11 Dec 2020
So let us seek the Lord and desire to experience Him. May He relent and hear our cries of intercession for ourselves, our families, the church and the nation. May He also give us the…
10 Dec 2020
As we purpose to focus on our walk with God and to esteem Him above all things, may we also desire understanding like Daniel. I pray that the Lord would give us understanding of the…
09 Dec 2020
So let us fear the Lord. One can also replace the word fear with honour. Let us esteem Him above all else in our lives. That way, we allow Him to do His will. The…
08 Dec 2020
Our responsibility is to continue focusing on our walk with the Lord. We sometimes get too consumed with what others are doing, especially the wicked. Let us trust that He is able to deal with…
07 Dec 2020
Even in the most unlikely circumstances God honours those who have faith in His name. Psalm 11:1-4 says that even when the foundations are shaken and all looks hopeless, the Lord is still on His…
04 Dec 2020
And as we intercede for others and stand in the gap, may the Lord have mercy on is and visit us in a powerful way. May He minister to us and to those we are…
03 Dec 2020
May we also have the grace to intercede for others even as we enjoy being in God’s presence. The Holy Spirit does a good job of showing people how and when to do this. May…
02 Dec 2020
May worshipping God not be a duty to us. May it be something we desire to do regularly. Jehovah is a relational God. He desires our fellowship and worship. May it be sincere and emanate…
01 Dec 2020
We are living in challenging times and this calls for a lifestyle of faith. As long as the Lord gives us breath may we purpose to seek Him and walk with Him. We may not…
30 Nov 2020
What is the Lord doing in you, through you or around you? Take time and ponder this if you haven’t already. How does He want you to respond? Talk to Him about it and trust…
27 Nov 2020
In summary: the Lord acknowledges the work that we do for His glory: Hebrews 6:9-10. As we purpose to operate in His will, let us focus more on being in relationship with Him. He is…
26 Nov 2020
Understanding that we are all different and play different roles in the body of Christ is key to helping us appreciate one another. As we are all led by the Holy Spirit we shall all…
25 Nov 2020
A mind that’s renewed by the Lord will enable us to be humble and to think of ourselves like He wants us to. We will be able to make humble judgement about who we are…
24 Nov 2020
And as we purpose to do that which He has created us to do due to His love for us, may it dawn on us that there is a method to it. We cannot achieve…
23 Nov 2020
God loves mankind, hence the lengths He goes to, to draw us unto Himself. It is not dependent on what we do. But our actions can please Him. As we are led of Him, may…
20 Nov 2020
In Luke 12:49-53, Jesus warned that deciding to live for Him would bring contention to His followers. He foresaw the challenges that decision would cause. May we choose Him and purpose to live for Him…
19 Nov 2020
Gifted people live under the pressure of expectation. People expect more from them and it comes as no surprise when more is demanded of them. Let us not be caught off guard when responsibility increases…
18 Nov 2020
Faithfulness is a virtue that God honours. Amidst all that is going on around and in us, let us trust Him to help us remain faithful to Him and His word. May this translate into…
17 Nov 2020
The right attitude will also help us to focus on God and what He wants us to learn as we go through difficult times. He still wants to use our gifts even during tough times…
16 Nov 2020
Another week starts, we get back to our daily routine. Should it be the same old back to the grind story? For us, no. We should try and always prepare for Christ’s coming. I hope…
13 Nov 2020
And as we have impact for the Lord’s glory, may we also have faith that He will take care of us. May worry for our provision not consume us. He sees, He knows, He cares…
12 Nov 2020
There are those who will be endowed with material riches, and that is fine. The issue is not to make them the object of worship and to understand what their purpose is. The same applies…
11 Nov 2020
And as we purpose to serve those God has placed around us, may we tap into His abundant grace so as to be effective. Like Psalm 49 says, let us not fear challenges nor adore…
10 Nov 2020
We all have a sphere of influence, a space the Lord has allowed us to have impact. May we behave responsibly in that space, in accordance with God’s will for the glory of God and…
09 Nov 2020
What does the new week have in store for me? I’m not sure. How will things work out? I don’t know. But one thing I do know is that the Almighty God is capable of…