Daily Prayer for October 21

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  • Post published:21 October 2023
  • Post category:Daily Prayer
Then another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; and he was given a great quantity of incense to offer with the prayers of all God’s people upon the golden altar in front of the throne. And from the angel’s hand the smoke of the incense went up before God with the prayers of his people. Revelation 8:3–4, NEB

Lord God, we come before you and ask you to turn our hearts and minds to you alone, to you who have power over the whole world and who can do everything in our hearts according to your will. Let there be light in our time. Hear and answer the many prayers that have already come to you, rising for centuries before your throne, prayers for your kingdom and for your will on earth. This earth has become the prey of evil. We are poor and needy, and you alone can help us. Help us, O Lord, our God and Father. After this misery let your day come, your great day over all the world and over all peoples. Amen.


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