Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

16 Mar 2015

Those God made leaders in Israel e.g. Saul had different styles of leadership. But the success of each depended on his devotion to God not his position, age etc…

13 Mar 2015

As we accept Christ & surrender to Him & are ushered into the places He has designated for us, He takes over & works in & thro’ us no matter what Is58:8-12…

12 Mar 2015

Eph 2:6-7. Even as the gates are opened for the righteous, we should understand why it’s happening. Christ has made space for us to show forth His glory & grace…

11 Mar 2015

There may be challenges all around us, but we must trust the Lord is watching over us. He is even creating room for the righteous in the midst of it all. Is26:2…

10 Mar 2015

If we trust the Lord even in the midst of trials He will make us strong, reveal truth to us, cause us to be in right standing with Him & give us peace. Is26:1-4…

9 Mar 2015

Trust God in every situation. There are eternal reasons for temporary trials, so be thankful that your destiny is in God’s hands, not in human hands Dan3:16-30…

6 Mar 2015

What gift do you desire from the Lord? Is it aligned to His will for you? Take time, seek Him dilligently, hear Him & obey. Then ask & wait 2Chron1:7-17…

5 Mar 2015

Even as God reveals gifts He has placed in us, tap into His grace to let go of things that would hinder us from being the expressions He wants us to be Ps51…

4 Mar 2015

Take time to ask God to speak to you about your gifts: to reveal them to you & show you how to apply them. Then trust Him, listen & obey. Heb4:14-16, 6:13-20…

3 Mar 2015

Now that you know what you know about the role of gifts in the life of a christian, what will you do? Apart from being aware, what steps will you take Heb6:1-12…

2 Mar 2015

What’s your response once you discover a gift God has placed in you? Does your flesh arise or do you go back to God (the “Manufacturer”)? Seek Him 1Kgs12:25-33…

27 Feb 2015

Just like at a wedding gifts must be managed well so that their value is felt. Gifts also come with responsibility. Much is expected of a gifted person Mt3:10…

26 Feb 2015

The gifts God deposits in us are for specific purposes. May they be used in accordance with His will. May we not “sleep on the job”. Ex31:1-11, 35:30-36:2…

25 Feb 2015

God doesn’t change His mind about the call on my life no matter how badly I mess up! He considered my past, present & future. Don’t squander His gift Lk15:11-32…

24 Feb 2015

If I keep praying, reading, serving & hungering for God I’ll grow in Him & discover gifts He’s placed in me. He gives every good & perfect gift Rom8:32, Js1:17…

23 Feb 2015

God has placed gifts/talents in us which He then uses thro’ the power of the Holy Spirit to testify to us & others about Himself. Let’s shine for Him Phil2:1-18…

20 Feb 2015

The Spirit of truth will reveal truth to us which will bring about conviction that will make us do things that will testify to us & others about Christ Jn15:26…

19 Feb 2015

The Holy Spirit (the Spirit of truth) reveals truths to us that bring conviction. A convicted person does his/her best based on that conviction Jn14:16-17, 26…

18 Feb 2015

Actions based on conviction have great impact & are carried out with enthusiasm. Conviction based on revelation from God leads to a fruitful life Jn14:15-27…

17 Feb 2015

Do we realise how precious the gift of the Holy Spirit is? If we did we wouldnt rest until we received Him. We would also guard this gift jealously Acts10:37-48…

16 Feb 2015

God has given us a very important gift to help us live life in our divine purpose. The gift empowers, comforts, reveals & overcomes Acts1:4, 2:38-9, 10:15-18, Acts11:15-18…

13 Feb 2015

We might also encounter people who God uses to draw gifts out of us that we never knew we had or didn’t know how to utilise. Gifts show our value 2Tim1:6-14…

12 Feb 2015

As we grow & enter different seasons we discover different gifts that were in us but we hadn’t realized it. God’ll help us utilise them for His glory Rom12:6-8…

11 Feb 2015

Some gifts are inherent; we are born with them. These are hard to spot & can easily be overlooked. This leads to non-utilisation of these gifts Jn4:7-10…

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