12 Nov 2019
One thing we underestimate is fellowship. It is not easy to host: it takes time, money and a lot of effort. But the result is joy, contentment, ministry to each other, holding each other accountable…
11 Nov 2019
It may not always seem like it, but the evidence of spiritual transformation should be seen in our lives because of Him who dwells in us. Galatians 2:20…
08 Nov 2019
Even as we journey through this world, our focus should be eternity. We need to get educated, work, raise families, etc. And as we do that, we should do it based on our divine purpose…
07 Nov 2019
But we have so many things that are troubling us: health issues, hard economic times, stress at work or in business, issues with children, etc. These don’t negate the reality of the Ancient of Days…
06 Nov 2019
There are enough troubles keeping us occupied and sometimes taking our focus away from the hope of eternal glory. Daniel 7:1-14 helps me put things into perspective. There is no kingdom that will outlive God’s…
05 Nov 2019
Psalm 98 assures all those who follow God that they will be victorious when He judges the earth. So all the “fuss” about how we ought to live is not in vain. May we be…
04 Nov 2019
So why all the fuss about how we should live, what we should do and not do? Revelations 22:7 and 12-17 answer that question in part. May we live life on earth with the hope…
01 Nov 2019
Romans 15:1-4 and 7 gives us valuable tips on how the remnant should coexist. We need to help one another and realise that we are not alone in this journey of life. The Lord is…
31 Oct 2019
Therefore, if we are a remnant, what should our focus be? We cannot afford to waste time, other resources and energy on irrelevant issues. Our focus should be on how to live for God and…
30 Oct 2019
Romans 11:1-10 depicts the plight of the Israelites who refused to abide in God’s will. He made them blind and deaf to what He was doing. The upsurge of evil in our midst shouldn’t surprise…
29 Oct 2019
Forgiveness is critical for mending relationships and restoring love. This then leads to peace of mind for the offender and the offended. This life has enough troubles and we do not need to add to…
28 Oct 2019
As we continue to pray for this nation let us not forget what the main focus should be; a change of heart and a renewed fear of God that helps us focus on His kingdom…
25 Oct 2019
Having endured so much pain as you went through the training God has taken you through, it would all be an effort in futility if you didn’t trust Him fully going forward. One common trait…
24 Oct 2019
Considering Moses had grown up in royalty, he must have been pretty knowledgeable and well exposed. Yet he chose to forget all he knew to follow Jehovah on a journey he was unsure about. That…
23 Oct 2019
Moses had a choice to make, either to surrender to God’s plan or to simply marvel at the burning bush, and continue living life the only way he knew. He decided to follow the path…
22 Oct 2019
My prayer for us today is that we would be reminded that Yahweh is the true God. In Exodus 3:1-6, Moses had his first profound encounter with God, and it was the beginning of a…
18 Oct 2019
The complex situation we find ourselves in is not too difficult for the God we serve. Amidst the chaos and confusion, we can still find rest in the Lord, because of His nature and purpose…
17 Oct 2019
And as we intercede for the nation, let us have faith that He will bless it. Judah went through a tough time and I’m sure the remnant prayed. The Lord delivered them and dealt with…
16 Oct 2019
And even as we pray for revival in the land, let us press in to be among the remnant. Those are the faithful who are consistent in seeking God and interceeding. We shouldn’t grow weary…
15 Oct 2019
My prayer for Kenyans is that Philippians 4:8 would be our default setting. Please join me in praying for this. I feel it will prepare us for what God has in store for Kenya…
14 Oct 2019
Kenya has received extraordinary favour in sports this past weekend. There have been other events in the recent past that also prove that God is doing something special here. May we pray that His purposes…
11 Oct 2019
Remorse comes about due to an attitude of brokenness and humility. Being totally convicted of our wrongdoing will make it easier for correction to occur. If the woman in Luke 7:36-50 hadn’t had this attitude…
09 Oct 2019
What’s our attitude towards God and His love for us? Do we take it for granted or are we like the woman in Luke 7:36-50? Has he cancelled a big or small “debt” for you?…
08 Oct 2019
God is merciful, but let’s not take that for granted. Being the apex of His creation, there are certain expectations He has of us. Consistency in matters faith is important and this is attainable through…
07 Oct 2019
For those keen on spending eternity with God, there are some truths that we need to ponder on. Firstly, flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s kingdom, because they are perishable, 1 Corinthians 15:50. Our focus…