Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

10 Jul 2023

We are beneficiaries of God’s grace and mercy. I’m sure we can all attest that He has been merciful to us and has helped us in many situations. Even the health we enjoy today is…

07 Jul 2023

We can learn a lot from Christ’s life on earth. Let us do what we can while we are here. His grace is sufficient for us to do His will. Titus 2:11-14 sums it up…

06 Jul 2023

Therefore, if there is anything that you and I are supposed to be doing as Christ’s ambassadors and we are not, may we arise and do it. John 14:12-14…

05 Jul 2023

As we grow in our walk with Jehovah, may who He is and who we are in Him become increasingly clearer. And as this happens, may our gratitude also increase. Isaiah 26:1-19…

04 Jul 2023

Our genuine worship and adoration pleases the Lord. Our sincerity as we acknowledge Him is important. Our utmost joy in who He is, what He has done and who we are in Him shows that…

03 Jul 2023

May we nor forget how blessed we are to have Jehovah as our God. May we never take it for granted. Even in difficult times, a child of God has reason to be hopeful that…

29 Jun 2023

God can also do what He did to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, in order to keep him humble. Paul had the discipline to accept his lot and trust God. May we remain humble and…

27 Jun 2023

Hebrews 12:4-11 describes the other aspect of discipline, namely correction. The Heavenly Father corrects His children because He loves them. Our earthly fathers do likewise. May we accept correction from Him and learn what He…

26 Jun 2023

One aspect of discipline is self control as described in 1 Corinthians 9:27. It entails “beating the body” into submission” to avoid something that would harm it or denying oneself something that could derail one’s…

23 Jun 2023

The Creator of the universe is concerned about you and me. The great physician, the Lord our banner, our provider, the omniscient and omnipotent God, Elohim the majestic God, is concerned about us. He has…

22 Jun 2023

The Lord is not looking for the perfect, He is looking for the willing. The calling of the disciples in Matthew 4:18-22 and the beatitudes in 5:3-11 show that. As we walk with Him, He…

21 Jun 2023

David’s words in 1 Chronicles 22:2-19 show an old man who valued the Lord and who had seen the love of God throughout his life. The many psalms attributed to him show his faith in…

20 Jun 2023

The reliability of Jehovah should be something we cannot doubt, and something we can attest to, especially when we look at our lives and the lives of those around us. May He continue confirming how…

19 Jun 2023

Our hope is centred mainly on the coming of Christ, His death and resurrection, and the fact that He is coming again. That should give every Christian hope, especially the fact that He rose from…

16 Jun 2023

Let us also be careful about how we treat the less fortunate. The worst we can do is oppress them. I know we often feel overwhelmed and we may lack the time to ensure they…

15 Jun 2023

The love for God should translate into love for one another. In Zechariah 7:5-10, the children of Israel are rebuked for losing that love and also admonished to embrace it. This love ensures people treat…

14 Jun 2023

As we purpose to abide in God’s will, may our relationships with one another also grow deeper. And may the righteousness that comes through Christ manifest even more. Philippians 1:9-11…

13 Jun 2023

As we trust that God sees what we are going through and that we are in His well, may His joy fill our hearts and may His peace abound. Paul was in prison as he…

12 Jun 2023

We get busy living life and sometimes we forget or fail to realise what God is doing in and around us. May we always take time to regularly take stock and have confidence that if…

09 Jun 2023

The promise made in 2 Peter 1:10-11 is very reassuring. Peter had personally experienced persecution. He had also seen many brethren suffering because of their faith in God. Yet he wrote to encourage them, and…

07 Jun 2023

Believing God loves us and that He sent Jesus to die for our sins, and He rose from the dead so that we may have everlasting life, is the basis of our salvation. Over and…

06 Jun 2023

In our being busy, may we not forget who we are and whose we are. If we have been bought by the blood of the Lamb, may we act according to His expectation. This will…

05 Jun 2023

Abiding in God will keep us grounded and enable us to be conscious of the things He holds dear. There are also benefits to this, eg rejoicing, exalting in His righteousness, radiating His glory and…

02 Jun 2023

In Matthew 5:3-12, Jesus describes who a blessed person is. A lot of the examples He gives are different from the regular understanding of being blessed. We may be going through a difficult situation and…

31 May 2023

Psalm 138:1-8 reminds us to give thanks to God, to be grateful for who He is, what He has done and what He will do. Even when we are in trouble, let us remember to…

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