2 Sep 2016
Consulting waganga exposes people to demons & this may lead to dangerous things-Ps 106:37. Demons oppress people. Let’s depend on Jehovah always Mt 4:24, 8:16…
1 Sep 2016
Pple tend to settle for less due to lack of knowledge or effort. The world offers many solutions to our problems but are they godly? Avoid “waganga” 2Pt2:1-16…
31 Aug 2016
As we sacrifice daily & prioritise issues in line with God’s requirements of us we’ll gradually become the vessels He’ll use to have impact in the world Mk8:34f…
30 Aug 2016
May we never get tired of seeking God. He created us & has the answers to all our issues. Those who seek Him continuously reflect Him more & more Mk8:34-38…
29 Aug 2016
May we learn to treasure the truth we keep learning. May it challenge us to allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives beyond Sunday Christian living Mt13:44…
27 Aug 2016
There are people who will rejoice & believe in Jehovah because of what they see in you. Jethro believed on account of what God did for Israel & Moses Ex18:11…
17 Aug 2016
Salvation also comes with its challenges. Due to the vast differences between the values of a Christian believer & the world, persecution is common 1Pt4:12-19…
16 Aug 2016
What’s the essence of salvation? It denotes a change from the old to the new. It implies a change in lifestyle from worldly to Christian living Eph4:17-32…
15 Aug 2016
The splendour of the King, robed in majesty, let all the earth rejoice. He wraps Himself in light, darkness hides & trembles at His voice. How great is God Jb8…
12 Aug 2016
How then does one respond to such an amazing act of kindness? The Lord of glory lay down His life as an atonement for sin, once for all. Consider this Jn3:1-21…
11 Aug 2016
Jesus’ words in Jn 19:30 mean that His mission to be the final sacrifice for sin was accomplished. Animal sacrifices are no longer needed. Phew!…
9 Aug 2016
The hope of the Christian believer should therefore generate excitement. His life on earth is temporary. There’s another life to come, a better one 1Cor15:50-58…
8 Aug 2016
How different should the life of a Christian believer be? What hope does a believer hang on to? Does Christ’s resurrection have a bearing on you? 1Cor15:1-23…
5 Aug 2016
The role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer is critical. He is the Counsellor, Helper, He empowers, convicts, reveals. Desire to know Him Jn16:5-15…
4 Aug 2016
The word of God represents God’s voice. He speaks to us a lot through it. The Holy Spirit empowers us to be effective in what God has called us to do Lk4:14-19…
3 Aug 2016
Be committed, creative & purposeful in meditating on & internalising the word of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the mind of God Dt11:18-21…
2 Aug 2016
The Lord didn’t speak much during the reign of the judges. We have the benefit of having his written word. How often & intensely do you interact with it 1Sam3:1…
1 Aug 2016
Are you in a position to hear God when He calls you? Are you a likely candidate? Are you too busy to hear Him? Do you have a mentor to help you? 1Sam3:1-14…
29 Jul 2016
Just like receiving salvation, one must have the desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit. What do you desire so much in life? Desire this just as much or more…
28 Jul 2016
And that prophecy came to pass. That “tiny” nation’s impact is felt the world over. The starting point was spreading the gospel with the Holy Ghost power Ac1:8…
28 Jul 2016
As we go through life, may we experience the power of God at work in our midst. May the consciousness of who God is not fade away. His Spirit reigns Nmb11:21-29…
26 Jul 2016
When Israel was destroyed, Isaiah prophecied that the Lord would raise her up & make her so fruitful, that the whole world would know Him coz of her Is27:6…
25 Jul 2016
Being filled with the knowledge of the will of God is one thing. Becoming fruitful as a result of what we know by God’s grace is another. Be fruitful Col1:9-14…
22 Jul 2016
Let’s consider remaining in God’s love by obeying His commands. His command is that we love each other. This will result in complete joy, fruitfulness Jn15:9-17…