Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

6 Apr 2016

What duties has God entrusted to you? What are you responsible for? Why did He give you that duty? Are you doing it well? Who holds you accountable? 1Chr26:1-19…

5 Apr 2016

We may not always understand why we undergo affliction & pain, but we mustn’t relent trusting in God. Let’s keep our focus on Him & depend on His love Ps102…

30 Mar 2016

The prophecy of Dan8 & its partial fulfillment proves God’s existence & His plan. Do we really believe that? How are we living? Let’s not be foolish…

29 Mar 2016

Foolishness is lack of judgment, sense or understanding. Its consequences are dire. It starts with denying the existence of God through words or actions Ps14:1…

24 Mar 2016

And due to the Lord’s sacrifice on Calvary’s tree, all we need to do is recognise what He did for us, receive Him, confess Him & obey. He gave it all 2Sam5:17-25…

23 Mar 2016

The Lord is merciful and compassionate, abounding in love, especially towards His children. He should always be our first port of call at all times Jer48:47…

22 Mar 2016

The Lord wanted Moab destroyed because she misled Israel into idolatry & sin (worship of chemosh). What’s leading us Kenyans away from God? Sports? Jer48:11-30…

21 Mar 2016

I’ve been pulled out of a queue at a boarding gate at an airport twice for extra scrutiny coz I’m Kenyan. Are we handling God’s word carelessly? Jer48:10…

9 Mar 2016

The name of the Lord signifies His being, presence, reputation, character. For Christians, operating in God’s will guarantees being in His presence. Prov18:10…

8 Mar 2016

God’s design is the best for us & results in eternal life. We have a choice. May God never give up on us. May we never give up on ourselves Ro6:20-23…

7 Mar 2016

If we are going to partake of God’s glory, there are some sacrifices we’ll have to make. We must decide to live according to His design. Ask Him Ro6:13, 16, 19…

4 Mar 2016

What’s being blest? Is it having wealth, health, etc? Should our ultimate desire be to possess such things? Lord help us see Mt6:25-34, Ex33:17-23, 2Cor3:7-18…

3 Mar 2016

Trusting God & knowing Him might seem inconsequential, yet they are the key to a blessed life. They guarantee the Lord’s attention & covering always Ps9:10…

2 Mar 2016

Be in God’s will, seek Him, trust what He says, obey Him. He will take care of you & make His name great through you. Our missions differ 1Sam3:19-20, Jer15:1…

1 Mar 2016

Samuel rose to be the leader of Israel & later the advisor of 2 prominent kings. Would that have happened to him if Hannah hadn’t taken a step of faith? 1Sam3…

29 Feb 2016

Most of the time, God has already provided an answer to our requests that are aligned to His will. But we must act in faith to get the answer 1Sam1:9-2:11…

26 Feb 2016

Even the high & mighty undergo trials. Nobody is exempted. God can also use trials to glorify Himself. Don’t complain, just listen & obey Est4:9-17…

25 Feb 2016

Whose response to challenges should you emulate? Job 13:15, Job 2:9. God’s sacrifice for us & the blessings He bestows on us far outweigh the trials we endure…

24 Feb 2016

Though you go through challenges, do not be dismayed. God is able to deliver you. Children will learn a lot about character as they watch you 1Pt5:6-11…

23 Feb 2016

Let’s rejoice in the Lord always no matter what we are going through. We must also pray for our children. This will teach them valuable lessons Ps144…

22 Feb 2016

Apart from our walk with God, we are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring our children (spiritual & biological) follow us as we follow Christ Prov 22:6…

19 Feb 2016

Abiding in Christ as we live day to day will guarantee our growth in Him without which we remain infants, shaken by every challenge & lacking depth Ps3 & 4…

18 Feb 2016

Since we know the significance of Christ’s sacrifice for us & what a burden it has taken away from us, what should we do? What should our response be? 1Pet4:1-4…

17 Feb 2016

What’s your focus: gifts & sacrifices for cleansing from sin or faith in Christ’s sacrifice once for the redemption of mankind from sin & death? Hb8:3-4…

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