28 May 2021
What is it that you desire? Enquire about it and check if it is God’s will concerning you, then act accordingly. He created us and sustains us. He knows what’s best for us. Psalm 68:19-20…
27 May 2021
Abimelech’s uncontrollable zest for conquest led him to employ poor military strategy that led to his death. Could it also be that he was not a skilled warrior? May we not be blinded by a…
26 May 2021
Concerning the fate of Abimelech, your guess is as good as mine. He governed Israel for 3 years and was then killed when a millstone was dropped on his head. This ruthless and power hungry…
25 May 2021
Abimelech was Gideon’s son he had with a lady from Canaan. He wanted to be king so badly, that he went to his mother’s people to rally support for a position that was reserved for…
24 May 2021
What is it that you desire so much? What lengths would you go to to acquire it? Is it in God’s will for your life? Please read Judges 9:1-21…
21 May 2021
The people of Nineveh had been so wicked, that Jonah fled rather than confront them with God’s message. Yet, when they heard Jonah, they obeyed immediately. We are sometimes so fearful for no reason, yet…
20 May 2021
Did Jonah opt to be thrown overboard due to his concern for the crew or was he still keen on avoiding God’s assignment? Bottom line is that he called on God and He was merciful…
19 May 2021
In Jonah 1:13-16, the men pitied Jonah and decided to keep him on board. Things got worse. They then cried out to God and asked for mercy. They realised only He could help them…
18 May 2021
Jonah knew why the calamity had come upon them and he confessed. He did not let pride get in the way. He was willing to be thrown overboard to save the situation. He considered his…
17 May 2021
In the midst of the storm, Jonah was woken up and asked to cry out to his God for mercy. Even the crew, who were not Christians, were so desperate that they were willing to…
13 May 2021
The fear of God endears us to Him. He becomes our hope and salvation and a source of encouragement, even in difficult times. May we not loose hope. Psalm 43…
12 May 2021
When we allow the Lord room to operate in our lives and in our midst, His presence ministers in different ways to us. Even His protection becomes our portion. Psalm 36:10-12…
11 May 2021
When the fear of the Lord increases, lust, selfishness and pride reduce in the hearts of people and more room is created for His love. The benefits of His love are endless. Psalm 36:5-9…
10 May 2021
May we not give up praying for an increase in the fear of God in our country. This will create the awareness of the wickedness that surrounds us and will cause us to hate pride…
06 May 2021
More often than not, the Lord may make you face your fears so that His name is glorified. May we be courageous enough to trust Him if He does it. May fear not cause us…
05 May 2021
And there are those the Lord will send your way for ministry and encouragement despite the challenges you are facing. Allow Him to work through you. Take their petitions to God. Elijah initially felt that…
04 May 2021
During his flight, Elijah was fearful, but the Lord still used him to bless the widow of Zarephath. May we find favour with God even in the midst of our challenges. May we be open…
03 May 2021
Elijah the prophet was sent to confront wickedness. He spoke against King Ahab and his wife Jezebel. He had to flee and hide to preserve his life. 1 Kings 17:1-6…
30 Apr 2021
The Lord replaced the tablets Moses had broken in anger. He knows we have weaknesses, that we are fallible. May we go back to Him in sincerity seeking His help in dealing with them and…
29 Apr 2021
Moses probably understood the enormity of his assignment and therefore requested to see God’s glory. The Lord honoured that request. He valued His partner in the assignment, i.e. Moses. The Lord values you. What is…
23 Apr 2021
So no amount of distraction should divert us from His promises. HIS promises, not our idea of what the promises are. That focus should then eliminate worry. Lastly, may we prioritise Him and allow Him…
22 Apr 2021
Standing on the promises of God is a skill we need to develop as Christians. The understanding that God’s timing is dependent on His sovereignty is something we ought to learn to accept. This should…
21 Apr 2021
I choose to trust God because He is the Almighty God. I have seen His faithfulness and loving kindness throughout many generations. His wrath notwithstanding, He is gracious and kind. I praise Him for His…
20 Apr 2021
Due to the love of the Lord, I purpose not to focus my attention on evildoers. I pray for them, but I trust in the Lord for protection. May I continue to be a recipient…
19 Apr 2021
The love of the Lord is exemplary. It is deeper than the deepest ocean. His faithfulness is beyond measure. We serve a righteous God who is full of wisdom. He is a provider and is…