Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

10 Aug 2021

What is my focus as I live my life? What preoccupies me most? What drives me on a daily basis? Is it the quest for success? Is it my relationship with God? I trust easily…

09 Aug 2021

I woke up praising the Lord and glorifying Gis holy name despite my circumstances. I woke up with a song of praise in my heart. The Lord knows everything concerning me and He is my…

05 Aug 2021

Romans 1:28-32 sums up the challenges humanity faces today. Greed and depravity of the mind as described here places a mirror in front of humans today. We can see that what was described by Paul…

05 Aug 2021

Our relationship with God is not based on a 50/50 ratio. He is the Almighty God, the Creator of the universe. But man decided to get wise and took the Creator for granted. Funny thing…

04 Aug 2021

There is good reason for us to be worried about the consequences of ignoring the call of God and His love for us. Preachers of the word of God tirelessly share it so that all…

03 Aug 2021

The gospel assures us of righteousness by faith. There is reason to be proud of it. Romans 1:17…

02 Aug 2021

I’m asking myself what it means to be proud of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What does that entail? Romans 1:16…

30 Jul 2021

So brethren, as mentioned in Malachi 3:16-18, let us talk with one another, because we serve Jehovah who listens. Let us honour His name. Let us agree to worship Him not only in song, but…

29 Jul 2021

Some may we feel aggrieved because they have tried serving God faithfully, yet they suffer while the wicked prosper or seem to prosper. Being servants of God comes with its own challenges. Malachi 3:13-15. But…

28 Jul 2021

Apart from spiritual leaders who are formally trained and appointed to serve the Lord, we are all priests by virtue of having spiritual dependants the Lord has placed under our care: our spouses, children, etc…

27 Jul 2021

Unconfessed sin displeases the Lord. If there is anything that would anger Him, let us be sure to talk to Him about it and repent. He is merciful. He will protect us, instruct us and…

26 Jul 2021

I have just been reminded that our God has no peers. There is no one like Him. He is loving and gracious and He deserves our praise and worship because of who He is and…

23 Jul 2021

In our quest for spiritual growth, there are some habits we have to trust God to overcome, because they could destroy us. In 1 Kings 21:1-19, we see a character trait of Ahab that destroyed…

22 Jul 2021

In 1 Kings 20:31-43, Ahab blundered after the Lord had given him victory over a powerful enemy. This happened because Ahab didn’t have a consistent walk with God and did not know what was expected…

21 Jul 2021

1 Kings 20:15-30 shows us that Ahab actually listened to God’s counsel and implemented what the Lord told him. May we not only follow God’s guidance when it suits us or when we are facing…

19 Jul 2021

Being a child of God is something special, because Jehovah is mighty and He is also a covenant keeper. King Ahab was one of the most wicked kings of Israel, yet the Lord promised to…

16 Jul 2021

And if there are any generational issues that need to be broken or altered, may the Lord come through for us. And may we also be conscious of those the Lord has placed under us…

15 Jul 2021

There may be complex solutions to the challenges that surround us, but may I suggest that we appropriate childlike faith and focus on God. Let us take time to just worship Jehovah and allow Him…

14 Jul 2021

May we also never forget that we serve a merciful God. We fall short of His glory, yet He does not punish us like we deserve to be punished. When we call unto Him, He…

13 Jul 2021

Even when we are hard pressed by the circumstances we find ourselves in, let us not get desperate to the point where we are willing to do anything to overcome. May we trust that Jehovah…

12 Jul 2021

Just in case you had forgotten or needed to remind someone, the Lord detests child sacrifice, divination, interpretation of omens, witchcraft, casting spells and consulting the dead. People sometimes engage in such acts to know…

09 Jul 2021

Imagine one thing that really pleases the Lord is a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart He will not despise. That will enable Him to mould us and work through us to do His…

08 Jul 2021

And as the Lord restores to us the joy of salvation and gives us a willing spirit to sustain us, may we teach transgressors His ways and declare His praises. May we sing of His…

07Jul 2021

The Lord is merciful and is willing to restore us whenever we turn back to Him in sincere repentance. May we desire to always have a willing spirit towards Jehovah. The Lord desires a close…

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