Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

07 May 2020

Moments of turbulence should motivate us to seek God earnestly. Moments of peace should remind us to desire a closer walk with God. An intimate relationship with the Saviour will ensure we hear Him clearly…

06 May 2020

One thing that this period of restoration has reminded me of is that God is faithful. Even in His wrath, He remembers mercy. There has been so much pain and suffering, but He has still…

05 May 2020

Do not harden your heart if the Lord reaches out to you concerning something, especially at such a time as this. There are some who will not be moved even when the move of God…

04 May 2020

I woke up with thanksgiving in my heart. Even as we pray concerning all that is happening around us, just take a moment to praise God and to thank Him for who He is and…

29 Apr 2020

What causes me to praise God in the midst of a storm, to have faith and be positive when things look so bleak? It is knowing the God that I serve. It is knowing what…

28 Apr 2020

Psalm 32 ministered to me this morning. We have petitioned, confessed, been distressed and burdened. Now, a new dawn has come. These experiences and the work the Lord is doing will cause us to look…

27 Apr 2020

In Matthew 4:1-11, we learn that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert fasting. Over and above that, the devil tempted Him. But when He emerged from that season, He started His ministry as seen…

24 Apr 2020

It is my hope and prayer that I develop a more consistent attitude of hearing God and understanding what His will is in the different circumstances I find myself in; that I understand life is…

23 Apr 2020

Allowing God to do His will in our lives especially during tough times is critical to us seeing what He is accomplishing under the circumstances. What if Daniel had bowed down to the image of…

22 Apr 2020

We are smack in the middle of a pandemic that is shaking the whole world. For many who have lost loved ones, jobs, property, etc, we may be shaken and not sure what the future…

21 Apr 2020

We don’t serve a mean God who is always looking for an opportunity to inflict pain. Even in times of uncertainty, He gives reassurance and grace. What season is He taking you through? How are…

20 Apr 2020

In John 8:48-59, Jesus had a conversation with some Jews that got them angry to the point that they wanted to stone Him. He stated that He was eternal, that He knew the Father, that…

17 Apr 2020

The interesting thing is that I may decide to do something which feels right, without thinking about the motivation that drove me to do it. And I might have a reason to back up my…

16 Apr 2020

After Moses had served as leader, the Lord allowed Joshua to lead Israel into Canaan. He died at the age of 110 and there was nobody left who had personally experienced the exodus from Egypt…

15 Apr 2020

My mindset after Easter and in the midst of all that the world is going through can be summed up in the words of Job 19:25. It may have been an Easter like no other…

14 Apr 2020

So what is your mindset as you emerge from the Easter weekend? Please take time to reflect and then purpose how you will move forward. As for me and my house, Job 42:1-6 will be…

09 Apr 2020

The rebellious nature of God’s children as described in Deuteronomy 31:1-29 is the backdrop for God sending the Messiah to die as an atonement for the sins of mankind. Aren’t we fortunate that Christ came…

08 Apr 2020

The temple of the Lord was built following very particular guidelines, meaning it was very valuable to God and to His people. Yet, in Ezekiel 24:20-21, He says He will destroy it. What impact did…

07 Apr 2020

As we continue watching and praying during this season, may we purpose to adopt the attitude of Ezekiel in chapter 24:15-27. He underwent excruciating grief but still obeyed God, so that God’s children would learn…

06 Apr 2020

Is the Lord prompting you to do something for those around you? What is your response? In Esther 2:19-23 and 4:12-17, a few people decided to respond to the call to action, key among them…

03 Apr 2020

We are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God. We also have intelligence and reasoning capabilities that can only have come from Him, yet there are so many things we cannot figure out…

02 Apr 2020

This Corona story and our response to it reminds me of the story or Stephen in Acts 6:8-7:60. He was summoned by the Sanhedrin to defend his faith. Instead of defending himself, he gave a…

01 Apr 2020

What is it that the Lord needs to deliver us from? Is it covid-19 and the restrictions that come with it, or self righteousness, or spiritual dryness, or a rebellious spirit, or unbelief, or poverty…

31 Mar2020

Even under the circumstances at hand we must purpose to reflect God and all He stands for. If we give up and cease being God’s ambassadors, then we will have failed Him, the one we…

30 Mar 2020

Do you feel overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding you? The question then is what sort of foundation stone is your life built on? If it is built on your successes or dreams, then your life…

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