Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

09 Apr 2020

The rebellious nature of God’s children as described in Deuteronomy 31:1-29 is the backdrop for God sending the Messiah to die as an atonement for the sins of mankind. Aren’t we fortunate that Christ came…

08 Apr 2020

The temple of the Lord was built following very particular guidelines, meaning it was very valuable to God and to His people. Yet, in Ezekiel 24:20-21, He says He will destroy it. What impact did…

07 Apr 2020

As we continue watching and praying during this season, may we purpose to adopt the attitude of Ezekiel in chapter 24:15-27. He underwent excruciating grief but still obeyed God, so that God’s children would learn…

06 Apr 2020

Is the Lord prompting you to do something for those around you? What is your response? In Esther 2:19-23 and 4:12-17, a few people decided to respond to the call to action, key among them…

03 Apr 2020

We are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God. We also have intelligence and reasoning capabilities that can only have come from Him, yet there are so many things we cannot figure out…

02 Apr 2020

This Corona story and our response to it reminds me of the story or Stephen in Acts 6:8-7:60. He was summoned by the Sanhedrin to defend his faith. Instead of defending himself, he gave a…

01 Apr 2020

What is it that the Lord needs to deliver us from? Is it covid-19 and the restrictions that come with it, or self righteousness, or spiritual dryness, or a rebellious spirit, or unbelief, or poverty…

31 Mar2020

Even under the circumstances at hand we must purpose to reflect God and all He stands for. If we give up and cease being God’s ambassadors, then we will have failed Him, the one we…

30 Mar 2020

Do you feel overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding you? The question then is what sort of foundation stone is your life built on? If it is built on your successes or dreams, then your life…

27 Mar 2020

The assurance that my life is in God’s hands gives me peace. Whether I go through a challenge or he allows me to experience difficulty to keep me humble and hungry for Him, I will…

26 Mar 2020

Now, how blest can one be? In 2 Kings 8:1-6, we encounter the woman whose son had been raised from the dead through Elisha. This time she needed her land restored back to her. As…

25 Mar 2020

That this pandemic is devastating even the most established nations baffles many and it shows us that sometimes, it doesn’t matter how established one is. On the other hand, if such nations cannot contain it…

24 Mar 2020

So we shall continue to have faith and to intercede, even as we await the physical manifestation of the victory of God over the plagues and challenges that confront us. We shall give thanks in…

23 Mar 2020

The task at hand for the government, citizens, security personnel and health care workers is no mean feat, considering the potency of the Corona virus. This thought made me become desperate before the Lord, because…

20 Mar 2020

It is one thing to call the body of Christ and the nation to repentance. It is another thing to determine how I will live as an individual going forward. A good example is found…

19 Mar 2020

So, in light of the situation we are in, how should I position myself as a child of God? What should my disposition be? My prayer is that the current circumstances would cause us as…

18 Mar 2020

In Exodus 17:1-7, the people of Israel had driven Moses to the wall with their complaints. Their faith had dwindled due to the hardships they experienced and they mumbled against God and wanted to return…

17 Mar 2020

The importance of being in God’s will and being a woman/man of faith who stands in the gap is seen in Genesis 18:16-33, where Abraham pleads for Sodom before its destruction. The fact that the…

16 Mar 2020

The concept of praying for one another or standing in the gap for others is not foreign. In Exodus 17:10-15, Moses lifted the staff of God in His hands as Joshua led the army in…

13 Mar 2020

It may not be easy under the circumstances you are in, but give thanks. Your heart may be heavy due to grief, fatigue, the many challenges you are facing, but give thanks. Where you are…

12 Mar 2020

The challenges we face can either be to build our character – James 1:2-4 – or an opportunity for God to be glorified, or a consequence of our sin. Whichever way, the role of our…

11 Mar 2020

Will there be challenges when I decide to live for Him? Of course there will be. But even then, He gives counsel on how we ought to live. He also assures us He will never…

10 Mar 2020

My response to our discussion therefore is to live for Him. If He loved me to the extent of giving up His only Son for me, then I will live for Him. I will not…

09 Mar 2020

Seeing that the greatest sacrifice was made for our sake, let us reflect on this a little. What does this mean for us? I therefore feel obliged to respond to that great deed. I need…

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