Bobbo's Spiritual Challenge

16 Jun 2015

Without love there’s no need to testify, there would be no blue skies & we would all be wasting time. It’s the key to eternal …

16 Jun 2015

It has been ages & nothing seems to change as you walk in God’s will. Don’t be discouraged. Keep faithful to the call of God …

12 Jun 2015

Growing babies need milk and growing christians need Christ. Both are critical elements for good development. Let’s therefore not avoid them 1Pet2:2-10 …

11 Jun 2015

We consistently train children to guide them to be what God wants them to be. God trains us too. Growth is dependent on our willingness …

10 Jun 2015

Despite the evil, heartache & pain, hopelessness & despair around us, we must not give up. Our own sin shouldn’t destroy our hope. Help is …

9 Jun 2015

The amount of time Kenyans spend politicking could be spent doing ministry & preparing for the season God is ushering us into. More of Him, …

8 Jun 2015

We are entitled to our opinion about the political situation in the country/world, but we have a great responsibility towards them. Let’s be focused 1Tim2:1-6 …

5 Jun 2015

So what will it be: your will or His, your wisdom or His truth, grumbling or hope, death to the world or its life, salvation …

4 Jun 2015

As you endeavour to share the good news with others, are you walking in divine purpose or are you on your own mission? Is everything …

3 Jun 2015

The Lord gives wisdom & opportunity to share His word & the Holy Spirit convicts & ministers to those who hear it. Just share as …

2 Jun 2015

Do you share the truths God reveals to you with others by instruction? Are you keen on improving the lives of others by giving them …

29 May 2015

Our wonderful Saviour is so gracious to us. How do we relate with Him? Do we love & appreciate Him beyond obedience ? May He …

27 May 2015

This God who’s reaching out to us is the creator of the heavens & the earth. He is wooing us, mere mortals. We are important …

26 May 2015

There are many who didn’t wake up today but you did. There are many ailing in bed. You are well. There are many running for …

25 May 2015

Can you speak of God’s love over you, His forgiveness, provision, protection & grace? Ask Him to shower us & to surround us with it …

22 May 2015

Let not alcohol, greed, ignorance, bad company, unforgiveness, etc stop you from entering into what God has prepared for you. He’ll dwell with you 2Chr7:11-22 …

21 May 2015

Are you well prepared for the season or place Father wants to usher you into? Can you fit into that environment easily? If not what …

20 May 2015

Solomon would probably not have become king if his mother & others hadn’t worked together & David hadn’t trusted them. Ask God for a good …

19 May 2015

Our response should be to serve this great God in whatever capacity He allows us to in different seasons of life till He calls us …

18 May 2015

The Lord who created me & chose me for His use should be honoured. For such a great God to consider a mortal like me …