16 Jun 2016
What sort of God do you worship? Mine is a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, tripartite God, healer, provider 1Tim6:11-16…
16 Jun 2016
What sort of God do you worship? Mine is a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, tripartite God, healer, provider 1Tim6:11-16…
15 Jun 2016
The events of the recent past in Kenya & abroad should make us reflect & pray as christians. Wickedness abounds & it seems to get worse by the day Dan9:1-19…
14 Jun 2016
May we soften our hearts & have the grace not to keep rejecting God when He reaches out to us for whatever reason. Let’s learn to yield to Him Mk12:1-12…
13 Jun 2016
God’s ultimate wish is our salvation & our growth in our Christian walk. He’ll keep trying to reach out to us. He’ll even use challenges to draw us in Mk12:1-12…
10 Jun 2016
Let’s fear the Lord & put our hope in Him no matter what circumstances surround us. It may look bleak. It is He who’ll deliver us. May His will be done Ps147:11…
10 Jun 2016
A sure way of ensuring that the challenges we face don’t overwhelm us is to always walk with God. Be committed to your Christian walk & He will abide Ac7:9-10…
10 Jun 2016
How firm is your faith in God in times of trouble? Do you believe in His ability to save even when the whole world seems like it is caving in around you? Ps 46…
10 Jun 2016
May our merciful God help us in difficult times, not because we deserve it, but rather for His name’s sake. May He be moved to intervene in our lives Rm9:14-24…
10 Jun 2016
May the Lord open our eyes, ears & hearts to understand His will for us & the circumstances we encounter. May this understanding guide our decisions Mt13:11-17…
3 Jun 2016
The challenges we face may be very great. This should make us rely on God & know that only He can deliver us from them. He provides grace in trials. 2 Cor1:8-11…
2 Jun 2016
God gives you comfort to persevere when you are going through challenges so that you in turn can comfort others who are suffering with the same comfort 2Cor1:4…
31 May 2016
The scripture should have been 2 cor1:3-11…
31 May 2016
Are you facing challenges? If you are may God give you comfort. The challenge may continue but may you get strength, encouragement & hope to overcome 2Cor1:3-11…
30 May 2016
Are you facing challenges? If you are may God give you comfort. The challenge may continue but may you get strength, encouragement & hope to overcome 1Cor1:3-11…
27 May 2016
Christ is faithful to His word. He shall return for His church during our lifetime or later. Are you faithful in preparing yourself & others? John did Lk3:1-15…
26 May 2016
Believe in God’s faithfulness even in difficult times. He knows what you’re going through. He also knows the plans He has for you. Persevere 2Thes1:3-12…
25 May 2016
Faithfulness to your calling is also seen in how you fulfill your purpose. What’s your purpose? How do you use your gifts to make other people better? 2Tim1:3-9…
24 May 2016
Make time for prayer on your busy schedule. Don’t do it as a routine. Make it a precious time to speak to the heavenly Father. Honour Him & adore Him Mt6:5-13…
23 May 2016
God sustains those who trust in Him. Those around them may experience favour, protection, love, provision & His presence. Be faithful to your calling 1Th3:6-13…
20 May 2016
God is merciful & He can forgive even the rebels. There’s a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. Sinners dipped there are cleansed Rm5:6-11…
19 May 2016
A consequence of rebellion is that God leaves the rebels to their own devices. He allows them to have their way. Such people can sink very low. Beware Jude 3-16…
18 May 2016
The Bible also warns us against rejecting God & His counsel. He has given us freedom to choose. Let’s revere Him & always seek to align to His will Hb12:25-29…
17 May 2016
Rebellion of any kind can make the Lord withdraw His presence from His people. He is kind & will warn them 1st. Is there anything you need to confess? 2Kgs17:23…