08 May 2023
There are those who for whatever reason are keen on seeing us fall. They would like to break us and ruin our lives. But we have a Saviour who can protect us and destroy wicked…
05 Apr 2023
Sometimes the answer or solution that we need is very simple. It may just take a word to sort out a huge matter. May the Lord deliver us, may He come through for us in…
04 May 2023
May we not seek out preachers and prophets who only share what our itching ears want to hear, those who condone our wrongdoing. May we also accept admonition from the Lord. Micah 2:6-7, 11 &…
03 May 2023
As we have the privilege to lead others in whatever capacity, may we be careful not to oppress them and not to take their property away from them. The consequences could be the destruction of…
02 May 2023
Peter and John didn’t give the beggar money. They gave him something better, something that impacted him more. Where was the first place the beggar went after the biggest event of his life? What was…
27 Apr 2023
So, how does one appropriate the benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection? How can one be part of His divine plan? Acts 2:29-41 explains the process…
26 Apr 2023
The disciples ministered as they were enabled by the Holy Spirit and encouraged those who listened to them. Those words were recorded for our benefit so that we too may partake of the blessings of…
25 Apr 2023
The disciples waited in Jerusalem as they had been instructed, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-13. This was necessary for them to accomplish the task that lay ahead of them…
24 Apr 2023
Now the work starts in earnest. Jesus had ministered for 3 years before he was crucified. He lived amongst the disciples and they had a chance to see what he did. After His death and…
20 Apr 2023
And after Easter, then what? Acts 13:30-43 gives an account of what Paul and Barnabas experienced and did after the resurrection. They shared the good news and spoke about their experiences. They also ministered to…
19 Apr 2023
Therefore, may we celebrate Easter with understanding. May we use the word of God to help us understand what Easter means to us and may we also see the benefits of Easter and hence its…
18 Apr 2023
Christ’s coming, death and resurrection reflects our journey of life. We have the benefit of His investment in our lives. There are gifts He has placed in us for service and for the glorification of…
17 Apr 2023
For those who meet the condition mentioned in Ephesians 1:13, the benefit spoken of in Ephesians 1:18-20 and Ephesians 2:6 follows. Being seated with Christ in heavenly places means that one has the power to…
14 Apr 2023
The Lord appeared to the disciples to encourage them. The signs and wonders were also to show them what they should do. John 14:12 and John 20:30. What has the Lord done through you? What…
13 Apr 2023
Imagine what Mary felt in John 20:10-18, when she finally saw the risen Lord. Or the other disciples for that matter as narrated in the rest of chapters 20 and 21 of the gospel of…
12 Apr 2023
Peter’s reaction in Matthew 16:22 shows that the disciples were nor prepared for the death of the Saviour. John 20:1-9 also illustrates that they were also not prepared for His resurrection, despite Him telling them…
11 Apr 2023
Jesus had prepared the disciples for His death and resurrection, but it was a hard pill to swallow for them. Amidst all the miracles and other events, they must have struggled to envision how life…
06 Apr 2023
How many Easters have you celebrated? Why should this one be any different? Maybe the circumstances you are going through are new. Or maybe not. May the significance of Christ’s experience and what it means…
05 Apr 2023
We serve a mighty God. His greatness is unfathomable. Yet this magnificent God loves us so much, that He gave up His own son, so that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life. John…
04 Apr 2023
Christ’s death and resurrection was meant to restore the broken relationship between man and God. Redemption of man is close to God’s heart. May the significance of that love not be lost on us. We…
03 Apr 2023
Jehovah spoke to the mountains and hills of Israel which had been ravaged by their enemies and had become desolate to become fruitful and habitable. May He have mercy on us and restore those areas…
21 Mar 2023
May we therefore trust God to help us and may our gifts be nurtured for His use. The staff we read about became God’s staff and Moses grew in understanding. He allowed God to work…
30 Mar 2023
The staff in the hand of Moses was an ordinary staff. The Lord’s anointing is what enabled it to do extraordinary things. May the Lord anoint whatever He has placed in our hands for His…
29 Mar 2023
With the help of God, identify the gift He has placed in you and develop it so that He can use it later to bring glory to Himself. Also take time to pray and develop…
28 Mar 2023
Jesus directed Peter to a fish to get resources to pay taxes. Jehovah is mighty. His grace is sufficient. May we be where He wants us to be. There is nothing that is too difficult…