Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

28 Sept 2021

For Saul and Israel, victory over Amalek was assured. All Saul needed to do was follow God’s instructions. He did, but not 100%. May we learn from his mistake. And may the Lord give us…

27 Sept 2021

When we move away from God, we make decisions based on our understanding. Soon after we start believing the wrong decisions we make and they seem like truth to us. 1 Samuel 15:1-34…

24 Sept 2021

The chief priests and the Sanhedrin needed to fabricate evidence to have Jesus convicted. How hard it must have been for Jesus to endure the humiliation, beatings and false accusations, yet He bore it all…

23 Sept 2021

Our plans are not as detailed as God’s are and because we don’t operate in His time and we are not like He is, our plans are not based on the eternal perspective. Peter wanted…

22 Sept 2021

In Matthew 26:35, Peter assured Jesus that he would never disown Him, even if it meant dying for Him. In the same chapter from verse 69 to 75, Peter denied Jesus thrice. But the Lord…

21 Sept 2021

I woke up with gratitude in my heart to God. I’m grateful for His mercy and love towards us. He has given us life and promised us eternal life. He forgives us and restores us…

20 Sept 2021

We may desire to prosper, but let us remember the admonition in Psalm 49:1-20. May our focus be the Lord and may we remember that only faith in Him guarantees eternal life…

17 Sept 2021

Are you listening for the voice of God? Are you determined to hear Him? He sees the desire of our hearts and honours earnest prayers. Samuel followed Eli’s guidance and waited on God, and he…

16 Sept 2021

To hear from God consistently, let us make an effort to remain connected to Him. Then we shall flourish, just like Psalm 1:1-3 and John 15:1-8 illustrate…

15 Sept 2021

Hearing what God is saying comes by discipline and practice. Even seasoned preachers can miss the voice of God. Rebellion is one sure way of missing the voice of God. Ezekiel 20:8…

14 Sept 2021

Am I doing what the Lord expects me to do where He expects me to do it? Am I involved in things He has not asked me to do or whose season has passed? What…

13 Sept 2021

Being co-creators, we may sometimes try playing God when we want to have our way, just like prophet Jonah. He disliked the people of Nineveh and judged them, yet the Father wanted to save them…

10 Sept 2021

Romans 12:14-21 goes on to challenge us to step out beyond what the ordinary person would do, beyond our comfort zone. There is sufficient grace for this, for God’s power is made perfect in weakness…

09 Sept 2021

If we are humble and teachable and we trust Jehovah, then there are some basic truths we must uphold if we are to good students who are a reflection of Him in whom we trust…

08 Sept 2021

Humility and trust make us teachable. Humility helps us accept what we are being told or taught and we accept it because we trust the source of knowledge. For Romans 12:1-8 to be possible, it…

07 Sept 2021

There is that we desire to do, but it may not necessarily be what God wants us to do. The critical thing is to be where God wants us to be, doing what He wants…

06 Sept 2021

Many of us are facing the second half of our lives or are already in it and sometimes we may be uncertain about the future. Yet, the Lord has been faithful in the past and…

Let us not forget that we are fortunate to serve Jehovah who avails help and grace towards this great task of surrender and non-conformity to the world. Faith in God gives us access to His…

02 Sept 2021

Offering our lives as a holy and living sacrifice and not operating as the world does also means doing our best to conform to what the word of God says in Ephesians 4:25-32…

01 Sept 2021

Ephesians 4:17-24 expounds what Paul challenged the Romans to do in chapter 12 verse 1 and 2. When the world looks at us, are we different? What I the condition of our hearts? What do…

31 Aug 2021

Knowing what we know about the Lord’s unsearchable wisdom, knowledge and power, let us then do what Romans 12:1-2 says. That should be our response to Him and to His unfailing love for us…

30 Aug 2021

The fact that we cannot figure God out means that we ought to trust Him fully if we decide to follow Him. He is the possessor of absolute power and wisdom, the source of all…

27 Aug 2021

May we settle it in our minds that Jehovah loves us more than anyone ever could. May we also accept, that He is more than enough, He is what we need. It sounds simplistic, but…

26 Aug 2021

Head knowledge is good, but it is limited. May we desire personal experiences with God that go beyond head knowledge. May we be convinced of God’s majesty and may we be witnesses of the same…

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