of the Holy Spirit that empowered and sustained My people. You have looked into the letters of Paul, Peter, John, James, and Jude as well as the “word of exhortation” you call Hebrews. Over the last few days, you have been reading from My Revelation to John. This year’s cycle ends today. Today’s message is not only a great way to end the book of Revelation, but it is also a great way to finish the whole collection of books you call the Bible, the Holy Scriptures. Yesterday (from Revelation 21 and Revelation 22:1-5) you saw how sin, death, and evil would be completely defeated by My returning in glory. You heard about the great celebration known as the wedding supper of the Lamb of God (Me) and My bride (the church). This celebration awaits you in My presence. The awful results of the Fall and the impact of sin, evil, and death will be fully conquered and their power fully removed from My people when I return in glory. Victory and reunion are assured for My disciples from every age as they join together before the throne! Today, you will read some words of promise, blessing, and warning about the importance of the visions I gave to John and the words he used to write down these visions. These were important for the folks who were facing critical challenges when I revealed this message for them. They have continued to be important to My people throughout the years of suffering because of their faith in Me. My early disciples needed an immediate dose of comfort, encouragement, correction, and hope. These words from Revelation are important for the people of every generation if they — and you — are to remain faithful and hopeful in times of oppression, persecution, and martyrdom. I will indeed bring My victory for all who are My disciples so that they can share in the joyous and victorious celebration. I sent My messenger to John so that you would not be afraid when you are facing the fiery trials that can sometimes befall My people. Believe this message, this Revelation, I shared with John. Obey the truth that you know has come from the Father and through Me. Let these words stir you to faithfulness. My coming is on the horizon. Live each day without fear and with great joy as if this could be THE day of My coming. Verses to Live The last sentences of Revelation, the last verses in your Bible and in this book of Revelation, finish with an invitation for Me to return in My glory for you. I want you to pray for My coming: hasten My arrival with your words of anticipation, praise, and invitation. Guide (speaking to me [John]): These words are faithful and true. And the Lord, the God Who inspired the prophets, has sent His heavenly messenger to show to His servants what must soon take place. The Anointed One [Jesus]: Look now, I am coming soon! The one who remains true to the prophetic words contained in this book will truly be blessed. I, John, am the one who heard and witnessed these visions. And when I heard and witnessed them, I fell prostrate at the feet of the heavenly guide who showed them to me. But he refused. Guide: You must not do that! I am a servant with you, with your brothers and sisters the prophets, and with those who keep the words contained in this book. Worship God instead! (continuing) Do not seal up the prophetic words contained in this book for another day, for the finale is near. Let the one given to evil continue down evil’s path and the one addicted to filth continue to be its servant. But let the one who is righteous journey along the righteous road, and let the holy continue in holy ways. The Anointed One: See, I am coming soon, and I will bring My reward with Me. I will pay back every person according to the deeds he has done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the First One and the Last One, the beginning and the end. Blessed are those who wash their garments. In the end, they have rightful access to the tree of life and will enter the city through its gates. The dogs, the sorcerers, those who commit immoral acts, the murderers, the idolaters, and all who love and practice deception must remain outside the gates for all eternity. Jesus: I, Jesus, have sent My messenger to show you and guide you so that you in turn would share this testimony with the churches. I am the Root and the Descendant of David, the Bright Morning Star. The Spirit and the Bride: Come. And let everyone who hears these words say, “Come.” And let those who thirst come. All who desire to drink, let them take and drink freely from the water of life. Beware, everyone who hears the prophetic words of this book. Know this for certain: if anyone adds to these words, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone subtracts from the prophetic words of this book, God will remove that person’s access to the tree of life and to the holy city which are described in this book. The One Who testifies to these realities makes this promise: The Anointed One: Yes. I am coming soon. To which we say, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, be with all the saints [His disciples]. Amen.

Everything New

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, You are part of My people, the church, My bride. A time is coming when all My people will share in the glorious eternal day when everything has been made new. The fatal flaw (mortality) brought on the creation because of sin will be eliminated. The threat of sin, death, and hell will be gone for My people forever. My church will no longer be oppressed, but will be glorious. She will be My beautiful bride. All who are mine will share in the joyful wedding feast, the victorious reunion party of all My people from throughout all of time. There will be no need for a temple because the Father, the Spirit, and I will dwell in and among Our people. There will be no need for light for there will never be darkness in the place where Our glory shines. The beauty of this glory will outshine any description that your earthly mind can comprehend. What many consider precious in your world — gemstones and gold — are nothing more than building materials and paving stones in the place of Our glory. Every barrier that has separated you from Us — Father, Son, and Spirit — will be removed. Every hurt and wound will be removed by the gentle touch of the Father’s finger as he wipes every tear from your eyes. Healing fruit will be your food, and the water of life will be your drink. No division between nations or peoples will exist as all will live together with Us sharing in the grace and glory that are found in Our presence and are the very essence of Our presence. This place where everything is made new, pure, and glorious will be our home, forever, together! Verses to Live As you read the words below, let your mind explore the imagery and see which ones of the images lead you to see and feel the coming glory: Healing. Grace. Evil banished. Joy. Celebration. Beauty. Glory. Water of life. God’s child. Everything new. No death — and many more. Realize this is your future in Me! I [John] looked again and could hardly believe my eyes. Everything above me was new. Everything below me was new. Everything around me was new because the heaven and earth that had been passed away, and the sea was gone, completely. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride on her wedding day, adorned for her husband and for His eyes only. And I heard a great voice, coming from the throne. A Voice: See, the home of God is with His people. He will live among them; They will be His people, And God Himself will be with them. The prophecies are fulfilled: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; Mourning no more, crying no more, pain no more, For the first things have gone away. And the One Who sat on the throne [the Father] announced to His creation, The One: See, I am making all things new. (turning to me [John]) Write what you hear and see, for these words are faithful and true. It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will see to it that the thirsty drink freely from the fountain of the water of life. To the victors will go this inheritance: I will be their God, and they will be My children. It will not be so for the cowards, the faithless, the sacrilegious, the murderers, the sexually immoral, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all those who deal in deception. They will inherit an eternity in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death. And then one of the seven messengers in charge of the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came over to me. Heavenly Messenger: Come with me, and I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb. He took me away in the Spirit and set me on top of a great, high mountain. As I waited for what I thought was a bride, he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. It gleamed and shined with the glory of God; its radiance was like the most precious of jewels, like jasper, and it was as clear as crystal. It was surrounded with a wall, great and high. There were twelve gates. Assigned to each gate was a messenger, twelve in all. And on the gates were inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of Israel’s sons. On the east wall were three gates. On the north wall were three gates. On the south wall were three gates. On the west wall were three gates. And the city wall sat perfectly on twelve foundation stones, and on them were inscribed the names of the twelve emissaries of the Lamb. My guide held a golden measuring rod. With it he measured the city and the gates and the walls. And the city is laid out with four corners in a perfect square, the length the same as its width. He measured the city with his measuring rod, and the result was that its length and width and height are equal: 1,444 miles, a perfect cube. And my guide measured the wall; it was nearly 72 yards high, in human measurements, which was the instrument the guide was using. The wall was made of jasper, while the city itself was made of pure gold, yet it was as clear as glass. The foundation stones of the wall of the city were decorated with every kind of jewel: the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. The twelve

A Time for Praise

Note from Jesus Dear Faithful Follower, What John saw and shared in the verses below is the powerful image of Me coming as a conquering warrior to destroy the evil power that persecutes and oppresses My people. Every Babylon will fall! Those who belong to me — whether in heaven or on earth, whether human or heavenly — will rejoice. There will be a time when I do this once-and-for-all: I will bring down evil and destroy it, so it never returns to oppress My faithful people. There will be celebration and feasting for all who are Mine! The praise that you share now is a prelude to the praise you will share in when I come as your conquering King and glorified Savior. Remain faithful. Be steadfast. Continually offer your praise in anticipation of My return in glory. Trust that I AM coming and will give you victory. As John shared from his vision, Paul promised the Thessalonians, and I am assuring you: On that day when He [I, your Lord Jesus] comes, all the saints in heaven and on earth will celebrate the glory of His power, and all who believe will stand and be amazed — this includes you because you believed us when we testified on His behalf. All this is why we are constantly praying for you, so God will make you worthy of the great calling you have received from Him and will give you the power to accomplish every good intention and work of faith. Then the great name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified through your lives, and you will be glorified in Him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, our Liberating King. (2 Thessalonians 1:10-12) Verses to Live As you read these verses, think of how comforting and full of hope these words would have been for My followers who were facing hardship and even death for their faith. I AM coming for them and they will share in My victory. Now, dear follower, remember that this promise is true for you as well! The scene changed. After this, I [John] heard the great sound of a multitude echoing in heaven. Multitude: Praise the Lord! Salvation and glory and power truly belong to our God, for true and just are His judgments. He has judged the great whore [Babylon] who polluted the entire earth with her sexual immorality, And He has vindicated the blood of His servants, which she shed. Again praise spilled from heaven. Multitude: Praise the Lord! The smoke rises up from her ruins forever and ever. And the twenty-four elders and four living creatures fell on their faces and worshiped God Who reigns on the throne. Four Living Creatures and 24 Elders: Amen. Praise the Lord! A Voice from the Throne: Give praise to our God, all of you, God’s servants, All who reverence Him, small and great. And I heard what seemed to be an immense crowd speaking with one voice — it was like the sound of a roaring waterfall, like the sound of clashing thunder. Multitude (in unison): Praise the Lord! For the Lord our God, the All Powerful, reigns supreme. Now is the time for joy and happiness. He deserves all the glory we can give Him. For the wedding feast has begun; the marriage of the Lamb to His bride has commenced, and His bride has prepared herself for this glorious day. She had been given the finest linens to wear, linens bright and pure, woven from the righteous deeds of the saints. Guide: Write this down: “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage feast of the Lamb.” What I am telling you are the true words of God. At that, I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he refused my praise. Guide: Stop it. Don’t you see? I am a servant like you and your brothers and sisters, all who hold fast to the testimony of Jesus. Address your worship to God, not to me! For the testimony about Jesus is essentially the prophetic spirit. I looked up and saw that heaven had opened. Suddenly, a white horse appeared. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and with righteousness He exercises judgment and wages war. His eyes burn like a flaming fire, and on His head are many crowns. His name was written before the creation of the world, and no one knew it except He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name He was known by is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, outfitted in fine linen, white and pure, were following behind Him on white steeds. From His mouth darts a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule over them with a scepter made of iron. He will trample the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God, the All Powerful. And there on His robe and on His thigh was written His name: King of kings and Lord of lords. (Revelation 19:1-16) Response in Prayer Dear Father, I look forward to Jesus coming in glory, and I want to share in that glory when He comes. I pray that He comes soon and delivers all of my brothers and sisters who are being persecuted and that He brings celebration for all who joyfully await His coming. In His name, I pray. Amen. ‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware. © 1998-2024, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

My Powerful and Tender Presence

Note from Jesus Dear Precious Believer, The history of your planet is pockmarked by violence, famine, war, disease, fear, sin, torture, persecution, and death. This was not how We — Father, Son, and Spirit — created the world to operate. The gift of great beauty and diversity in Our creation was broken by human rebellion that resulted in sin (Genesis 3:9-19; Romans 5:12-14). Creation continues to writhe and groan in pain as people abuse each other and ravage the wonderful place created to be your home (Romans 8:18-22). As the seven seals are opened in the story of Revelation, the created world shudders in fear as judgment is exercised on a world gone mad in its own evil. My people are oppressed, persecuted, abused, and martyred for their faith in Me. However, as bad as the world condition seems, it is not as bad as it could be. No matter how powerful evil appears to be, I AM still at work to preserve, redeem, and restore My people. Nevertheless, a high price is paid among My beloved faithful followers. Physical lives are lost, good people are abused, and faithful disciples are persecuted and martyred. These problems are why I want you to get a glimpse of the glory they share with Me before the Father. Stephen saw this glory as he died as an early martyr for My cause (Acts 7:54-60). Those who like Stephen have paid such a high price for their faith in Me are in My presence. Their sorrow, fear, and loss are caught up in the joyous celebration of victory as they share in My presence and glory. I AM their Shepherd Who protects, sustains, and nourishes them. I AM gentle with them and gently wipe away their tears, acknowledging their hurt while welcoming them into a life of grace, peace, joy, and fellowship. They will find the water of life, My never-ending supply of grace and life to sustain them forever. On the hearts and from the mouths of My martyred people come the most powerful songs of praise and blessing you will ever hear. They acknowledge My control and My plan to intervene when and how it is best for all of My people. Evil will not defeat them. The worst that Satan, his demons, his human co-conspirators, and his oppressive ways can do to My beloved disciples is to send them into My eternal presence. Paul’s words said it well as he faced his own possible death: I [Paul] don’t expect that dishonor and shame will plague me in any way, but I do hope that I will continue to be able to speak freely and courageously about Jesus, and that now and forever the Anointed One will be glorified and placed above all else through this body of mine — whether I live or die. For my life is about the Anointed and Him alone. And my death, when that comes, will mean great gain for me. So, if it’s His will that I go on serving here, my work will be fruitful for the message. I honestly wouldn’t know how or what to choose; I would be hard-pressed to decide. I lean toward leaving this world to be with the Anointed One because I can only think that would be much better. To stay in this body of flesh — even with all its pains and weaknesses — would best serve your needs. Now that I think of it, I am sure of this: I would prefer to remain to share in the progress and joy of your growing belief. When I return to you, we will celebrate Jesus the Anointed even more. (Philippians 1:20-26) If you face persecution today, please take heart. Be faithful no matter what you face. Unending glory in My presence awaits you. If you do not face persecution, remember your brothers and sisters who do. As you minister to them, please know you are doing My work, the very work I do with those who have been faithful unto death and come into My presence. Despite how things may appear, My people will triumph. They will share in My victory and the conquering power of My grace. Your sorrow, hardship, and tears are not wasted or are they forgotten. Verses to Live With all the powerful and sometimes violent images revealed to John, I want you to focus on two non-violent images in today’s verses. First, notice that “a huge crowd of people, which no one could even begin to count, representing every nation and tribe, people and language” gathered around Me to praise Me with shouts of praise and joy. Persecution and martyrdom could not strip them of their faith or their victory. Second, notice My tenderness with those who have been oppressed and who have suffered because of My name. Remember this tenderness for those who are mine when you read about the destruction of the wicked, the demonic, and the allies of Satan. I AM both the “the Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5:5) and the Lamb Who voluntarily let himself be slain to buy you from the clutches of Satan and his desire to have hell be your future. After this vision, I [John] saw four heavenly messengers standing at the four corners of the earth. They were holding back the four winds so that the earth would not be overcome by violent, rushing winds blowing over the land or over the sea or blowing down any tree. Then I saw a fifth messenger, coming up with the sun as it was rising in the east, carrying the seal of the living God. He called with a great and loud voice to the four messengers who had authority to harm the earth and its seas. Fifth Messenger: Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we seal the servants of our God with a mark of ownership on their foreheads. Then I heard that 144,000

War and Hell’s Defeat

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, The images in My Revelation to John are strong and powerful. Today’s images are a reminder that My incarnation and ministry on earth were more than just My living a good life and doing kind deeds. My coming to earth was the beginning of the final battle in the Father’s war against Satan. I came to save the people of the world, including you, from Satan’s demonic forces and evil’s grip on your world. I came to bring deliverance for the people of God. I came to defeat Satan and assure you that the final victory over Satan and his banishment to hell are certain. Satan has his heart set on evil. When I came to earth, I defeated the evil one because of My willing surrender to the will of the Father. Because of My victory over Satan, the Father brought you the promise of victory over sin, death, and hell. Not only did the Father deliver Me from My death brought on by Satan’s influence, but He also delivered you through My resurrection. The Father banished Satan from heaven (Luke 10:18). Satan’s recognition that his presence and power on earth were limited made him determined to use his influence for evil. Even though his power was limited, he has repeatedly unleashed violence and evil against Me and My people. His being cast down from heaven and My resurrection signaled that his defeat will one day be final and complete. My sacrifice (“the blood of the Lamb”) and My people’s faithfulness (“by… the word of their witnesses… [and their willingness to] not hold on to their lives, even under the threat of death”) have assured My people of victory over hell’s power and fury. Despite Satan’s anger and evil intentions, he will not defeat My people. Their faithfulness unto death ensures their ultimate victory with Me in the presence of the Father. However, as long as I have not returned for you, My people, Satan roams the earth and seeks to claim more victims. What Peter warned is true: Most importantly, be disciplined and stay on guard. Your enemy the devil is prowling around outside like a roaring lion, just waiting and hoping for the chance to devour someone. (1 Peter 5:8) My resurrection from the dead and My exaltation to the right hand of the Father on high have assured My people ultimate victory — whether through life or death. So Peter finished his warning with this assurance: Resist him [the devil] and be strong in your faith, knowing that your brothers and sisters throughout the world are fellow sufferers with you. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of grace Who has called you to His everlasting presence through Jesus the Anointed will restore you, support you, strengthen you, and ground you. For all power belongs to God, now and forever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:9-11) What Peter says in plain language, I revealed to John in vision and imagery. But if you listen through the imagery in the verses below, you will hear the same message. Satan is evil. He views all people, especially those who are Mine, with murderous intent. He will inflict wounds on My precious followers. But these wounds are not permanent. Evil’s defeat is assured; in fact, it has already occurred (Colossians 1:13; Hebrews 2:14-15). That is the reason you can depend on Our power being available to you through the Spirit to defeat temptation as well as to provide ultimate victory through your resurrection. Satan knows this. So be faithful. Resist him. Trust in My victory that will also be yours when I return in glory. While your part of the battle may be fierce, know that both present-day victory and ultimate victory are yours and sharing in My glory is assured. Verses to Live While the war of good and evil is fierce and cosmic in scope, the images you read in today’s verses paint My truth in powerful and graphic detail. The victory has been won over Satan, evil, the demonic forces, and the power of hell. However, being cast down out of heaven, Satan still wages war on earth until I return to banish him forever. Take heart in knowing that My people will be preserved, and those who are faithful unto death are not lost as casualties in the fight. In their death, they are ushered into My presence and eternal glory. As I looked, a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman came into view clothed in the radiance of the sun, standing with the moon under her feet, and she was crowned with a wreath of twelve stars on her head. She was painfully pregnant and was crying out in the agony of labor. Then a second sign appeared in heaven, ominous, foreboding: a great red dragon, with seven crowned heads and ten horns. The dragon’s tail brushed one-third of the stars from the sky and hurled them down to the earth. The dragon crouched in front of the laboring woman, waiting to devour her child the moment it was born. She gave birth to a male child, who is destined to rule the nations with an iron scepter. Before the dragon could bite and devour her son, the child was whisked away and brought to God and His throne. The woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place of refuge and safety where she could find sustenance for 1,260 days. A battle broke out in heaven. Michael, along with his heavenly messengers, clashed against the dragon. The dragon and his messengers returned the fight, but they did not prevail and were defeated. As a result, there was no place left for them in heaven. So the great dragon, that ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was cast down to the earth along with his messengers. Then I heard a great voice in heaven. A


Note from Jesus Dear Precious Disciple, The world can be a confusing place. You love and adore the Father. You recognize the sacrifice I made for you. I know that you believe that I rose from the dead to give you victory. I know you trust that the Holy Spirit is at work in you. But, there are real problems in your world that are hard to reconcile with your glorious idea of Who I AM and how We — Father, Son, and Spirit — work in your world. During times of severe persecution, as some of your Christian brothers and sisters are facing right now, the persecuted can wonder where We are and if We are going to do anything to help them. They long for us to say something substantive to give them hope. I gave John a vision of Me. He was caught up in the Spirit so that he could see what lies ahead for My churches and for his dear family of faith in Asia Minor. However, before I revealed to John what lay ahead for My church, I reminded him of the Father’s glory. I showed him the place of all creation in the Father’s presence. All created beings bowed in reverence, prostrate before the throne of the One Who is worthy of all glory and honor. In the vision, the Father was surrounded by amazing beauty and glory beyond description. All present recognized the Father’s holiness. They praised Him for being the one true and living God, the great I AM — the One “Who was, and Who is, and Who is coming.” In this image I gave to John, the Father held in his hand the full and complete message of what lies ahead for My people. However, this message was sealed. Only the One Who is worthy could open the seals and reveal that message. No one in heaven or earth, no one among the heavenly messengers or heavenly beings or humanity, was found who was worthy. Then at the moment of great desperation, John saw Me in his vision. I alone was found worthy to reveal the future for My people. I alone am fully One with the Father, yet I offered Myself to be killed as the perfect Lamb of sacrifice for the sins of the people, including you. In a moment of joyous hope, all in heaven erupted in praise to Me. They used almost identical words to praise Me as they did the Father — they recognized that We are One and that We alone are worthy of their adoration and praise. Just as I did not escape persecution because of My commitment to the Father, you and other disciples may also have to suffer persecution. The vision for John was to tell both My early disciples and you that a glorious future awaits for those who remain faithful to Me no matter what they face. As Paul wrote to the Roman Christians: If we are God’s children, that means we are His heirs along with the Anointed, set to inherit everything that is His. If we share His sufferings, we know that we will ultimately share in His glory. Now I’m sure of this: the sufferings we endure now are not even worth comparing to the glory that is coming and will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:17-18) Verses to Live As the One Who has borne humanity in Myself, I AM worthy to reveal to My church, My people, what the future holds. This revelation of heaven’s glory — of the Father and His glory and Me in My glory — sets the stage for what unfolds in the rest of the Revelation to John. For today, however, I want you to say out loud the words of praise to the Father. Praise the One Who sits on the throne. Worship the Father with your physical posture as the host of heaven did. Worship Him in your physical posture and actions as illustrated in the following verses. Physically worshiping Him in this way helps you recognize His glory. Now use the words of praise said to Me in the second part of your readings today. Follow the lead of the host of heaven and worship Me in this way. Open your heart to praise. Too often in your dignified world, you hold back on praise and on demonstrating your worship through your physical posture. But, in times of need, you are willing to do anything to “get God’s attention”; don’t wait for desperation. Praise the Father as he deserves. As you do, realize how much you are loved, known, and valued. As you do, realize that you will never face a day alone. We will never leave or forsake you. We will work in history to preserve the church and deliver our people. I AM both the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah Who has won the victory for you, and I AM also the Lamb Who was slain to redeem you. Your praise provides Me the dwelling place on the throne of your heart. After I [John] wrote down these messages, I saw a door standing open in heaven and heard again the first voice that sounded like a trumpet. A Voice: Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this. Immediately I was caught up in the Spirit, and I saw a throne that stood in heaven and One seated on the throne. The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow. Encircling that great throne were twenty-four smaller thrones with twenty-four elders clothed in white robes with wreaths fashioned of gold on their heads. Out of the great throne came flashes of lightning, sounds of voices, and peals of thunder. In front of the great throne, seven torches were ablaze, which are the seven Spirits of God. Also in front of the throne was a glassy sea

To Laodicea: Lukewarm and Pathetic

Note from Jesus Dear Follower, Be true to Me with all your heart (Matthew 22:37-38). Fence-straddling half-hearted efforts reveal that a person is double-minded and offensive to your Father in heaven (James 1:5-8 NIV; James 4:8; 2 Peter 1:5-9). I AM the One Who lived to please the Father when I was on earth (John 4:34; John 6:38). I lived the truth no matter the consequences (John 14:6). I AM the one in Whose name you say “Amen!” (2 Corinthians 1:20). I lived in such a way that I completed My mission (John 19:30). Many people who claim to follow Me don’t know My teaching and don’t obey the Father’s will. They live to please themselves. We — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — are treated by these people as good luck charms Whose only role is to endorse their immoral lifestyles and grant their selfish wishes uttered in prayer. I know this sounds harsh. Sometimes the truth has to be said clearly. Our love is not love if it lets people throw their lives away chasing after the things of the world while claiming to live for Us. The water brought to the city of Laodicea originated from the springs where it bubbled to the surface. However, after a long trip down the aqueduct to the city, the water was lukewarm. It wasn’t good for a warm bath. Those who drank it considered it awful as drinking water. Over time, the fresh, passionate, and vibrant faith of My disciples in Laodicea had become like their water. Laodicea was a “lukewarm” church. Laodicea was a wealthy church in a city known for wealth. Living at the intersection of three major roadways and being a major center for textiles, especially black dyed wool, they found their security in their wealth. They felt as if they needed nothing. Their dependence was more rooted in themselves than in relying on Me as their Lord. Despite the fact that their city was famous for an eye salve, they needed spiritual eye ointment to remove their blindness to their spiritual condition. As you read My letter to them, you will notice that I tell them that they are “miserable, pathetic, poor, blind, and naked.” You will notice that I do not compliment anything about their lives as My disciples. Their lukewarm hearts, their arrogant self-dependence, and their compromise with the worldliness made Me want to vomit. Rather than depending on their financial wealth, they needed to have lives purified and refined into the gold of holy character (1 Peter 1:7). Rather than depending on their lovely garments for which their city was so famous, they needed the white robes of purity and faithfulness (Revelation 7:13-14; Revelation 19:8) to cover their spiritual nakedness. Rather than looking down their noses at others because they felt financially secure, they needed spiritual eye salve to open their eyes that had grown blind to what matters most (John 9:39-41). I didn’t say any of this to My beloved disciples to be mean. I said these words because they were true. The Laodicean disciples were undisciplined and disloyal — not brazenly sinful, but not passionately faithful. They kept up the facade of their faith without the substance and structure underneath the appearance. Verses to Live I promised to come and discipline these disciples. This act of love was needed. So I stood at the door waiting for them to open and welcome Me into their lives. Notice that these words of both promised discipline and gracious fellowship are not said to unbelievers — the way some use them. This invitation to welcome Me is for believers who are lukewarm, double-minded, and blind to their compromises. I want to come to them and reignite our relationship and restore their passion. Maybe that is what you need, too. My promise is still true: “Those I love I also correct and discipline. Therefore, be shamelessly committed to Me, and turn back. Now pay attention; I am standing at the door and knocking. If any of you hear My voice and open the door, then I will come in to visit with you and to share a meal at your table, and you will be with Me.” Please take My words to Laodicea seriously. I long for your walk of faith to be filled with passion, focus, and commitment! The One [Jesus]: Write down My words, and send them to the messenger of the church in Laodicea. “These are the words of the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of God’s creation: “I know your works. You are neither cold with apathy nor hot with passion. It would be better if you were one or the other, but you are neither. So because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. You claim, ‘I am rich, I have accumulated riches, and I need nothing’; but you do not realize that you are miserable, pathetic, poor, blind, and naked. So here is what I suggest you do: buy true gold from Me (gold refined by fire so that you can be truly rich), white garments (to cover you so that you can keep the shame of your nakedness from showing), and eye ointment (to treat your eyes so that you may see clearly). “Those I love I also correct and discipline. Therefore, be shamelessly committed to Me, and turn back. Now pay attention; I am standing at the door and knocking. If any of you hear My voice and open the door, then I will come in to visit with you and to share a meal at your table, and you will be with Me. “The one who conquers through faithfulness even unto death I will place next to Me on My throne, just as I Myself conquered and took a place of honor with My Father on His throne. “Let the person who is able to hear, listen to and follow what the Spirit proclaims

To Philadelphia: ‘I Possess the Key’

Note from Jesus Dear Faithful One, My letter to My followers in the ancient city of “brotherly love” — the meaning of the word Philadelphia — is for you as well as for them! You see, this group of disciples faced opposition from several different groups who hated them. The ever-present emperor cult was one source of haters in Philadelphia. Ironically, the people of Philadelphia had a love/hate relationship with the emperors. Rome kept trying to impose its will and change the name of the city to match the latest family of the emperors. Those in politics in the city curried favor with Rome and the emperors. Many commoners didn’t. However, My disciples in Philadelphia faced opposition similar to the earlier disciples that you read about in the book of Acts. Those earlier disciples encountered bitter hatred from some in the Jewish community. Misunderstanding fueled this hatred. Christians had left Jerusalem before the Roman army destroyed it. I had warned My disciples to leave when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by armies (Luke 21:20-24). They did. Unfortunately, many of their Jewish friends considered this treason and betrayal. Hatred settled into their attitude toward Christians. Not all descended from Israel are true Israelites (Romans 2:28-29; Romans 9:6-8). However, some Israelite people did not share this hatred of Christians. When hatred fuels any people, even those who claim My name, they are self-deluded and make themselves a “congregation of Satan” rather than My people! I reminded My disciples that as Son of God, I was to them speaking as God in human flesh (John 1:14-18; John 5:18). As God, I am “the holy One” (Revelation 3:7; 2 Kings 19:22; Job 6:10; Isaiah 1:4) and “the true One” (Revelation 3:7; Jeremiah 10:10). These two titles describing Me vibrate with a depth of meaning rooted in the Torah, Prophets, and Writings — the three divisions that Jews applied to what you call the Old Testament. These titles for Me reminded these believers that as Son, I spoke to them as the Lord. As their Lord, I know all about what is going on in their lives. I know their struggles. I know their deeds. I know who opposes them. However, I not only know about them, but I also have the power to guarantee them victory. I can make this guarantee because I have the power over death; death can no longer threaten Me and it cannot defeat My church (Matthew 16:18). As I reminded them at the beginning of Revelation, I declare to you: “This is not the time for fear; I am the First and the Last, and I am the living One. I entered the realm of the dead; but see, I am alive now and for all the ages — even ages to come. Amen. I possess the keys to open the prison of death and hades.” (Revelation 1:17-18) You live in uncertain times, times when many of My own are being persecuted, executed, and sold as slaves by those claiming to act for God. But as I told My disciples in Philadelphia, remain faithful. I own and control “the key of David”; therefore, death and hades cannot contain you. Instead of holding you, death brings you fully into My presence with the Father. While the world will face a “time of trial,” you do not belong to the world. “Your new life is now hidden” and joined with Me in God. When I appear, you will accompany Me and share in My glory (Colossians 3:3). My key opens up your future to life beyond death. My key also opens the door of possibility for you in the nearer future. Be faithful. Continue to do your good deeds. Persevere in sharing My grace. Doing so will keep anyone or anything from taking the “victor’s wreath” from you. My promise of your victory is sure and certain. I used an image to remind My followers in Philadelphia of this certainty. You see, they were accustomed to frequent earthquakes that necessitated their frequent rebuilding. Many residents had moved out of the city to avoid the falling masonry during these earthquakes. My faithful ones, however, will be firmly planted as a stable and immovable “pillar in the temple of My God” and will never have to leave the presence of the glory, joy, and security of the Father! Verses to Live Read carefully My promises to this group of believers who felt weak as they faced hardship. Notice that I do not criticize them. I offer them My promises of power over death, opportunity over futility, and influence in the face of opposition. My promises are sure, and their victory awaits them. These promises and assurances are equally sure for you, My faithful one, and I AM so certain of it that I AM sharing My name and the name of your victorious destination with you! The One [Jesus]: Write down My words, and send them to the messenger of the church in Philadelphia. “These are the words of the holy One, the true One, and the One Who possesses the key of David, which opens the possibilities so that no one can shut them. The One Who closes all options so that no one can open: “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door, which no one can shut. I have done this because you have limited strength, yet you have obeyed My word and have not denied My name. Watch, and I will make those of the congregation of Satan — those who call themselves “Jews” but are not because they lie — come before you penitent, falling at your feet. Then they will know how much I have loved you. Because you have obeyed My instructions to endure and be patient, I will protect you from the time of trial which will come upon the whole earth and put everyone in it to the test. I will soon return. Hold tight to what you have

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