Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

22 Oct 2021

As we wait on God may we not forget that He has a proven track record. There is enough evidence in our lives and our midst to suggest that He is able, loving, caring faithful…

21 Oct 2021

David was the anointed of the Lord, yet he was not immune to challenges. He was hunted by Saul and he also faced rebellion from Absalom. May we remember to seek God at all times…

19 Oct 2021

We are recipients of God’s love. He requires that we in turn love others. Even as we reflect on His goodness towards us, may we extend His love to those around us. Romans 13:8-10…

18 Oct 2021

Heavenly Father, we thank You for being our Lord. When we look back at our lives and also look at those around us, we see evidence of Your goodness and love. You are a faithful…

15 Oct 2021

May we not be scared or ashamed of acknowledging that we belong to God. Let us be proud of Him, ourselves and of that fact. Knowing Him more and more will also boost our confidence…

14 Oct 2021

Despite all the expectations others have of us, the Lord loves us and values us to a point where He knows the hairs on our heads. He knows our strengths and weaknesses, our pain and…

13 Oct 2021

Some people are motivated to move in a desired direction by fear of the consequences of doing the opposite. Whatever the case, I pray that the fear of God and of eternal damnation will motivate…

12 Oct 2021

How do we relate with those we live and work with? What do we discuss with them? If what we share were to be revealed, would it glorify God? Luke 12:1-3…

08 Oct 2021

Our best bet as children of God is to keep calling on the Lord. He is merciful and gracious. Whatever we may be going through, let us keep close to Him. In good times He…

07 Oct 2021

When the Lord is angry with us His children, we have every reason to be very worried. In Lamentations 3:43-54, Jeremiah paints a very grim picture of how it is when the Lord is silent…

06 Oct 2021

Let us also examine ourselves and repent. The Lord sees us and knows us. He loves us and He is also just. He will hold us accountable for our actions. Lamentations 3:34-42…

05 Oct 2021

The critical thing is to put our hope in Jehovah at all times, even when we are tempted to give up in difficult times. When things are working out and we are content, let us…

04 Oct 2021

The Lord is merciful. Even in anger, He will show mercy to those He loves. He knows where we are hurting and sees our struggles. His love endures forever. Lamentations 3:1-24…

01 Oct 2021

My prayer is that I will feel secure enough in God to totally surrender to His will for me. May I willingly let go and allow Him to have His way. It is not easy…

30 Sept 2021

Israel had desired a king like their neighbours and they pleaded with God for one. Saul was anointed as king. Tall, strong and handsome, he fitted the bill especially by human standards. But stubbornness and…

29 Sept 2021

Saul defended his actions in 1 Samuel 15:15 and 20, before finally confessing in verse 24. Do we see our mistakes and confess or are we defensive? May we be quick to discern…

28 Sept 2021

For Saul and Israel, victory over Amalek was assured. All Saul needed to do was follow God’s instructions. He did, but not 100%. May we learn from his mistake. And may the Lord give us…

27 Sept 2021

When we move away from God, we make decisions based on our understanding. Soon after we start believing the wrong decisions we make and they seem like truth to us. 1 Samuel 15:1-34…

24 Sept 2021

The chief priests and the Sanhedrin needed to fabricate evidence to have Jesus convicted. How hard it must have been for Jesus to endure the humiliation, beatings and false accusations, yet He bore it all…

23 Sept 2021

Our plans are not as detailed as God’s are and because we don’t operate in His time and we are not like He is, our plans are not based on the eternal perspective. Peter wanted…

22 Sept 2021

In Matthew 26:35, Peter assured Jesus that he would never disown Him, even if it meant dying for Him. In the same chapter from verse 69 to 75, Peter denied Jesus thrice. But the Lord…

21 Sept 2021

I woke up with gratitude in my heart to God. I’m grateful for His mercy and love towards us. He has given us life and promised us eternal life. He forgives us and restores us…

20 Sept 2021

We may desire to prosper, but let us remember the admonition in Psalm 49:1-20. May our focus be the Lord and may we remember that only faith in Him guarantees eternal life…

17 Sept 2021

Are you listening for the voice of God? Are you determined to hear Him? He sees the desire of our hearts and honours earnest prayers. Samuel followed Eli’s guidance and waited on God, and he…

16 Sept 2021

To hear from God consistently, let us make an effort to remain connected to Him. Then we shall flourish, just like Psalm 1:1-3 and John 15:1-8 illustrate…

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