Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

20 Jul 2020

As we enter the new normal, let us consider a few tips to help us operate in the current circumstances. Paul shares some valuable ones with the Colossians in chapter 4 verse 2-6. Prayer, watchfulness…

17 Jul 2020

My circumstances may differ from yours, but we are generally confronted with challenges that seem impossible to deal with. We all get to the point where we don’t know what to do about certain situations…

16 Jul 2020

Galatians 6:1-8 shares some crucial advice on journeying through turbulent times. There is a place for community support as we help one another during such times. There is also the place of individual responsibility. I…

15 Jul 2020

Our trust in God will help us to grow in our walk with Him. Our dependence on Him will hopefully help us walk this journey of life with our eyes fixed on Him and our…

14 Jul 2020

Our conviction that God loves us no matter what we are going through is critical. Our understanding that our relationship with Him is of utmost importance to Him will stop us from losing hope in…

10 Jul 2020

As the world grapples with this pandemic of Covid-19 and the other challenges, God is still on the throne. What are our greatest fears? What keeps us up at night? Those are the areas we…

09 Jul 2020

To discover His will or purpose for us, our focus must also move from what He does or can do for us to what He is revealing to us about Himself and His will. That…

08 Jul 2020

While taking stock of the faithfulness of God in your life, I hope another issue will stand out; and that is the fact that God does not change. Circumstances may change, but He remains the…

07 Jul 2020

As we go through the process, whatever it may be, please take time to take stock of what God has done for you. I am sure you will have reason to thank Him for His…

06 Jul 2020

There is a tendency to want to figure things out in an instant; solution pap! Things don’t always work like that. That attitude can lead down a treacherous path. It shows a great level of…

03 Jul 2020

And in the new season, let us not forget that we have a loving God behind us, one we can approach and also depend on. One whose ways are higher than ours, but who understands…

02 Jul 2020

One sure way to navigate the new season ahead is to fix our eyes on Jesus to avoid being distracted and losing hope as Hebrews 12:2 instructs us to do. This will help us overcome…

01 Jul 2020

There will be challenges in the new season, but the Lord will avail grace to persevere and overcome them. Let the joy of the new season help you to overcome any pain. Don’t allow the…

30 Jun 2020

Going into the new season before you, please meditate on the words of Hebrews 12:1-2. We need to be at the place where we avoid distractions and set our eyes on God even as He…

29 Jun 2020

Deuteronomy 6:10-15 is a portion of scripture we are most likely very familiar with. Long before the children of Israel entered to promised land God had promised them, He started preparing them for it. Are…

25 Jun 2020

As we seek the Lord and as He works on us individually, let us not forget that our lives impact others. If we walk in divine purpose others will be blessed. In 2 Chronicles 7:11-14…

24 Jun 2020

In such trying times, I hope we will always remember the encouragement Paul gave to the Thessalonians in his first letter to them in chapter 5 verse 16-18. Let us be joyful, pray continuously and…

23 Jun 2020

Back to the story of the men who lost their wives and had to raise children; one thing they all said is they can’t completely explain how they have managed to get to where they…

22 Jun 2020

I watched a very moving documentary on men who had lost their wives and have struggled to raise their kids. For some it has been over 20 years! My initial reaction was deep sadness as…

19 Jun 2020

In verse 40-44 of Matthew 21, we see the bigger consequence of the tenants’ rejection of the landowner: it amounted to rejecting God. That has an effect on whoever does it. It comes back to…

18 Jun 2020

The tenants killed the numerous servants sent to them by the master, they even killed His Son. Why didn’t they heed the message of the servants and the Son? Are we receiving messages from God…

17 Jun 2020

The owner of the vineyard was so concerned about His tenants and the produce of their toil that He kept sending servants to check on them and collect what was owed to Him. What does…

16 Jun 2020

For the tenants in Matthew 21:33-46, the primary focus was their occupation, farming, and securing their lives on that property, hence their refusal to share the produce. They also probably wanted to keep the entire…

15 Jun 2020

When Jesus walked the face of the earth, life did not stop. People were busy getting on with their lives. Many did not realise He was the Saviour who had come to reconcile them to…

12 Jun 2020

I can’t seem to get over the importance of being connected to the true vine as mentioned in John 15:5-8. That connection determines everything else, e.g. who we are, what we live for, how we…

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